"I have a dream today."
Ironic (maybe) that I have memorable dreams the night before MLK day, don't you think? Except my dreams weren't the lofty dreams of equality and peace. I dreamt about all of my teeth falling out. It was more than a little creepy. Like, I think I might call a dentist today...just to be on the safe side.
I heard something on the news last night about MLK day that irked me. I don't remember what station or who said it...but someone was saying that in today's times we need to remember MLK's message of tolerance.
This didn't irk me because I don't believe in tolerance. On the contrary, I think tolerance is a grand idea. However, we are a society who take things literally. And in today's age, complete tolerance is unrealistic. We can tolerate our neighbors without granting them carte blanche to our homes and personal information. There CAN be a balance between tolerance and caution. We need to remember that tolerance and ignorance do not need to go hand in hand.
And so, I was irked that whomever said this little gem didn't elaborate. To them, tolerance was the answer. It is...but is not the only answer.
I will leave you with this bit of food for thought:
I am not racist. I do not discriminate due to race. I am prejudiced against stupid people and trash. Last time I checked, each race (even my own Native Americans) have each. And until we, as a global community, can eradicate the ignorant fools and the trash that clutters our gutters; we will always have racism.
On that note, Toodles!
DAYUMMM!!!!! I couldn't agree more . I have the same issues with what people refer to as being prejudiced. I am not racist , I hate all peoples the same!!!!