Welcome back folks! It's Friday which means it's time once again for the Weekend Top 9 list!
I'm hoping that after the heavy topic from yesterday I haven't scared all of my readers away. Especially since today's list is a little blast from the past and will hopefully bring a few smiles to your faces :)
One of the best memories I have from my childhood is our collection of Disney movies. Pretty sad, isn't it, that some of my best memories involve being parked in front of the TV? Anywho...back to the days of VHS tapes and the abnormally large plastic cases that Disney felt were necessary for their animated films. If I close my eyes and think back, I can picture the pseudo-wood movie cabinet with the glass door that held all of our VHS tapes, with the Disney movies holding their spot of prominence and taking up most of the top two shelves.
I think the thing my parents liked best about the Disney movies were that they were the only thing all 3 of us girls would sit down and do together and quietly. (Unless you count loudly singing along with EVERY song.) The only battle they had to break up was which one of us girls got to pick the movie. Since I was the oldest, I usually tried to take over negotiations without involving the parental units. However, more often than not, they intervened and it would default to whomever was putting up the biggest fit. Once the movie was playing, though, we all three would sit criss-cross-applesauce as close to the TV as we could get and watch completely enraptured.
So out of the goodness of my heart (which is just overflowing with goodness if you haven't noticed..hahaha) I give you the Top 9 list of favorite Disney characters from their animated films. Enjoy!
My Top 9 Favorite Disney Animated Movie Characters! (in no particular order either)
Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty

When I was a young, awkward little brunette with frizzy hair singing in the school choir; the lovely blond Princess Aurora with the gorgeous voice was the embodiment of everything I wanted to be. Even her name was beautiful. I would watch Sleeping Beauty transfixed, mouthing the words to each song, dancing around the living room with my imaginary Prince Charming. And I always rooted for the dress to be blue ;)
Genie from Aladdin

It would appear that even from a young age I had a taste for comedy. Robin Williams is one of my all time favorite comedians and I love what he brought to this character. It doesn't hurt that he breaks into song about every two seconds either. Favorite line: "Riding your very own...CAMEL! (soto voice) Watch out, they spit."
Oliver from Oliver and Company

Quite possibly the cutest kitten ever! (Well, besides me :p) Oliver's plight in this movie always hit just a little close to home for me. He's the outsider, just looking to fit in and make friends. He also happens to be one of those poor, unfortunate creatures that things just seem to happen to...which, in case you didn't know, is the story of my life.
Timothy Q. Mouse from Dumbo

Mr. Mouse had a voice, whereas Dumbo did not, which is really why I chose Mr. Mouse instead. Ultimately it has to come down to who I can sing along with. Can't sing along with a mute elephant, it just isn't pretty. Anywho, I really like Timothy's inspirational speech in which he cheers Dumbo up and teaches him not to listen to the negative comments of others. Great message for kids! Also, it spoke to my insecure child-self in a way the parents and teachers couldn't. The lesson to learn here? If your kid has self-esteem issues, they won't listen to you but they will listen to a cartoon mouse.
Bernard from The Rescuers, as well as the sequel The Rescuers Down Under

The truth comes out...as much as I HATE rats and mice...I kinda love the cartoon versions. Bernard is the epitome of the underdog and yet he always seems to come out ahead in the end. He's a scaredy cat with the manners of the best gentleman. His manners often override his cautious nature though and hilarity ensues. Yeah, I'm a sucker for the nice guy...always have been. Sue me.
Sebastian from The Little Mermaid

It really was a strong toss-up between Sebastian or Flounder. The fish who's scared of his own shadow cracks me up, but Sebastian is the choir master of all sea-life. How can you beat that? Besides, the scene with the french chef is probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Ever.
Baloo from The Jungle Book

"It's just the bear necessities, the simple bear necessities. Forget about your worry and your strife. Yeah, Man!" Baloo is the laid back, carefree kind of person I always wished I could be. How nice to be able to just lay around in the sun, go swimming in the river and have all the fresh fruit you can eat. That's the life right there...unless, of course, there's a pissed off Siberian tiger after your new best friend. Then you might have some problems...
Timon from The Lion King

As a rule, I'm not generally fond of meerkats. They're too close to mice and rats and ferrets for me. But the animated version that is Timon is freakin' adorable! He's witty and funny and sarcastic. (Just like me!) Oh, and did I mention he sings? :) It seems sad, however, to give him a spot on the list without including his faithful sidekick, Pumbaa. Hmmm...maybe we'll have to do a list of infamous duos!
Olivia Flaversham from The Great Mouse Detective

I know, I know...another cartoon mouse. I just can't help myself though, she's absolutely adorable! She's the sweet little girl that you just can't say no to. She's also got a killer little accent and I about melt every time she says "Toby, To-beeee!" It's freakin' cute!
There ya have it folks...this weekend's Top 9 list. Sadly, there is no gig this weekend so I won't be doing the groupie thing. However, I do have a birthday dinner for a friend on Sunday and a few other things planned so it's not exactly like I'll be sitting around bored. I'll see you all on Monday morning with a weekend re-cap. Have a safe and fantastical weekend!
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