Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm back like that really annoying "friend" that just can't take the hint...

I'm alive!!

Shocking, I'm sure, since I pretty much fell off the face of the planet for the last week. Would you all be jealous to know that even though you didn't hear from me, others did?

The short story is that I spent the last few days of summer vacation with my little man (even though I was sickly) and the fam. And then, just when I thought I was on the mend, Mother Nature struck. Have I mentioned how much I dislike being a girl and dealing with the whole "Curse of Eve" B.S.? So the last few days were spent in bed, whining.

Today I am up, and mostly mobile. (If by mobile, you mean sitting in the computer chair, still in pajamas...) The band is scheduled every single night this weekend so I'm trying to conserve energy. And yes, since it's Friday, I owe you all a Top 9 list :) I haven't forgotten.

I really debated about what today's list would be. It's been such a long week, with so much on my mind that it was hard for me to choose. So I didn't. I had someone else do it for me :) YAY for delegating!

And so, especially for my Lovely Sunshine, here's your Top 9 list for this weekend...You all can thank her in the comments :)

My Top 9 Least Favorite Expressions/Phrases

Part of the reason I hate this saying so much is because an unfavorable person from my past used it ALL OF THE TIME. It got old very fast. And now it's just like a reminder of a weak moment. Also, it makes no damn sense. "It is what it is." Well of course it is! What else would it be? It's one of those things that's just pointless to say, filler speech. You're basically saying, "I couldn't think of anything to say at this point in the conversation but I recognize the need to fill the silence. So I'll say this:" It's lazy.

Ugh. You all know how much I love Paris Hilton so I bet you can guess how I feel about any of the annoying phrases she coins. This one takes the cake though. I can't even really explain why this expression bothers me so much. Maybe it is just because I can't stand Paris...

Oh gosh! {insert big eye roll}
This is one of those baggy pants. You can probably use half of a brain and see how the trend got started. And then some idiot had to make it "cool" and now it's over used and very annoying. Thank you gang-bangers for your contributions to the downfall of the English language.

Stupid Dr. Scholls and their crack-like commercials. just doesn't make any sense. How does a villain chill? Is he hiding in an igloo? Or maybe they were talking about Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin. That would make the statement fairly accurate...but still idiotic. Why would anyone want to be like Arnold? And how the hell would your shoe inserts make you feel that way? "Use these products from Dr. Scholls and you will instantly become governor of California without any qualifications whatsoever." That's advertising for you.

My darling younger sisters use this phrase entirely too much. So much so that my son picked up on it a few years ago. Imagine my ex-husband's pleasure when our 7 year old dropped a toy and said, "Oh snap!" It went over oh so well. As my mother so eloquently put it the other day, it's the equivalent of saying, "Oh F*ck!" so why not just say what you really mean?

Gag me. Another euphemism for a vulgar phrase. You're saying you'd have sex with a person. So why not just say it? Because walking around saying, "I'd have sex with that person," isn't culturally acceptable. So we cover it up with idiotic phrases that have no sense. Unless I'm wrong and guys are really going around saying, "I'd spank that," which is equally unacceptable to me. Find a new catch phrase folks, this one's shelf life has expired.

Oh lord. Seriously? Snoop has smoked away one too many brain cells. Creating his own language where things end in -izzle? Next stop, assisted living facility with a special dementia unit. And the problem is, Snoop is an icon so people picked it up like it was the newest issue of Cosmo and ran with it. The result? A bunch of nerdy kids running around creating new words in the hopes of sounding like a gangster. Thanks a lot, Snizzle.

But here's the thing...this makes the list on a pure technicality. It's not something I say or hear too often, but the boyfriend says that he uses it a lot. And he doesn't like it. (Which is odd, don't you think? Stop saying it if you don't like it.) It's very similar to "It is what it is" in that it doesn't hold any weight. Why not just say the whatever the "thing" is instead of feeling it necessary to create a needless segue? Filler speech, I rest my case.

Word. Not as in The Word, just...word. As far as I can tell, it's a cover all word used to mean a number of things. It can be used in response to a greeting, to answer in the affirmative or to agree with a statement. It's ridiculous. What's wrong with saying "Hi" or "Yes" or "Sure"? Did we get so lazy that we had to find one word and use it to encompass all of the above? And even then, were we too unimaginative that we just used the word "word" because we couldn't find anything better?

And now that I've gone through this list with you, I'm even more disgusted with humanity. When did we become lazy, boring, idiots that can only attempt to sound intelligent by covering up our inadequacies with meaningless phrases? Eh, I guess it is what it is, which is to say, that's hot. And now that you've been served you can chill like a villain until...Oh Snap! But here's the thing, I'd hit that, my nizzle. Word.

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll catch ya on the flip side ;) Toodles!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

No, Disturbed. I am NOT down with the sickness.

It's Saturday night and yet I am at home. Yesterday was Friday and yet there was no Top 9 list for my faithful fans. The boyfriend is doing his thing and I am not there to watch and snap pictures.

It's because I'm dying.

Oh, ok. I guess you can't actually die from a sinus infection. Well, I don't know for sure...maybe you can. I probably won't. But if you had asked me at 5:00 this morning, I would have argued with you. Well, no, I actually wouldn't have because I had no voice to do so. But I would have glared at you and argued with you in my mind. And for the record, I am GREAT at mental debate. Go ahead, try me sometime.

What I thought was just a nasty bout of allergies started developing into a sore throat Wednesday evening. Silly me thought I could just will myself to not get sick. I had such a busy weekend ahead of me, I didn't have time to be sick. Apparently my body is pretty good at debate, too. Who knew?

Each day has been progressively worse than the last and still last night I convinced myself I was on the mend and went to the gig, although I did not take pictures. I said I was taking the night off and just enjoying the show. What I should have done was be a good girl (like the boyfriend urged me to be) and stay in bed. I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with my throat so swollen and raw that I could barely swallow, I couldn't breathe through my nose and I couldn't breathe at all when laying down.

Needless to say, I gave in. I was at Urgent Care as soon as the doors opened and was seen within an hour. Even in my state of misery, I was impressed. The nice doctor asked a bunch of questions that I did my best to answer in my strangled, froggy voice. He then preceded to poke and prod my face, neck and chest. Then he stood back with that doctor pose and told me that I had a sinus infection, and a pretty nasty one at that.

Well, gee, thanks Doc. How nice of you to have noticed. Can you fix it now?

He prescribed me an antibiotic, told me I couldn't be doing the daily grind until at least Tuesday and that I'm still contagious until I've been on the antibiotics for at least 24 full hours. Joy.

I trudged to Hell and had my prescriptions filled, had a quick lunch with the boyfriend with my new medicine for dessert (Why can't they make amoxicillin taste like chocolate cake?) and then I curled up for a nap.

Good news is that even after only a few doses I am feeling a noticeable difference in my ability to breathe. Thank goodness for small wonders. And as much as it saddens me that I can't be there to clap and hoot like a nutjob for the boyfriend, I know that I wouldn't last five minutes. The trip to the kitchen to make something for dinner took all of the energy gained from my nap.

So why, you might ask, am I online writing to you when I should be resting? Well, mostly because one can only lay around for so long before they get restless. Or again, maybe that's just me. Also, I'm trying to stay up just a little longer so I can see the boyfriend before I pass out and snore like a troll. It's a good thing he loves me...

And on that note, I'm going to get ready for another dose of torture for my taste buds. If you all don't hear from me for a few days, don't fret. I'm really mostly sure that I'm not actually dying. But I can't make any promises that I'll be able to keep a coherent thought long enough to blog anytime soon. Until next time, toodles!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tips for 'Tards...or My Attempt at Saving Humanity

I know I always tell you that, contrary to appearance, I am not a judgmental person. I've decided that I must be. Actually, a very dear friend worded it best:

"I am not prejudiced against any one race or ethnicity. I am prejudiced against stupid people."

I think the biggest problem is that common sense just isn't that common anymore. I'm not saying I know everything, but there are a lot of things that just should be basic knowledge...and I'm continuously surprised by the amount of people who don't have this knowledge.

Unfortunately, it usually isn't received well when I try to share my helpful information with these poor, ignorant souls. You would think that people wouldn't want to continue to live life in the dark. You would be wrong. Instead, I've decided that I'll just share my abundance of knowledge with you all. You'll thank me, I'm sure. And if not, hopefully you'll at least get a few chuckles.

So today marks the first in what promises to be a series of intermittent posts that will be loosely titled: "Tips for 'Tards"

That is, until I come up with something better...

And for today's tip:

Ladies, bras are wonderful things. Unless you are an A cup and there's literally nothing there, a bra is your best friend. They should be worn with every outfit and therefore you should have more than one. However, just because the bra is your best friend does not mean that the world needs to see your bra. Think of it like an imaginary friend. You know it's there, but you don't go around sharing it with everyone. (And if you do share your imaginary friends with everyone, then you have bigger problems than I can help you with...) This is included but not limited to: wearing a strapless dress or shirt with a bra that isn't, wearing a bra that is darker in color than the shirt or dress over it and wearing a tank top that is so skimpy it doesn't adequately cover all of your bra.

That is all for today. I don't want to overwhelm anybody right away. That will come later. So take what I've given you today and share it with everyone. This is information the world deserves to have.

I'm out. Have a great rest of your day, world.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Workforced in the Summer of Rock N Roll

I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.

This last weekend can be summed up like this: 4 shows...3 days...100 degree days.

Any questions?

Oh, right. You probably want a little more than that, hmm?

Okay so we'll rewind back to Friday night. The band played the outdoor bar from last month. It was hot, it had been heating up all week so I kind of expected it. Fortunately the owners had set up some party tents so there was some shade. The night went decently even though I was sans my girls. Miss B was working and Miss J was on kiddo duty. And yes, I did have my celebratory drink :)

Saturday was back to back. In the early afternoon the band was playing at a wedding. I have never felt so terrible for a bride in my life. Her wedding (albeit, beautiful) was outside on one of the hottest days the area has had so far this year. Her reception (and the band) was inside, but the air conditioning wasn't working very well and it was easily over 100 degrees in that room. Everyone was wilting. Cutest thing ever was all of the little kids dancing to the music. It was adorable!

And then a quick breakdown of equipment and over to the second venue of the day. The guys got set up and then we all took a brief break to change and clean up. The boyfriend and I raced to HELL to grab him a new pair of sunglasses (he broke his at practice last week) and to pick up some Subway for a fast dinner. What was supposed to be a 15 minute stop turned into 40 minutes of bull. I won't bore you all with the details but I will tell you that without the boyfriend there I might have been sat on or gone to jail for smacking a dumb ass. My conviction that if you plan to live in this country, you need to learn our language was reconfirmed in Subway by someone ordering 5 sandwiches who knew one in five words of English. 20% does NOT equal efficiency. Then I almost brawled some little punk in the parking lot. And once I translated for the boyfriend the gutter Spanish the punk was spewing at me, I was slightly alarmed that the boyfriend might be joining me in jail. However, his chivalry was well appreciated, even if it was in the form of him flipping the bird as we drove off. It's good to know he doesn't stand for people disrespecting his girl.

Saturday night's show was good. A little shorter than planned because of scheduling snafus on the bar's part, but I don't really think the band was complaining. They were all tired.

Sunday dawned on the boyfriend's dad's birthday but, alas, we were off to yet another gig and unable to do much to celebrate. Never fear, I am making up for it by cooking a special dinner for him tonight :) You would think after Saturday that I would be better prepared for the heat. And I thought I was...but not so much. The band was playing at Salem's Summer in the City. They had a huge tent set up to cover the bands and a good portion of the spectators but it had closed sides so there was minimal air movement. And instead of just sitting in the front row taking pictures, I had promised to shoot video instead. Just that little bit of walking around and I was sweating worse than Urkel on his first date. And you can tell me all you want that girls don't sweat, they perspire. Whatever. This girl sweats. You don't have to like it, I sure don't, but it is a fact. A bonus to the day was that a girlfriend of mine drove up to visit and watch the band :) After the show, we chatted for a few but the heat was really more than any of us wanted to deal with so we said our goodbyes and the boyfriend and I headed home to cool down.

All in all it was a long, exhausting weekend...and I'm just the photographer. The poor guys were dripping all weekend long. And since they all have day jobs, I know they're probably dragging butt today. Not to gloat too much, but oooooooh the glories of working from home!

Before I sign off today, I have one more little tidbit to share with you all. Just because I don't have time to blog throughout the weekend doesn't mean that I don't take a few spare minutes to keep up with email from the fans. And so it was that I had a pleasant little surprise waiting for me yesterday afternoon when I opened my email. Someone had actually tracked me down from a comment I had left on a friend's blog, emailed me and asked if I would take a look at his blog.

Since the poor man went through the effort of finding me, I couldn't really deny him, now could I? And wow! Y'all, I laughed so hard I nearly pissed myself! He's a funny and witty character with a unique outlook on the world. I applaud him and give his blog a resounding two thumbs way, way up! (And really, I'm not just saying that in the hopes that he's reading this, I promise!) I urge you all to take a few minutes and check him out. You'll thank me!

And on that note, I'm out folks. This girl is worn out and I still have a TON of work to do today! Toodles and stuff!

** For those of you confused, HELL is the codename for Wal-Mart. You should no longer be confused. You are welcome.

Friday, August 13, 2010

I am a diabetic's worst nightmare...and I am a diabetic. Awkward.

Oh my gosh! I'm in a stupor folks! It would appear all of my good karma has been cashed in because my long time dream has come true! [insert a large round of applause]

Now before you all start bombarding me with loan requests, I did NOT (unfortunately) win the lottery. As cool as that would have been, this is significantly more amazing. (At least, for me. I imagine it's not so great for those of you thinking I was about to give you a fat check. Sorry.)

I am now officially a paid writer!

Well, I suppose I won't officially be a paid writer until I get paid for my first assignment...but I am now EMPLOYED as a writer :) And that, folks, has been my dream for as long as I can remember.

Guess who's doing the happy dance?

And to celebrate my happiness, today's Top 9 list is all kinds of yumminess for you all to drool over :) Since the band plays ALL weekend, I'm not going to have time to have a proper celebration with all of the mandatory sweets. I will, of course, be having a drink tonight to toast to success, but that's not quite the same thing.

So without further ado, I give you my favorite goodies. Enjoy!

Top 9 Favorite Desserts or Treats (These are in no particular order since their importance changes depending on my mood and what I'm craving.)

German Chocolate Cake

This is the best birthday cake ever. It also has been known to console me when something bad has happened, to help me to celebrate something fantastic and to simply fill the demands of a sweet tooth. It does have the potential to be very rich so I try not to indulge too often...but sometimes I just can't say no to all of that creamy coconut frosting and moist chocolate cake.

Oatmeal Scotchies

These little wonders are sinful! When most people think of oatmeal cookies, they imagine the oatmeal-raisin variety that were a staple of childhood. My mom, however, is a chocoholic and used to make oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips in them instead. One time I decided to try one of the recipes on the back of the Tollhouse bags. And my love for butterscotch was born. The comfort of an oatmeal cookie blended with the sweetness of butterscotch morsels. I am sold.

No-Bake Cookies

My mother didn't cook a whole lot when I was younger. However, the lady could bake (or not, in this case) some tasty treats. No-Bake cookies are like a cookie and fudge mixed together. And really, what's not to like about that?

White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake

I first had this delectable delight at an Olive Garden once upon a time. It is heaven, in your mouth. Seriously. And honestly, I'm not a huge cheesecake fan. It's a little too rich for me to have on a regular basis. But this...this I would eat everyday for the rest of my life and never long for anything else.

Coconut Cream Pie

As a rule, I'm not a huge fan of pie. Mostly because pies make me think of cooked fruit, and with only a few exceptions, I don't like cooked fruit. I know, I'm a freak. Anywho, coconut cream pie is one of the few types of pie that I will eat. (The other being chocolate cream pie, big surprise there, huh?) Fortunately for me, I have a younger sister who, if I ask very nicely, will make this for me for a special occasion. YAY!


Oh lordy! On a hot summer's day (like today) these little joys can always bring a smile to my face. Also, I think that might be their tag-line, I'm not sure. If not, it should be. Hell, forget summer, I will eat these in the dead of winter while shivering. Again, I know I'm a freak. Get over it. Personally, I prefer the ones without the nut topping but really, it's hard to go wrong with ice cream.

Boston Cream Pie

I've never really understood why this is called a pie, it's technically a cake. And it has all of the best things! Cake, chocolate frosting and cream filling :) It's basically a giant American eclair. Cuz when we do something, we go big!

7 Layer Bars

Oh yummy... I think I had these a few times at bake sale type events when I was a kid. I didn't actually know what they were called or have a clue how to make them though...that is, until I saw Paula Deen on Food Network making them. And I fell in love...again. Graham cracker crumbs, evaporated milk, coconut, chocolate AND butterscotch chips...ooooooooh...excuse me while I drool.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

I realize this might seem very simple to some, especially in light of all the wonderful treats in today's list. But really, everyone has their favorite flavor of ice cream and this is mine. And why shouldn't it have a spot on my list? One of my most memorable birthday cakes was an ice cream cake that my little sister bought for me...made out of mint chocolate chip ice cream, chocolate cake and topped with Andes mints. Tell me that doesn't sound like heaven?! it any surprise that I have a HUGE sweet tooth now? I'm thinking I might have to swing out for a bite of something divine before tonight's gig. Which reminds me...I need to get my booty in gear so that I can go rock out and celebrate my good fortune :)

I hope you all have a fantastical weekend and enjoy some sunshine (while avoiding heat stroke, of course). I'll check back in with you all on Monday. Oh...and


Monday, August 9, 2010

I have an excuse, I swear!

OMG I am such a slacker. If I were anyone else, I would be pointing my finger at me and saying, "You are so fired!"

Instead I'm just going to stand here and blubber excuses like a 5-year-old caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

First, the boyfriend has been on vacation from work. Other than the Weird Al concert for our birthdays, we haven't gone out of town. It's just been a week of paid lounging. I realize that just because the boyfriend doesn't have to work, doesn't mean that I shouldn't stick to my guns and get some writing done. But really? It's so damn tempting to lounge around with him.

Second, because the boyfriend has been off, we've had a very sociable week. It seems like everyday we had something to do. And really, when I have to get dolled up to go somewhere with the boyfriend, I just don't have time to try and make sense of my scatterbrained thoughts for you all.

Third, our schedules so often overlap that it's rare for the boyfriend and I to have serious downtime together. How could I turn away from a week of just being "us"?

There ya have's really all the boyfriend's fault that I've been neglecting my writing. Yell at him.

Hmmm...I suppose since it's Monday, you're all expecting a weekend update? Well, since I've been so negligent, how about a recap of the "vacation"? YAY!

So back to last Monday. It was the boyfriend's first official day of vacation (He was off the day before, but only because the store is closed on Sundays. In my book, that doesn't count.) I spent Monday morning working on my Birthday List for you and he spent it running a few errands. Then we went grocery shopping. Let me go on the record as stating I hate Wal-mart. Then it was our birthday BBQ with some awesome friends.

Tuesday was, alas, the day of my birth and so we headed north to do a little sight-seeing and then it was Weird Al followed by a killer steak in the middle of the night and a VERY plush hotel room :) Have I mentioned that the boyfriend spoils me rotten?

Wednesday was a birthday breakfast with some friends before we headed home. A nap, (Does anyone else get sleepy from riding in the car?) and then I made the boyfriend's birthday dinner. Chipolte carnitas tacos followed up with leftover birthday cake from Monday night.

Thursday dawned with the boyfriend heading off to his teeth cleaning. (Seriously, who likes to get their teeth cleaned so much they get it done at 9am on their birthday?! While on vacation?!) I finished up the Birthday List for you all and then headed to the daily grind followed by a BBQ at the drummer's house.

Friday was a lazy day for the most part, then off to the boyfriend's best friend's house for a clam bake :) Monday was his wife's birthday (She's exactly one day older than me, how fun is that?!) and Friday was the celebration. It was a riot! Also, I got the third degree from a 10 year old. It was a new experience. I'm still not sure how I feel about that.

Saturday the boyfriend had to go into work to cover a shift for a friend and I spent the day with Miss J. She was having a rough weekend so I went to cheer her up. I don't know if I helped or not, but we did get a lot accomplished. Also, while out yard-saling with her, I got some sun. I was pretty pink for a day or so but now I'm nice and tan :)

Sunday was...Duhn-duh-duh-duh...FOOTBALL! I don't care if it's still pre-season, it's football time and pretty much everyone who says differently can go play in traffic. Yesterday was the Hall of Fame game. I won't bore you all with recapping the game, let me just say that it was some sloppy-ass football from BOTH teams, even for pre-season. The boyfriend and I ended the weekend with a board game and some music. It was fantastical.

And now we're back to today. The boyfriend is still on vacation, in fact, he's still asleep. I'm back to faithfully writing out my life for all of my devoted fans and the world (as far as I know) is still turning. I think today's agenda involves getting some cleaning done. I hope not. I'd rather curl up with a good book or maybe take a picnic somewhere. I'll see if I can work my femininely wiles on the boyfriend ;)

I hope everyone had a good weekend. The band is back to their regular schedule this coming weekend so I know I'll have all kinds of wonderful stories for you. Also, Friday will bring another Top 9 list so if you have any requests, please don't hesitate to comment or email! Until next time folks, Toodles!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A very Weird birthday, indeed.


First off, I'd like to give a great big "THANK YOU" to everyone for the great birthday wishes. Despite my melancholy of the other day, the actual birthday was fantastic. The boyfriend took me to see Weird Al. Granted, it wasn't something on my list of things to do...but when the opportunity presents itself, why say no?

I'm sooooooo glad I didn't say no.

Al puts on such an energetic show that it's hard not to get caught up in it. And it doesn't hurt that we were second row either ;)

I'm sure you're all just dying to see the rest of my birthday list, right? I suppose I shouldn't make you wait any could, after all, just scroll down past all of my rambling to read the list. So here you go:

28 Things I've Learned About Life...and Myself (Part II)

15. Laughter really is the best medicine...unless, of course, you've just had abdominal surgery. Then it just hurts.
16. If they can't take you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best.
17. Take a lot of pictures.
18. I'm never going to be "normal" and I'm perfectly okay with that.
19. You are never too old to color.
20. An earring fetish is so much better (and more affordable) than a shoe fetish.
21. Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. If it were, we'd all be 800 lbs. and diabetic.
22. Whiskey is NOT a good thing.
23. The words we speak in anger today may be the difference between life and death for some one else tomorrow. Choose your words wisely.
24. Laundry is NEVER-ending.
25. There will always be an appropriate movie quote for every situation or conversation. If you don't have one, you need to watch more movies.
26. A good book is a great, inexpensive vacation.
27. Spelling and grammar matter more than you might think.
28. It IS possible to make a New Year's Resolution and keep it.

There it is folks...the most valuable knowledge of my 28 years of life. I've got to say, it's a pretty impressive list from my point of view. Maybe I've contributed something after all, hmm?

On that note, I'm off to rotate laundry and wait for the boyfriend to get home from his appointment. It's his birthday today and I'd like to spend some "us" time before he has practice and I have to trudge along to the daily grind. A side note...who actually likes to get their teeth cleaned and likes it so much that they actually schedule a cleaning at 9am on their birthday? Am I the only one befuddled by this craziness?


Monday, August 2, 2010

"...I woke with this fear, what am I leaving when I'm done here?..."

It's Monday morning again. The sun is shining, the boyfriend officially starts his week of vacation today and we're having a bbq with a few of our fabulously divine friends tonight. I should be thrilled, right? So why am I sitting at the computer all blah and stuffs?

Well, because tomorrow is the big day, y'all. I'll be another year older and I've gotta tell you, as of late, I'm not so fond of birthdays. Well, I like other peoples' birthdays, (Who doesn't like free cake?) but not such a fan of my own. This icky feeling about getting older started a few years back. It was my 25th birthday and I was feeling pretty good. I had just seen Linkin Park in concert, I was single and loving life. Then my mother said something that put a big fat halt on all of the warm and fuzzies.

"You're theoretically a third of the way done with your life and what do you have to show for it?"

As you might have noticed, my mother and I are like oil and water.

So now, every year, I reflect and wonder what the hell I've done with my life? I'll be 28 tomorrow, the big 3-0 is right around the corner, my little man will be 10 this winter and all this adds up to me feeling very ancient. I had every intention of doing a little weekend recap for you this morning but the more I think, the more I dwell on life and what I've done with mine. And so I guess that brings me to this list the boyfriend and I started. In an effort to prove that the last 28 years have not been completely futile, (Am I maudlin today, or what?!) I've started a list of things I've learned about life and myself. I'll post the first half of the list today and the second half after the boyfriend and I get back from celebrating our birthdays. (His is on Thursday.)

28 Things I've Learned About Life...and Myself

1. Always write your ideas down. You will NOT remember in the morning.
2. Jealousy is human nature. It is also a wasted emotion.
3. Cleaning is a GREAT way to burn off some anger and rage.
4. It takes too much energy to be what you think people expect you to be. Just be you.
5. Chocolate is NEVER a bad thing.
6. Sometimes you have to throw responsibility out the window and take a chance.
7. Not all girls are catty- about 98% of them are. Find the ones who aren't and start a club.
8. Marriage is a LOT easier to get into than get out of.
9. It's better to have four jobs you love than one job you hate.
10. Music makes everything better. Everything.
11. Karma will ALWAYS come back.
12. Patience is a virtue...just not one that I possess.
13. Best friends give the absolute best love.
14. Never give up on your dreams.

To be continued after the celebrations...

Adios folks!