Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If you're happy and you know it...clap somewhere else.

What an awesometastic day. And before you ask, yes, that is a word.

I love when the boyfriend and I can spend a nice, quiet day off together. We didn't really accomplish much but it was good for us both to just relax and have a stress-free day.

Since I slacked off all day, I suppose I should get to telling you all about my lame weekend, right? Well guess what? It wasn't lame, so there.

Friday night was spent at home, attempting to dismantle a bathroom. Note to all: Metal bolt sets for toilet seats are a BAD idea. After the demolition was complete and the boyfriend and I had patted each other and ourselves on the back, we relaxed and went to bed relatively early. How's that for a Friday night off? We're so lame we stay in and actually go to bed before midnight. What a concept.

Saturday was spent putzing around, doing laundry and generally just existing. Saturday night, however, was spent with Miss B, a bottle of wine and a sewing machine. I am sooooooo blessed to have her as a friend. We chatted and the good lady sewed my Halloween costume together. Now it will look like some effort actually went into my outfit. (You'll have to come back and read this weekend's post to find out what, exactly, my costume is...I'm devious like that.)

Sunday was a fun day :) The boyfriend and I slept in a bit, got dressed in our warm stuffs (it's been cold and stormy here for the last few days) and went to a pumpkin patch! YAY! We spent the day trekking in the mud and hay through a corn maze, picked out pumpkins to carve and then trudged home to wash all of the mud off. It was a drizzly wet day and I'm still not sure how we managed to get mud all the way up to our hips...but it was some of the most fun I've ever had. We made pulled pork sammies and curled up to watch some t.v.

Monday I was offline due to some interwebs issues. It wound up working out well since I was needed to help Miss J bake some cookies and do some last minute planning for this weekend's party. Just a few days left and I will be partying like a rockstar with some of my most favorite people.

Last night was Mike & Molly with the boyfriend and snuggles. And here we are today. I'm in a pleasant state of mind that says, "I'm here, but don't expect much from me." And really, on that note, I should just slip on out of here.

Toodles, y'all!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A little Garth and Elvis to taste, add some MJ and stir until mixed. What do you have?

I know it's Saturday and your list was due yesterday...but, alas, I was once again ensconced at the daily grind. In case you're wondering, the idiots were out in full force. Go ahead, pity me.

But...wait...wait for it...I've got exciting news!

The band is recording tonight! Which means a night in for this girl. It also means that I will hopefully be able to cross a few things off of the to-do list.

I did get to thinking, though, how I won't have any music this weekend. How devastating is that? Music is food for your soul! And so, I offer up to you:

My Top 9 Favorite Songs of All Time
(In chronological order, by the years they were released, starting with the most recent...cuz I'm cool like that.)

A Place for My Head by Linkin Park (released October, 2000)

We all know how much I absolutely love Linkin Park. Even more importantly, we also know about my obsession with Chester Bennington. Why this song, though? Because, when you listen to the lyrics, it describes every person that's ever walked all over someone that cares about them. It's identifiable and reminds me of more than a few people I know.

Hemorrhage (In My Hands) by Fuel (released September, 2000)

Best. Break. Up. Song. Ever. That is all.

The Dolphin's Cry by Live (released October, 1999)

I love Ed Kowalczyk's voice. There is just a ton of raw emotion when he sings. I really like pretty much anything by Live but this song tops them all.

Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls (released April, 1998)

Best love song ever.

November Rain by Guns N Roses (released June, 1992)

Powerful. That's really all I've got to say about this song. GNR maybe didn't do everything right and Axl Rose might have been an ass in the first degree...but this song, this song is genius.

Shameless by Garth Brooks (released October, 1991)

There seems to be a theme here...so yeah, I'm very obviously a sucker for a good love song. Also, the cat is out of the bag. Yes, I do like me some Garth. Get over it folks, he has some poignant songs.

Billie Jean by Michael Jackson (released January, 1983)

Now, before I get any backlash...you don't have to like the man to like his music. MJ was a genius. And as some great person once pointed out, there is a VERY thin line between genius and crazy. MJ just happened to like straddling that line. (Pun intended...yup, I went there.)

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd (September, 1975)

Pink Floyd is one of the greatest bands of all time. Most people think of The Wall when they think of Pink Floyd but this song speaks to me more. This song is for all of the people I've lost, a dedication to my loved ones.

Can't Help Falling In Love/Fools Rush In by Elvis Presley (released October, 1961)

I first heard this song when I heard UB40's version of it. (Which sucks, by the way...but that's another Top 9 list for another day...) I immediately went out and searched for the original. Everyone has to love Elvis...even if it's just a little bit. And this song is absolutely beautiful. Bottom line.

There ya go, gang. And now that I've imparted you with my wisdom, I'm off to begin crossing things off that to-do list. Anyone wanna help?

Until next time, Toodles my dears!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I would hate to be illiterate. That would just suck.

So you're about to learn a little secret about me...ready for it??

I chat in a chat room. (A chat room...as opposed to multiple rooms. I've got standards, people.)

I know, I know...shocking, right? In the words of a good friend, "That shit's for kids."

No dear, that's Trix. Trix are for kids.

Yeah, well...it's also a fun way to chat with friends while I'm working. Also, it's a great place to drudge up material. Take today for example: I'm catching up with Mr. M. (Remember him, from way back when?) Anywho, I'm playing catch up with him whilst attempting to sort through notes for today's blog and there's multiple threads running all over the place in the background. (Such is the way of chat rooms, in case you weren't aware.) When out of the blue an idiot private messages me. Now, for the record, I have it posted right under my name that I don't like private messages from people I don't know. I'm stuck up like that.

Does he care? Nope, stupid kid does it anyway. So in open chat I tell him to go away. (Well, it really was more along the lines of "F*ck off and kick rocks," but you get the idea.) And then, then...well the room pretty much goes to pot. This idiot couldn't spell or type to save his sad, pathetic little life. By the way, I say "kid" but I think he was 22 so it's not like I was being all child molester-ish this morning. Like I said, I have standards, y'all. Anywho. He starts calling me names like "loneler" and other things that I couldn't really decipher. And pretty much everyone else in the room starts in on him. He gets all flustered and starts threatening to beat people up. Yup, he's mature like that. See why I call him a kid?

Anwho...I digress. Where I was going with this little tale is here: Wouldn't it just suck if you couldn't read or write? Think about how left out you would be. You couldn't read all of my musings, for one thing. Also, you'd have to resort to pointing at picture menus when at a restaurant. Not to mention all of the wonderful literature you'd miss out on. You couldn't watch foreign films because you couldn't read the subtitles. Pretty much your life would just suck big donkey balls. And yes, before you ask, that IS the technical term.

So my tip for today's 'tard? Pick up a dictionary. The public library is free. Start to LEARN. Why would you want to remain an idiot? Ignorance is not always bliss, my friends. Also, if you're going to chat with me, try to at least have a passing acquaintance with the English language. I have minimal patience for stupidity. Which you would know if you could read my blogs. So there you go, it all comes full circle. Isn't life grand?

Toodles until next time folks!

Monday, October 18, 2010

It's Monday...and birds are fornicating under my car...

Random topic for discussion:

Why does there have to a Monday every week? And why must it follow Sunday?

This isn't just another "Case of the Mondays" folks. I'm sad that Sunday can be so awesome and relaxing...and then the boyfriend has to get up and go back to work the next morning. It really ruins the flow. Also, who designed the schedule where he works every other day? In what world does that make sense?

Really, the only things about Monday that are good are...

My weekend recaps.

And my newest addiction. Mike & Molly.

See, you judge me now, but you wait. I challenge you all to curl up on your couch tonight and watch. They're soooooooo cute!

Okay, I'm done...for now. Bet you're all wondering about my weekend, aren't you? Especially since there was no list on Friday.

Alas, I had to spend Friday back at the daily grind. It would appear that my manager can't read the piece of paper that shows my availability for work. And I need the money too bad to argue with her about it. Yup, I'm lame like that.

The band only had one gig this weekend, which meant that I got to have a date night with the boyfriend. Which pretty much made the whole weekend that much better. Don't get me wrong, I love to go out and watch him play and support him. But man, oh man, I LOVE when we get to have a night off together. We went to a fantastically yummy dinner and then out to a late movie. We saw RED and it was awesome!!

Sunday was football and snuggling. I know I could (and should) have done some work, but really...it's hard for me to give up any time with the boyfriend. We have so little of alone time with our crazy schedules that I treasure the time we do have.

One final high point to my weekend. The Oregon Ducks are now #1 in the country. That may not be that exciting to all of you...but it should be. Just saying.

And on that note, I should probably get my booty in gear and get some work done. Hugs and loves go out to Miss B who had a rough weekend. My thoughts and heart are with her.

Until next time, Toodles!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A rose by any other name...


Today's post is a serious one. There probably won't be even a hint of a humor. So if you're in the mood for a laugh or just don't wanna be bogged down with the harder side of life, I suggest you go back and read one of my older posts...or hold off for your fix until this weekend's list.

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. It was also the anniversary of her loss. Isabella-Rose Elizabeth.

A little history for my faithful followers who are slightly confused. Last spring I found myself dating a guy I thought was perfect. And then he showed his true colors and dumped me...by simply refusing to answer any calls or texts anymore. (Yeah, I know...real mature.) Three weeks later I discovered I was pregnant.

I really examined every option but ultimately I knew I couldn't give her up. During this time, I started talking with the boyfriend and getting to know him. Amazingly, when I told him about everything, he didn't run for the hills.

On Columbus Day last year, I was scheduled for my first ultrasound. At just 20 weeks, I was so excited to finally be able to find out the sex of the baby, I ignored the pains I had been having, writing them off as travel pains. (I had just recently returned from a trip to visit the ex's family, who were excited about the baby, unlike Douchebag.)

Most of my time at the hospital is a blur. All I really know is that when I went in for my ultrasound, my vitals were "concerning". A short time later I was in an E.R. bed hemorrhaging. BellaRose made her brief stop in my arms, all perfect ten fingers and ten toes of her. She even had little eyelashes framing her almond shaped eyes. At just 9.5 ounces, she was like a tiny doll. She never even took a breath of air into her lungs but for me, she's frozen in time, laying across my chest.

In my anger and pain, I didn't have a service or memorial of any kind. I think at the time, I simply wanted to put everything behind me. In hindsight, I'm sorry that I don't have a little place of remembrance. Yesterday, the boyfriend helped me remedy that...in a way.

I wanted some way to memorialize her all too short life. My wonderful friends came up with all sorts of beautiful ideas and ultimately I decided on this:

I, of the un-green thumb and minimal knowledge of plants of any sort, planted Japanese anemones and some pansies for my little girl. Fittingly, the anemones are also known as "whirlwinds"...a great analogy for BellaRose's fleeting stay in my life.

A long time ago, I promised myself that my writing would not be too personal. I would keep it light-hearted, humorous with occasional rants about things I feel strongly about. However, I find myself sharing more and more with my readers as time passes. And this, my daughter's life, is something I couldn't not share. How would I be able to go on with the week if I tried to pretend to you all that I was just the same old me with no cares in the world?

And so I apologize for lightening my heart at your expense, but I thank you for your attention and taking the time to read my tears. And if you're feeling a bit sad, take a moment and send a prayer or thought up for all of our babies that live too short of a life. Our little angels will hear our words and know they are not forgotten.

Toodles, my dears.

Monday, October 11, 2010

My Rock of Love is so much better than the Bret Michaels version...

"It's just another manic Monday..."

Can I just say, what a damn fantastic weekend I had?!?! Well, I guess I can say, since it's my blog and all...

This past weekend was wonderful and crazy busy. It also had its highs and some lows. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

When I left you all on Wednesday, I was in a lovey dovey mood that was more than slightly sickly sweet. Don't worry, I'm not like that all of the time, the boyfriend and I have our fair share of regular, boring, everyday kind of life too.

Thursday was spent at the daily grind and taking care of the boyfriend. I don't want to go into details here because, well, it's his life and his business. Apparently, y'all, I do have some boundaries.

Friday was back to the daily grind and well, I let my emotions run away with me and spent most of the day in a fog. As my grandmother would say, I'm a worry-wort. Friday night started a double header for the band. A happy point, they were playing at Miss B's parents' bar so I got to see her in action. (She doubles as a bartender there on Friday nights, she's amazing!) Now I know how that girl stays in shape, she runs her booty off at work! And does it all while looking stellar, I might add. How is it I wind up with gorgeous friends? Anywho, besides the band, I did have some entertainment to try to keep me out of a funk.

Now, before I tell you all about the pornographic dancers, I feel I must first explain that the band has become kind of a big deal locally. They have quite a following on Facebook and most of those fans come out and see them on a regular basis. (Not to mention all of us girlfriends tagging along...) And so, if you're with them at nearly every show (like I am...) you start to see some of the same faces weekend after weekend. So this was not my first exposure to the pornographic dancers...

Before you all jump me about being a prude, I would like to show you this:

I'm all for a little dirty dancing. And we know that as the night darkens and the drinks have been flowing for a few hours, the dancing can get a little more like foreplay. However, this couple takes the cake. Let's see if I can point out the main issues that bothered me...

*The chick appears to be young enough to be his daughter. Which makes the rest of this more than a little creepy.

*The guy does more pelvic thrusts than Michael Jackson.

*The guys smacks and grabs his OWN ass while "dancing".

*They both act like they're the hottest thing since melted butter while most of the people watching are trying not to lose their liquor.

Saturday was a crazy day. You may recall that it was our anniversary? Yes, well since the boyfriend has been under tremendous stress lately (what with my being sick forever and all of the other day to day B.S.) I decided to surprise him with a little party at Saturday night's gig. In his words, I'm a sneaky lady! So I dropped him off at work after his lunch break and went out to find me the perfect outfit. I picked up the cake I had ordered and dropped it off at the bar with Miss B and then whirled back to pick him up from work. His first surprise of the night? His non-girly girlfriend was wearing a new jean skirt. And then we get to the gig and Miss J and her man surprise both of us with a divine bottle of vino. And THEN Miss B brings out his cake. Wal-mart really came through for me, folks. 24 cupcakes, half chocolate and half white cake, put together to look like a sheet cake with our picture on top. It was beautimous. AND THEN, the clincher. The lead singer and the other guitar player (Miss J's man) sang our song for us and we had a little dance. I have to say gang, I'm pretty proud of myself. But no, I could never have pulled it all off without the help of FANTASTIC friends. The boyfriend was duly surprised and we had a wonderful night.

Sunday was our day to spend together without any craziness. So I let him sleep in a bit and made triple berry pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Then we had a snuggle and watched some football before heading out for a drive. (Before you make some wise crack about Sunday afternoon drivers, remember, this is a special day!) And apparently, I'm not the only one who can pull out the surprises! He took me on a ferry!! I've never been on one before (partially because the whole floating bridge-like effect brings on the panic attacks...) and I was more than a little nervous. But it was AMAZING! I feel like I've quasi conquered a fear. (For those who may not be aware, I have a crazy, more often than not, debilitating fear of bridges. I'll tell you all about it some other time...)

And alas, here we are on Monday with loads of work ahead of me and loads of laundry rotating as we speak. Can we say productive? Why yes, yes we can!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well. And if you're bored today, take a peek at RandomMeows on Facebook. I'm global, y'all!

Until next time...Toodles!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One day at a time...times 365.

I absolutely love the fall! All around me the leaves are changing colors and my days are sunshine with a crisp breeze that makes me want to curl up with someone special. How fortunate am I to have the boyfriend on days like this? (In case you hadn't noticed, I'm feeling all sorts of lovey-dovey today...I'll explain more in a bit...)

Alas, I have some bad news for you, my readers. I will not be posting a blog this Friday since I will be spending the day at the daily grind and I still haven't figured out how to be in two places at once. Never fear though, I have worked long and hard to provide this week's list for you today instead. YAY! I know, I know, I'm pretty great.

So why the lovey-dovey mood, you ask?

This weekend marks a special day for the boyfriend and I. One year since we met and fell truly, madly, deeply in love with each other. Or, if you're of the cynical sort, that's 365 days he's been stuck with me. Either way, it's a milestone. Ordinarily, I'm sure we would have a nice date night together...but the band is playing both nights this weekend. So instead we'll be spending Sunday together, hopefully the weather holds up and we can have a picnic. (Yup, I'm cheesy like that.)

And to honor this weekend of love, I have prepared a list of my favorite cheesy, sappy, chick flicks along with what each story tells me about love. Go ahead and thank me, you know you want to :p

My Top 9 Love Story Movies (in no particular order)

The Notebook

True love will always prevail.

Pretty Woman

Sometimes you have to take a wild chance for love to find you.

City of Angels

Even the promise of heaven is no competition for love.


Love surpasses all.

The Holiday

If love is meant to be, it will be.

Sweet November (the 2001 version)

Enjoy the time you have together, however short or long that may be.

Ever After

The best rendition of the "Cinderella" story. Ever.

The Wedding Singer

"All I wanna do is grow old with you."

The Princess Bride

There are many ways to say "I love you."

And there it is folks, all of my lovely knowledge, now at your very own fingertips. I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your week and weekend. Don't work too hard and take some time to enjoy the brilliance of nature all around you.

On that note, I should probably go before I make you all sick with my sugary sweetness.


Monday, October 4, 2010

It's a day of births, y'all!

"...Cuz if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me..."

Well here I be folks. Ask and you shall receive...or something like that. I'd just like to say that I know the last two months have been pretty sporadic for my blogging, and I apologize. I won't rehash what's been going on or try to offer up any more weak excuses...I haven't had enough caffeine yet for that. (I actually haven't had ANY yet...I'm on an apple juice kick this morning for some bizarre reason.) And now, on to the good stuff!

The band played this last weekend. (They actually haven't had a weekend off since the beginning of August, but that's beside the point...) There were some highs...and some definite lows. A positive outcome? I think I finally have a working title for my book :) and more material than I know what do with. A negative? I missed football because I was stuck at the daily grind. Is this what they mean when they say life is about give and take? Because, guess what? I don't like it.

And since I'm attempting to multi-task like a schizo-maniac today, here's a quick breakdown of the weekend:

Friday was spent mostly in a fog of cold medicine. Friday night was an out of town gig, back in the city of Ja-Mexicans. There were times I laughed and times I was sure things couldn't get any wackier. I was also consistently proved wrong. We saw a man do the splits while dancing...not accidentally and more than once.

Saturday was a day for errands and groceries. Once again I was reminded why I hate Hell. Saturday night was...interesting. Miss B and I had some laughs and have determined that we're both probably on the quick path to Hell. (the real one, not the Wal-Mart variety)

Sunday was, as previously alluded to, spent at the daily grind whilst the boyfriend got to relax and watch football. Sunday night involved snacky food and Animation Domination. Yup, I'm one of those people. Go ahead, judge me, I dare you.

And now folks, it's Monday and the start of another week. (It's also my Daddy's birthday and the boyfriend's aunt's birthday, so very happy days to them!) I'm off to work diligently on my brilliant book idea. (Many thanks to the boyfriend for his spark of inspiration!) Before I go, I would like to beseech you all for some help. I know I can't be the only person out there who's frustrated by the blatant stupidity roaming the earth. So take advantage of the comment space people!

Toodles and whatnot!