I feel like a failure.
I've been pouring out my heart and soul for so long, trying so very hard to make EVERYTHING work, to balance life and still be sane.
I am NOT sane. Not in the slightest.
My hair is falling out, I have days where I'm ravenous and stuff myself with everything in sight and others where I can't eat a thing and my body aches with pent up anxiety. I tear up at random moments and find myself bawling at the simplest of things. I can't keep unloading on the boyfriend, he already has so much on his shoulders. I feel like my girls have got to be tired of hearing the same tirades and my bff has his own life to lead without trying to navigate mine as well.
I have tried and tried to keep the negative, whining, less than stellar parts of my life from this blog...but, alas, it can't be done. I am at my wits end, quite literally.
Don't get me wrong, there have been some good points over the recent weeks. Yesterday I got my hair trimmed and now it has a few more layers and I feel like I look a little less like Medusa. I also got a new phone and so I've been busy playing with a new toy. The boyfriend took me on a date to see The Green Hornet in 3D. And it was AWESOME.
But at the end of the day, I still have to turn off the lights, lay in bed and be alone with my own mind. And, quite frankly, my mind is not such a great place to be lately.
My heart is breaking slowly...
Does anyone have some super glue?
HEY!!! I'm a lil angry that you haven't turned to me for some "shoulder time"! I am always here for you to vent on. I will listen intently , but won't always have answers. Text or email me ANYTIME! This is what good friends are for my dear!!! Do not keep this inside or you WILL explode!!!!