Does it count as pillow talk if it doesn't happen in bed? I think it should, especially since it was nearing 2am and the boyfriend and I were oh-so-tired.
As you may or may not know, the boyfriend wears glasses/contacts. That is to say, he usually wears contacts, but also has glasses for when he's not wearing contacts. If he doesn't have one or the other, apparently things become all sorts of fuzzy. Not so good if you're trying to play guitar or subsequently drive your tipsy girlfriend home in the wee hours of the morning.
So we arrive home, but are both so tired that we are just kind of sitting there in the car. Earlier in the evening, the boyfriend had asked me to keep his glasses in my purse in case he needed them. (He's been having some issues with his contacts the last few days, so he was taking precautions.) Fast forward to us in the car, chatting.
Me: "We should probably head inside and get to bed."
Him: "I need to take my eyes out and put my glasses on."
Me: "Oh, let me give them to you now, that way I don't forget. You know how I am. I'll get inside and forget that I have them in my purse and then I'll set it down somewhere and then we won't be able to find your eyes." (May I remind you that I was a little tipsy?)
Him (mockingly): "Where are my eyes? The one-eyed-man took them. You'd think he could have at least left half of them."
Me: "He's a greedy sonovabitch."
And we explode into giggles. Yeah, I'm just that good.
I should probably explain that the one-eyed-man is a recurring villain at our house. It's my little rejoinder every time the boyfriend says, "Oh no" or "Oh shit" or "Where is such-and-such item?"
Me: "I didn't do it, it was the one-eyed-man!"
I'm real mature like that.
Well, about as mature as you can be while having pillow talk in your car.
Tia! You two are so cute together!!!! I can just picture this in my head and I love ya both for it!!!