Monday, April 26, 2010

"All my heroes have now become ghosts..."

It would seem the theme for the day is "Super Heroes." According to online news sources, Jim Carrey crashed Conan O'Brien's show Saturday night dressed as Superman.

The show, a stop on Conan's "The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour", was held at Gibson Amphitheatre in L.A. Conan was performing his cover of Five for Fighting's song Superman (It's Not Easy) when, according to reports, Jim Carrey surprised Conan by arriving dressed as Superman and singing along.

As I watched the video and smiled, (Jim Carrey and Conan O'Brien are a few of my favorite comedians), I began to wonder. With the recent release of movies like Kick-Ass and Losers and upcoming releases of Iron Man 2 and Green Lantern, are we wanting a superhero?

Well I don't know about you, but someone shows up in tights and a cape to "save" me, I'm gonna flip out. Unless it's Jim Carrey...then I'll probably faint from shock and excitement. Or throw myself at him. I'm sure those are both very logical responses.

But we, as a society, have always idolized heroes, set select peers on a pedestal and made them into something glorious. Even the earliest civilizations had their heroes. Look at Greek or Roman mythology and you'll find a slew of material to rival your best Marvel comic books.

Why do we need these fictional characters with mythical powers and extraordinary abilities? Is it because we feel that there isn't such a thing as a real hero? Is it because we have lost faith in our fellow man and so instead we lose ourselves in fiction and pretend that it's just for the entertainment value?

I'm not knocking comics or super hero movies, I love them just as much as the next addict :) I'm just wondering why we don't look harder to see the real, every-day heroes that are right in front of our faces.

Our Armed Forces, risking their lives everyday for the freedoms we all hold so dear.

The parents everywhere who work hard to provide for their children.

Your city's finest, your local police men and women, who put themselves in harm's way every day to keep us safe.

People who stand up and speak out to protect our civil rights.

The volunteers of organizations like Red Cross and United Way who give so much of themselves to help others have a better life...EVERY DAY.

So I ask you... Who is your hero? And if you're holding out for Superman, ask yourself this: What is the fascination with a guy in tights? Really...I would love to know ;)

Friday, April 23, 2010

If cats like milk, does that mean they like cheese? ...I like cheese...

I've decided that it's time for a "Top" list from me :) seems somewhat similar to plagiarism to take all of my cues from High Fidelity. So instead of a "Top 5"list, I thought I would do a "Top 9" list. Not because I couldn't find a 10th contender...but because cats have nine lives...and I like to be cheesy like that.

The criteria for my list was simple. I have to have seen the movie, and there must be at least three songs on the track-list that I like. I realize that my choices may not reflect the majority's opinions...but that's why it's MY list. Feel free to submit your own :)

The following are in alphabetical order, mostly because I couldn't decide which was my favorite soundtrack and not favorite movie.

Almost Famous

My top songs from this one include: Simple Man, Tiny Dancer, America and Sparks.

City of Angels

Tracks I love here are: Uninvited, Angel, and Iris. Besides, any self-respecting chick flick should have a killer soundtrack, in my opinion.

Dirty Dancing

I don't think there's a song in this movie that I don't love! I sing along through out the entire film, much to the dismay of my friends and family.

Forrest Gump

OMG! This soundtrack is HUGE! There's certainly something for everyone. Although, I guess some could say that this is a cheat since it's basically a walk through musical history. But this isn't their list, it's mine.


Let's Hear it for the Boy, Holding Out for a Hero, Almost Paradise and, of course, the title track, Footloose all make this a sing-along, dance-along soundtrack.

High Fidelity

This one makes the list on a technicality. It's not so much the actual soundtrack CD that I love so much as all of the other music that's in the movie. Again, it's my list, so I say what goes. And I say that High Fidelity has one of the greatest and most varied collections of music next to Forrest Gump.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

"Let's do the Time Warp again!" Okay, okay, I know this is technically a musical. But I couldn't resist! I will seriously sing this movie from start to finish. So I can't have a list of my favorite soundtracks and not include it...that would be ridiculous!

Top Gun

The original soundtrack for this movie really only had the two hits that made me want to sing. However, the 1999 Special Edition included the bonus tracks You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin', Great Balls of Fire and (Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay which instantly made me smile.

And finally, last, but most definitely not least:

The Wedding Singer

The soundtrack is two CDs that include everything from Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? to White Wedding to Love Stinks. There's also a ton of great songs that were included in the movie but didn't make it onto the discs. Besides, can you really go wrong when you have David Bowie, Billy Idol and Elvis Costello all on the same soundtrack?

So there ya have it folks, the top nine soundtracks of my lifetime. Since I don't particularly plan on kicking the bucket anytime soon, this list is bound to change. Or maybe not ;)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"I heard it in the night, words that thoughtless speak..."

One of my all-time favorite quotes is from Leo Buscaglia. For those of you who don't know, Mr. Buscaglia, (also known as Dr. Love) was a motivational speaker and an author. The quote is:

This quote spoke to me from the very first time I read it. I know you don't need me to preach to you about "The Golden Rule." I'm sure we all got enough of that in school. But have you ever stopped to think about how our words affect someone?

When I was 12 my mom said something that has stuck with me for 15 years. It was after my parents' divorce and I had told her that I didn't want to live with her and her new boyfriend. Her angry words seared themselves into my brain.

"I should have listened to my mother and had an abortion."

When I was in 5th grade, I had to stand up in front of my class and tell them about living in Germany. Later that day on the playground, a little boy from my class called me a Nazi. I burst into tears and my big sister came to the rescue, kicking the little boy. Still, his hurtful comment has stuck with me.

The first thing my paternal grandmother said to me after having not seen me since I was a toddler:

"We've missed you."

Simple, sure. But powerful nonetheless.

I'm sure that if each of us closed our eyes, we could recall words someone has said to us and the emotions they stirred. Whether it was yesterday, or a thousand yesterdays ago, the words and the memories still evoke strong feelings within us. What about the first time your significant other said they loved you? Or the vows spoken at your wedding ceremony? Or how about the first words of your child?

If words can have such a powerful effect, why are we not more careful with what we say? I'm just as guilty as the next person. I'm often very quick to let my words pour out of my mouth without them passing through any sort of filter. I've tried, in the last few years, to really make a conscious effort to watch what I say. I learned a valuable lesson when my brother took his life:

Words we say in anger today may be the difference between life and death for someone else tomorrow.

And if words have the power to hurt, they also have the power to heal. Think about what what we tell our children when they're scared:

"It's okay honey, Mommy (or Daddy) is here."

I guess the point of today's blog is simple...and yet so difficult for each of us to grasp. Why is it so hard for us to stop and think before we open our mouths? My greatest wish is that each person who reads this will go out and take what they say more seriously...and pause before uttering something that may change a person's life.

And to those that have been or may be hurt by something I've said or will say...

I'm truly sorry for any and all pain I've caused. While I know I will never be able to erase those words from your memory, I only hope that I may be able to surround them with happier words.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

I realize I'm a little slow on the update here, but I've had a busy start to the month. I'm about to jump up on my little soap box so if you're weak of heart, I don't suggest reading any further.

Sexual Assault Awareness is a topic I hold very close to my heart. Growing up, I remember the talks about rape and molestation that they gave in health class. I sat there with my girlfriends, proudly proclaiming we wouldn't be that girl. We were smart, educated and aware, we wouldn't be naive and stupid like those girls.

Ever hear that pride goes before the fall?

Years later, I found myself crying softly in a truck stop in the middle of nowhere, a stone's throw from the Canadian border, full of shame and blame...all my pride gone. I was that girl. And I had all of the education, I had been in the classes, learned what to look for and what not to do...and I was still that girl.

Here's the problem:

There IS no "that girl". We are ALL that girl. We all have the capability to be swept away by the charming smile and find ourselves hurting before we know what's gone wrong. That is why Sexual Assault Awareness is so very important. Every 2 minutes someone in this country is sexually assaulted. The more aware we all are, the better chance we have to stop this epidemic. Did you know that 1 in 6 women & 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime?

Look at the people sitting around you at the office, the ones on your daily commute. Hell, take a good look at the girls the next time you have a night out. Chances are one or more of these people have been abused, or will be in their lifetime. They might even be in a bad situation right now. Or maybe that person is you.

I urge you all, open your eyes and pay attention to the people around you. 60% of sexual assaults in this country go unreported. Women are too scared of their abusers to seek help. Or more often, they're sure they won't be believed, that nothing will happen for them and they'll have only made the situation worse by angering their abuser.

If you're reading this and you're thinking about someone you know, go to them, talk to them and reassure them to seek help. And if you're reading this and are in a bad situation, PLEASE go to someone you can trust, go to the authorities or contact your local women's shelter.

Below you'll find links to more information about Sexual Assault Awareness. You'll also find contact information if you, or someone you know, have been sexually assaulted. Let's speak out about this and make it harder for rapists and sexual offenders to hide their dirty deeds. Stand up and fight for something you believe in, staying silent only allows the crimes to continue to be committed. Every single person holds the power of their voice. Be heard.

National Sexual Assault Hotline 1-800-656-HOPE This number is free and absolutely confidential and someone is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

All statistics quoted in this posting came from: Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

SAAM's website: National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Saturday, April 3, 2010

"A girl tryin' to find herself the perfect man is like tryin' to find Atlantis."

I was recently asked how long I've been writing. When I replied, "As long as I can remember," I was asked to clarify. Turns out they wanted to know how long I've been blogging. Apparently I need to learn to read minds, who knew?

As many of you know, I've only been a member of since the beginning of the year, New Year's Day, to be precise. But what you may not know is that this is not my first shot at blogging. Way back when I was a freshly divorced mama trying to figure out how to re-enter the singles world after nearly 6 years off the market, my younger sister suggested I create a Myspace account. Since I'm now older and much wiser (ha, ha, ha) I know that Myspace is the LAST place you look for a new boyfriend. Anywho, in exploring this new world that was Myspace, I discovered blogs and all of their glory. I used their blog platform as an online diary, spewing my mixed up, crazy emotions for all of my "friends" to see and then comment on. I'd like to believe that I've since matured and now use my blog as a platform for witty banter. (Ha, ha, ha)

So, while scanning through all of my old blogs, I found a few that actually had some merit, and made me smile. One being my bucket list, the other being, very basically, a job description for future applicants wanting to be my boyfriend. I know, you're all rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically now, aren't you?

Since I seem to like to humiliate myself, I've decided to share the wisdom of my 22-year-old self with you.

>>Due to a recent argument in which I was accused of being too damn picky, I find it necessary to post my requirements for the perfect guy. Then all the poor schmucks can know up front what it is I'm looking for.

I love a guy's eyes. I'm partial to blue, but I pretty much like just interesting eyes. You know, the kind that light up when a person smiles. Or eyes that show a lot of emotion. I also love smiles. I like a smile that makes a guy's whole face light up. I love to see a guy who's not afraid to laugh out loud. That's the best smile in the world!

I want someone who will laugh with me, hold me when I cry and jump up and down with me when I'm really happy.

I don't want a bobble-head who will simply agree with everything that I say. Sure, it's okay to share some views... but really, there are no two people who are exactly alike. I want your opinions, especially if they are different from mine. I love a good debate... try to prove me wrong. (I would just like to assert that I am ALWAYS right.)

I want someone that I can have an intelligent conversation with. That said, I also want someone to be able to be goofy with me.

Someone who likes to hang out at home with a movie and popcorn, but who is also cool with spending time with friends (his and mine) and with family. I spend a lot of time with my family and that will never change. (Clearly, I was still young enough to not recognize the benefits of not being so close with family.)

MUST LOVE KIDS! (that should be my title) My kind of guy needs to want kids (is cool if he already has some), and he needs to be cool with my son. Also a guy who isn't too stuck on himself to adopt kids. Someone who can get down on the kids' level and play. And they must like cartoons.

I don't want a health nut, or an exercise freak... but I do want someone who takes care of themselves.

I am a jeans and T-shirt kinda girl, therefore, the perfect guy is a jeans and T-shirt kinda guy. That said, I also like to dress up occasionally, and he should be able to as well.

Looks aren't nearly as important as some guys like to think.
Do I like a good-looking guy? Sure, what normal, hot-blooded, straight female doesn't? But here's the thing: I've found that most of the good-looking guys are real egotistical, self-promoting assholes- and that's not really my style. Personality always shines through-and it can make even the most handsome guy uglier than sin. And the plainest looking guy will turn out to be Prince Charming.

Someone who pays attention to the little things I say. A guy who will bring me a bunch of wild flowers, or a bouquet of daisies because he remembers that I hate roses. (so unoriginal... everyone gets roses)

A guy who will call just to say "Hi" or "How was your day?"

Someone who will talk to me for hours on end about absolutely nothing important.

Someone who will comfort me when I'm sad, sick or hurt-and do it because he wants to, not because he feels he has to.

I don't want someone who thinks they can control me. I rarely do what's expected of me. When someone tells me instead of asks me to do something, I will usually do the opposite, just to prove that I can.

I want someone who will be my equal, my partner. Someone who will trust and respect me. You'll have my trust and respect until you give me a reason otherwise.

And most of all: I just want a nice guy. So please, nice guys only apply.<<

Looks like I was pretty spot on with most things, and over all, my preferences haven't changed. However, I seem to have forgotten all about blue eyes...and instead have a thing for these golden-hazel eyes that a certain someone has:)

Does anyone else have a list of requirements for potential significant others? I'd love to hear about them! Until next time, love your life!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Can I still get a basket full of chocolate if I don't believe in the Easter Bunny?

Easter is quickly approaching.

I know, I know...not exactly breaking news. But seriously, this year seems to just be flying by. Was it really three months ago that I sat down and decided to finally become serious about my writing? It seems like just yesterday that I turned over a new leaf. I will say, I'm pretty proud of myself. This is probably the first time in my whole life that I've actually stuck with a New Year's resolution for longer than a few weeks.

Anywho, back to Easter. Being raised in a somewhat religious home, Easter has as much significance for me as Christmas and Thanksgiving. It's a big deal, attendance at family functions is mandatory, and you're dressed in your best. As I've gotten older, I've been less and less thrilled about big family productions during the holidays. Truth be told, I'm really not into holidays much at all anymore. But since I do have a son who, to my knowledge, still believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny, I can't exactly ignore the holidays altogether. Since my son will be with his father for Easter, however, I'm taking it easy this year and just having brunch with a couple very special people.

Since I'm sure there are others out there who are like me, who don't really feel like acknowledging the holiday, I've made a little list of things to try out :)

10 Non-Traditional Things to Do on Easter

1. Go out Saturday night and get hammered. Spend Easter nursing your hangover.
2. Get a jump start on some spring cleaning. (Hey, I didn't say they would all be fun things.)
3. Curl up with a giant bowl of popcorn and have a movie marathon.
4. If the weathers nice, get outside, go for a walk.
5. If it's all drizzly and yucky outside, curl up with some hot tea or cider and a good book.
6. Have a few fellow non-traditionalists over for a game night.
7. Take a day trip and explore somewhere you've been wanting to see. Play like a total tourist.
8. Do some gardening, plant some herbs or pretty flowers to cheer you up.
9. Rearrange a room in your house, change things up for a fresh outlook.
10. Go see a new movie in theaters.

And if you're feeling ambitious, you can mark a few different things off the list!

To all of my readers, family and friends: I hope you all have a great weekend, whether you're celebrating or not. Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do :p