So I've decided that I'm starting a new tradition. Because my weekends are now consumed by my groupie-ness I'm finding that I'm slacking slightly on my writing. So to make up for that I've created...
"Top Lists For Your Weekends"
Every Friday I will post a new "Top 9" list for your enjoyment over the weekend. Hopefully this should keep all of my anxious readers (ha, ha, ha...my ego needs a reality check lol) content until I return on Sunday nights with delightful recaps of my weekend.
To start off this new tradition with a resounding bang, here's your "Top 9" list for this weekend:
My Hall Pass (or more accurately, my 9 hall passes)
For those of you out of the loop, a "Hall Pass" refers to a list of people you would have sex with if the opportunity presented itself, a sort of "freebie" if you're in a relationship. The understood guidelines are that they are somebody famous or at least have a certain degree of "un-reach-ability" and that they should still be living. So yeah, that means Elvis is off the list.
And now for MY LIST: (in no particular order, I would so fall all over any one of these men)
Colin Farrell

How could you not love this man? He's got those smoky bedroom eyes and just screams "bad-boy". Plus, a lil bit of an accent never hurts either ;)
Chester Bennington

For those of you who don't know, Chester is the lead singer for Linkin Park and has a voice that sends shivers down my spine. The good kind of shivers too, not those I'm-freezing-my-ass-off shivers. Plus the tattoos are sexy!!
Johnny Depp

Most of you already know that I have a deep fascination with Mr. Depp. I realize that he's in a pretty committed relationship, but in my dreams, he leaves the smokin' hot French model and shows up begging for me. Don't. Judge. Me. It could totally happen.
Tom Cruise

All psycho, jumping-up-and-down-on-couches stuff aside, I've loved Tom since I was a young pre-teen drooling over him in a flight suit in Top Gun. And I don't care what anyone says, those flight suits do great things for a man's ass.
Felix Jones

Number 28 for my number 1 team. This man can hurdle dog-piles of burly men, land on his feet and run for days...and make it all look easy. It also doesn't hurt that he's HOT!
Tyler Connolly

The front man for Theory of a Deadman has it all. Bedroom eyes, tattoos, a killer voice and he plays guitar. I wonder if he cleans house too?
Adam Sandler

Everyone who knows me (and most of my readers, as well) know how much I love a sense of humor. Adam has that in spades. I've loved him since his early days on Saturday Night Live. Besides, look at that smile :) it's a winner for sure.
Tory Belleci

Tory (from Mythbusters for all of you non-fans out there) reminds me of my guy friends. A goofy sense of humor, a strange desire to blow stuff up and he acts like a 8-year-old kid stuck in a man's body. Plus, he's totally got the killer smile going for him.
Shemar Moore

AKA Derek Morgan on Criminal Minds AKA my newest addiction. Seriously, I get so caught up in most episodes that if someone walks into the room and catches me off guard, I scream like I've just been shot. When they have episodes that put Morgan in danger, I wail at the TV that they can't kill him because I like him too much. I know, I know...I need help. But seriously, LOOK at him...he's drool-worthy :)
Well there you have it folks...my list of "freebies". I'd love to hear your comments, ladies, on my choices, and if any of you guys out there wanna share your lists, feel free! I'm definitely curious!! And now I'm off, it takes a lot of work to make myself ready to party like a rock star. Enjoy your weekend, everyone! Party safe and smart and I'll check in with you all on Sunday :)
Great list! I agree with Colin Farrell, but that pic is just too similar to: