Today Random Meows is a whole year old :)
On one hand it doesn't feel like an entire year has passed since I sat down and started exploring the blogging community. On the other, it feels like I've been writing my tales for you all forever. (Not in that "this has totally gotten old and stale" way either...)
Not so long ago when the boyfriend and I were celebrating our one year anniversary, we did something that I loved. Laying in bed one night we looked back over our year together and pointed out memories that we made each month. Since January is generally about saying goodbye to the past and moving forward, that's what I would like to do here.
Random Meows: A Year in Memories
January 2010
Random Meows was born with a tale of procrastination and turtle/ducks. We travelled back in time and learned about personal bubbles. I wrote about passion and shared my bucket list. Not too shabby for a start, eh?
February 2010
I gave up soda for Lent and took on the First Lady. We mused about what it would be like to be a guy for a day and the power of thought. From Pepsi to prayer, all in one month.
March 2010
I got up close and personal, we talked about tomatoes and how gross feet are. I gave Michael Strahan some dental advice and argued with the television during one of many bouts with the cold from hell. I also talked about getting older and my obsession with dirty songs. It was an informative month.
April 2010
I jumped on my soapbox and got REALLY personal. I became a groupie. I had an unorthodox Easter and shared my boyfriend application. We talked about Dr. Love, Top 9 Lists were born and I bashed on superheroes. The inner bitch was starting to emerge.
May 2010
We drooled over dream men and I had an allergic reaction. I hinted that I might want to be someone just a little more funky and told you about things that creep me out. I had some pillow talk and jumped back on the soapbox in the name of FREEDOM. Disney made an appearance and I argued with the T.V. some more. Chester Bennington and ferrets...it just doesn't get more diverse than that.
June 2010
We truffle-shuffled our way through the 90's and discovered Ja-Mexicans. I shared my favorite authors with you and missed out on Father's Day. We talked about people I love to hate and I shared my redneck tales. I also learned that I don't like grape vodka. Who knew?
July 2010
The boyfriend and I ran away for the 4th and I entered my candidacy for sainthood. My favorite funny guys made an appearance as well as a guy in a dress. I talked about aromatherapy and shared the fact that I'm a lush. Here's to the High Life, indeed.
August 2010
I gave you 28 years of knowledge while the boyfriend and I had a "Weird" birthday. I got my first gig as a freelance writer and shared my favorite desserts with you. I braved the triple digit temps and introduced Tips for 'Tards. We discovered that I am not, in fact, down with the sickness...nor do I like IT being what IT is.
September 2010
I took a trip to the E.R. and was exposed to more than just germs. The computer took a nose dive and I was MIA for a bit. Kotter brought me back just in time to take on the entire male species.
October 2010
The boyfriend and I celebrated our anniversary with the pornographic dancers. We planted flowers for my baby. Mike and Molly made their debut into our lives while I pondered illiteracy and gave you my favorite songs of all time. Aren't I the generous one?
November 2010
Medusa told us all about Halloween and I called the entertainment industry out on some of its 'Tards. The cold from hell came back and we saw T.V. favorites from my childhood. I sent kudos to my fellow bloggers and New Kids made a comeback. I gave thanks and cooked my first holiday meal for the boyfriend.
December 2010
I shared the greatest story ever told, parts one and two and made a holiday bazaar wish list. I contemplated running away and gave you a list of places I would go. We had loss and heartbreak. I gave relationship advice as only I can and shared some holiday nostalgia. Together we raced towards the end of 2010.
And now, on this alternately dreary and slightly sunny January day, I look back on 2010 with a smile of accomplishment. This blog and the writing that it has inspired and produced were the makings of the first New Year's resolution I've ever been able to keep for the entire year. Sure there were times I faltered or struggled, but week after week there was another post to prove to myself that I could, in fact, do this.
A huge thank you to all my readers. Without you, there would be no me. Well, there would, but I probably wouldn't still be online. Except maybe on Facebook...that thing is like crack.
I hope 2011 is as fruitful and rewarding as 2010 was...for all its ups and downs, I still came out on top last year. And in the end, that's all that really matters folks.
Until next time, Toodles!
Great competition to win tickets to see Linkin Park in Vegas and meet them :) http://bit.ly/ibEE61
ReplyDeleteHappy Blogiversary! Cheers to many more!