Sunday, February 28, 2010

"I'm trying to free your mind, Neo."

Before I have everyone jumping down my throat about conspiracy theories or trying to explain to me that it was "just a movie", let me defend myself by saying that I realize that The Matrix is only a movie, a product of science fiction. That being said, every piece of fiction has a basis in reality, otherwise it wouldn't be as easy to let ourselves believe in it.

I'm really not here to debate how much of the movie's plot is "real"...believe it or not, today's post is actually about something...IMPORTANT :o I know, we're all shocked!

I am currently re-reading a book by one of my favorite authors. I know, I know..I'm so lame that I re-read books. Anyway...the book is The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. One thing that I really enjoy about his writing is that he is a very knowledgeable author and he heavily researches his topics. For those of you who haven't yet read the book, I won't go into too much detail, but one of the topics discussed in The Lost Symbol is the noetic sciences.

As described on the Institute of Noetic Sciences website:

"Noetic sciences use scientific methods to explore the 'inner cosmos' of the mind (consciousness, soul, spirit) and how it relates to the 'outer cosmos' of the physical world."

I've only recently started exploring noetic sciences myself. I've always been interested in dream interpretation, mind over matter and the power of meditation and positive thinking, but noetic science really is a lot more than that. Think about it. If you could change your day, your mood or even the state of your health with a thought, wouldn't you?

This isn't a new topic by any means. People have been debating the power of thought or prayer, the "sixth" sense, intuition and gut-feelings for years. In fact, the Institute of Noetic Sciences was founded over 35 years ago. Until recently however, the majority of the public has dismissed most of this as "hogwash" or invalid, illogical.

The fascination with the self-help movement has fueled a newer generation though. We, as a society, are growing frustrated with traditional methods and looking for different means to find peace, to better our health, to make our lives less stressful and increase happiness.

So some food for thought:

If I told you that you could improve your life with a simple daily affirmation, that you could reduce the amount of stress and increase peace in your life in just a few minutes, what would stop you from trying?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Does this jersey make my butt look big?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day?

I often wonder what it would be like to be a guy. They seem to have it so easy; they don't struggle with what to wear or bad hair days, they don't have to wear make-up or have to shave their legs. Now granted, I know we females don't have to do any of these things either. And I really am far from a girly-girl who cries when she breaks a nail, but I still like to at least look feminine...even if I'm sitting at a sports bar with a beer screaming at the football game.

In that respect, I don't consider myself much of a girl. I like video games instead of facials, I LOVE football and will curse at the opposing team with the best of guys. If I don't have to do my hair or put on make-up, I won't. I live to spend the day in sweats or pajamas relaxing with junk food.

I'd say that I'm a tom-boy except a few glaring facts: I am sooooooooo not athletic in even the slightest sense. I'm pretty sure I could trip over a flat surface in bare feet. Also, I don't particularly like getting dirty...AT ALL!! Snakes and bugs and creepy crawlys make me scream like...well, like a girl.

So maybe I wouldn't make a good guy...cuz don't you get called names for screaming like a girl?

But think how nice it would be to be assertive and not be called a bitch. To act the way you want and get told you're a leader, not a spoiled brat. To have sex with whom you want and be called a stud, not a whore or slut or ho.

I wonder if any guys sit and wonder what it would be like to be a chick?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Oh yes she did!

Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking..."she doesn't post for 2 weeks and then she posts twice in one day?!" In my defence, it's been a crazy couple of weeks, and I've stored this one up to post whenever I had time to do so :) that it's been over a month, I don't feel quite so guilty for ranting about this.

The earthquake that hit Haiti was a tragedy, there is no denying that. And I would never be so callous as to rant about such a tragedy. HOWEVER...

I'm sure we've all seen our First Lady's address, the commercial asking us to donate to the Red Cross. Was anyone else as irritated with that commercial as I was?! HER FACE DOESN'T MOVE!!!! I swear to you, her mouth moves, but her eyes don't. There's hardly an ounce of compassion or empathy coming from her facial expression or voice. And her sign-off? "Thanks for your help." Are you kidding me? That's what you say to your friends when they spot you five bucks for lunch. NOT how you thank your nation for donating to a cause.

And to make matters worse, they showed the commercial every damn commercial break so that I had to keep hearing her flat voice pleading for assistance and seeing her unmoving eyes stare at me. After about a week, I was ready to never watch TV again...or vomit, depending on my mood.

Our past administrations had some serious problems, some were definitely worse than others but ALL of our former First Ladies could at least work up the appropriate emotional response when appearing in the media or public. I know I should focus my concerns about the current administration on the big things, the "matters" that everyone are debating. But seriously, I think the commercial was just the final straw for me. She is literally the face of the First family, the maternal figurehead of our country. She should have at least tried to show some emotion. And maybe the people shooting the commercial, or the P.R. rep for the White House could have directed her somehow.

Anyway, I'm done. I am truly sorry about what happened in Haiti, and very proud that Americans have grouped together to help in Haiti's time of need.

And if you have somehow managed to escape seeing the commercial, here ya go:

You don't have to thank me :)

"All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi!"

Interesting little tidbit...I was raised going to traditional Christian church with my mother. When I began to develop a relationship with my father's side of my family, I chose to explore Catholicism, (which they practice). As an adult, I've come to realize that I don't particularly observe any traditional, organized religion. Instead, I've taken practices and other tid-bits from several different "religions" and simply say "I believe."

One of the things I do practice is Lent. I don't fast, but I do give something up for the 40 days and re-evaluate its place in my life. This year I've decided to give up soda and all carbonated drinks (yes, that includes beer, so no green beers on St. Patty's Day for me lol). I know to some, that wouldn't seem like a big sacrifice, but for me it is.

Soda is all about convenience. It's easy to keep close by and grab while I'm writing or reading or doing something else where I don't want to have to actually get up and go to the kitchen for juice or water. It's also a part of the fast food industry, quick and easy, grab your value meal and your soda, all in under five minutes.

Now, anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm far from the "religious" type. I rarely, if ever, go to church. I swear worse than a sailor, I take the Lord's name in vain, and I'm not always the nicest to my neighbors. That being said, I would say that I am a very spiritual person. I believe in the powers of meditation, the healing properties of mind over matter. And I think observing Lent by depriving myself of an "addiction" ( I use that term lightly, I'm not actually addicted to soda) is a great form of self-cleansing and renewal.

So I challenge you all, (and I know, I do that a lot, sue me :p) to try it out. You don't have to fast or convert to Catholicism over-night. No one's going to condemn you to the fiery depths of hell if you slip. But try it, pick something that you think has a form of importance in your life or is taking up time or money that could be better used somewhere else, and see if you can give it up for 40 days. You just might find that you don't "need" it after all.
And to everyone, take a moment for yourselves today, and BREATHE! Sometimes we all forget to do that :)

**Also, if you'd like any more information on the practice or origins of Lent, visit the link. Wikipedia:Lent

Monday, February 1, 2010

“Joy in looking and comprehending is nature's most beautiful gift.”

I love nature. I love nature in that "it's beautiful to look at but I don't really wanna get dirty and God help me if a bug or snake or other creepy-crawly gets anywhere near me" kinda way. I think perhaps that's why visiting the coast is my favorite way to experience nature. I feel so peaceful looking out at the waves rolling in. It's an awesome reminder that the world is bigger than just myself and my problems. But instead of making me feel petty for so often getting consumed by the daily grind, it is instantly calming.

I happen to think that Oregon has some of the most beautiful coastline, at least on the western side of the continent. It's not all perfect beaches and sunny, clear blue skies. But it's ragged cliffs, driftwood covered beaches, and cloudy skies provide diversity and a little bit of something for everyone.

I've been fortunate and have gotten to explore a few different parts of the coast and I'm always left wanting more, but still so at peace. I wish I could find a way to put it into words how it I've been given a brief sip of the fountain of youth, just enough until I should need a new dose.

So I'm off to the daily grind, starting new ventures in life and planning for amazing things to come. And if it starts to get to be too much to handle...I'll just remember the beautiful sunset that makes my heart sing. And I'll smile and move on with my day :)