I was recently asked how long I've been writing. When I replied, "As long as I can remember," I was asked to clarify. Turns out they wanted to know how long I've been blogging. Apparently I need to learn to read minds, who knew?
As many of you know, I've only been a member of
blogger.com since the beginning of the year, New Year's Day, to be precise. But what you may not know is that this is not my first shot at blogging. Way back when I was a freshly divorced mama trying to figure out how to re-enter the singles world after nearly 6 years off the market, my younger sister suggested I create a Myspace account. Since I'm now older and much wiser
(ha, ha, ha) I know that Myspace is the LAST place you look for a new boyfriend. Anywho, in exploring this new world that was Myspace, I discovered blogs and all of their glory. I used their blog platform as an online diary, spewing my mixed up, crazy emotions for all of my "friends" to see and then comment on. I'd like to believe that I've since matured and now use my blog as a platform for witty banter.
(Ha, ha, ha)So, while scanning through all of my old blogs, I found a few that actually had some merit, and made me smile. One being
my bucket list, the other being, very basically, a job description for future applicants wanting to be my boyfriend. I know, you're all rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically now, aren't you?
Since I seem to like to humiliate myself, I've decided to share the wisdom of my 22-year-old self with you.
>>Due to a recent argument in which I was accused of being too damn picky, I find it necessary to post my requirements for the perfect guy. Then all the poor schmucks can know up front what it is I'm looking for.
I love a guy's eyes. I'm partial to blue, but I pretty much like just interesting eyes. You know, the kind that light up when a person smiles. Or eyes that show a lot of emotion. I also love smiles. I like a smile that makes a guy's whole face light up. I love to see a guy who's not afraid to laugh out loud. That's the best smile in the world!
I want someone who will laugh with me, hold me when I cry and jump up and down with me when I'm really happy.
I don't want a bobble-head who will simply agree with everything that I say. Sure, it's okay to share some views... but really, there are no two people who are exactly alike. I want your opinions, especially if they are different from mine. I love a good debate... try to prove me wrong.
(I would just like to assert that I am ALWAYS right.)I want someone that I can have an intelligent conversation with. That said, I also want someone to be able to be goofy with me.
Someone who likes to hang out at home with a movie and popcorn, but who is also cool with spending time with friends (his and mine) and with family. I spend a lot of time with my family and that will never change.
(Clearly, I was still young enough to not recognize the benefits of not being so close with family.)MUST LOVE KIDS! (that should be my title) My kind of guy needs to want kids (is cool if he already has some), and he needs to be cool with my son. Also a guy who isn't too stuck on himself to adopt kids. Someone who can get down on the kids' level and play. And they must like cartoons.
I don't want a health nut, or an exercise freak... but I do want someone who takes care of themselves.
I am a jeans and T-shirt kinda girl, therefore, the perfect guy is a jeans and T-shirt kinda guy. That said, I also like to dress up occasionally, and he should be able to as well.
Looks aren't nearly as important as some guys like to think.Do I like a good-looking guy? Sure, what normal, hot-blooded, straight female doesn't? But here's the thing: I've found that most of the good-looking guys are real egotistical, self-promoting assholes- and that's not really my style. Personality always shines through-and it can make even the most handsome guy uglier than sin. And the plainest looking guy will turn out to be Prince Charming.
Someone who pays attention to the little things I say. A guy who will bring me a bunch of wild flowers, or a bouquet of daisies because he remembers that I hate roses. (so unoriginal... everyone gets roses)
A guy who will call just to say "Hi" or "How was your day?"
Someone who will talk to me for hours on end about absolutely nothing important.
Someone who will comfort me when I'm sad, sick or hurt-and do it because he wants to, not because he feels he has to.
I don't want someone who thinks they can control me. I rarely do what's expected of me. When someone
tells me instead of
asks me to do something, I will usually do the opposite, just to prove that I can.
I want someone who will be my equal, my partner. Someone who will trust and respect me. You'll have my trust and respect until you give me a reason otherwise.
And most of all: I just want a nice guy. So please, nice guys only apply.<<
Looks like I was pretty spot on with most things, and over all, my preferences haven't changed. However, I seem to have forgotten all about blue eyes...and instead have a thing for these golden-hazel eyes that a certain someone has:)
Does anyone else have a list of requirements for potential significant others? I'd love to hear about them! Until next time,
love your life!