I know I wanted to keep this blog more light-hearted, more vague than personal, but it would appear that I am needing to break my self-imposed guidelines. For as long as I can remember, writing has been the best release for me, the best way to explain and share my feelings. I think it's the fear of rejection or confrontation. If it's written down, you don't have to have the conversation face-to-face, therefore mostly eliminating the possibility of said rejection or confrontation. Anywho, I digress from why I'm really here.
I have a philosophy when it comes to the people in my life. I love hard and fast, and I'm your very best friend until you give me a reason not to be...then I will be your very worst enemy. It takes a lot to offend me, but you'll know when you have. I am not a nice person when I feel I've been wronged, or worse, when I feel a friend has been wronged.
And now, I am faced with a dilemma. A person whom I once considered a good friend (for the sake of privacy, we'll call her B), has done some things that I feel are impossible to look past. Another good friend, we'll call him M, seems to have gotten himself enmeshed in this mess, and leave it to me to feel responsible for helping him out of it. (Editor's note: No, he has NOT asked for said help)
I guess I'd better give you the whole story, or as much as I feel I can give without the fear of being sued for slander.
I met M and B within a short amount of time of each other. I was at a rough spot in my life and had just found a new group of friends, people with whom I thought I had a lot in common. M and I hit it off almost instantly. Looking back, I think B and I may have forced our friendship. There's a few year's gap in our ages, also on the surface it appears we have quite a few things in common. In actuality, there's really not much there. However, M is still someone I consider a very close friend, while B is someone I really just consider an acquaintance. M and B are now a couple, a decision I wasn't crazy about, but not mine to make. M did ask me for my opinion, and I think maybe I sugar coated things too much, not wanting to step on any toes.
I now see the error of my ways.
How do you tell one of your best friends that they're making a terrible mistake?
B has gotten herself involved in some trouble and M seems intent on standing by her side and trying to help her out of it. A noble thought, but I only see her dragging him down with her. This trouble she has gotten herself into (and YES, she did cause this mess, all by herself, I'm NOT being dramatic) is simply something that I can't justify. It hits a little too close to home for me to try to be sympathetic towards her. Instead, I feel nearly physically ill every time I see her or even hear her name.
I love M to pieces. How do I tell him I can't stand his girlfriend? That I don't think he should be with her? That he can do so much better?
Sadly, I think I just have.
Ok I think I may have told you this earlier but a true friend will accept your opinion and accept your outlook on the situation without taking it to the extreme and getting mad or ending the friendship. Whether or not they still make the right choice after that, you got it out and off your chest and said your part. I believe that your feelings on the situation are the right ones and I agree with you 110%. And i also believe that B did bring it onto herself and now she's reaping what she sowed, but taking someone down with her which is completely and utterly WRONG. And if M doesn't end up reading this I think you should still let him know your feelings. It'll feel so much better after you get it off your chest. Easier said than done, it always is lol. <3