I'm alive!!
Shocking, I'm sure, since I pretty much fell off the face of the planet for the last week. Would you all be jealous to know that even though you didn't hear from me, others did?
The short story is that I spent the last few days of summer vacation with my little man (even though I was sickly) and the fam. And then, just when I thought I was on the mend, Mother Nature struck. Have I mentioned how much I dislike being a girl and dealing with the whole "Curse of Eve" B.S.? So the last few days were spent in bed, whining.
Today I am up, and mostly mobile. (If by mobile, you mean sitting in the computer chair, still in pajamas...) The band is scheduled every single night this weekend so I'm trying to conserve energy. And yes, since it's Friday, I owe you all a Top 9 list :) I haven't forgotten.
I really debated about what today's list would be. It's been such a long week, with so much on my mind that it was hard for me to choose. So I didn't. I had someone else do it for me :) YAY for delegating!
And so, especially for my Lovely Sunshine, here's your Top 9 list for this weekend...You all can thank her in the comments :)
My Top 9 Least Favorite Expressions/Phrases

Part of the reason I hate this saying so much is because an unfavorable person from my past used it ALL OF THE TIME. It got old very fast. And now it's just like a reminder of a weak moment. Also, it makes no damn sense. "It is what it is." Well of course it is! What else would it be? It's one of those things that's just pointless to say, filler speech. You're basically saying, "I couldn't think of anything to say at this point in the conversation but I recognize the need to fill the silence. So I'll say this:" It's lazy.

Ugh. You all know how much I love Paris Hilton so I bet you can guess how I feel about any of the annoying phrases she coins. This one takes the cake though. I can't even really explain why this expression bothers me so much. Maybe it is just because I can't stand Paris...

Oh gosh! {insert big eye roll}
This is one of those things...like baggy pants. You can probably use half of a brain and see how the trend got started. And then some idiot had to make it "cool" and now it's over used and very annoying. Thank you gang-bangers for your contributions to the downfall of the English language.

Stupid Dr. Scholls and their crack-like commercials. Again...it just doesn't make any sense. How does a villain chill? Is he hiding in an igloo? Or maybe they were talking about Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin. That would make the statement fairly accurate...but still idiotic. Why would anyone want to be like Arnold? And how the hell would your shoe inserts make you feel that way? "Use these products from Dr. Scholls and you will instantly become governor of California without any qualifications whatsoever." That's advertising for you.

My darling younger sisters use this phrase entirely too much. So much so that my son picked up on it a few years ago. Imagine my ex-husband's pleasure when our 7 year old dropped a toy and said, "Oh snap!" It went over oh so well. As my mother so eloquently put it the other day, it's the equivalent of saying, "Oh F*ck!" so why not just say what you really mean?

Gag me. Another euphemism for a vulgar phrase. You're saying you'd have sex with a person. So why not just say it? Because walking around saying, "I'd have sex with that person," isn't culturally acceptable. So we cover it up with idiotic phrases that have no sense. Unless I'm wrong and guys are really going around saying, "I'd spank that," which is equally unacceptable to me. Find a new catch phrase folks, this one's shelf life has expired.

Oh lord. Seriously? Snoop has smoked away one too many brain cells. Creating his own language where things end in -izzle? Next stop, assisted living facility with a special dementia unit. And the problem is, Snoop is an icon so people picked it up like it was the newest issue of Cosmo and ran with it. The result? A bunch of nerdy kids running around creating new words in the hopes of sounding like a gangster. Thanks a lot, Snizzle.

But here's the thing...this makes the list on a pure technicality. It's not something I say or hear too often, but the boyfriend says that he uses it a lot. And he doesn't like it. (Which is odd, don't you think? Stop saying it if you don't like it.) It's very similar to "It is what it is" in that it doesn't hold any weight. Why not just say the whatever the "thing" is instead of feeling it necessary to create a needless segue? Filler speech, I rest my case.

Word. Not as in The Word, just...word. As far as I can tell, it's a cover all word used to mean a number of things. It can be used in response to a greeting, to answer in the affirmative or to agree with a statement. It's ridiculous. What's wrong with saying "Hi" or "Yes" or "Sure"? Did we get so lazy that we had to find one word and use it to encompass all of the above? And even then, were we too unimaginative that we just used the word "word" because we couldn't find anything better?
And now that I've gone through this list with you, I'm even more disgusted with humanity. When did we become lazy, boring, idiots that can only attempt to sound intelligent by covering up our inadequacies with meaningless phrases? Eh, I guess it is what it is, which is to say, that's hot. And now that you've been served you can chill like a villain until...Oh Snap! But here's the thing, I'd hit that, my nizzle. Word.
Have a great weekend everyone. I'll catch ya on the flip side ;) Toodles!