Ugh...have I mentioned how much I hate being sick? Probably I have. Instead of being all whiney though, I'm really trying to be upbeat today. Mostly because I'm not the only one sick and I seriously don't know how much the boyfriend
(who's still ill...) can take before he duct tapes my mouth shut and leaves me to my own devices.
(Which would effectively be him committing murder since I can only breath through my mouth...) So in my nice, upbeat
(and completely fake) mood, I've decided to give you yet another peek into my childhood. Now I don't know about any of you, but in my house, if you stayed home sick from school, you stayed in bed. This was probably because our parents were usually sure we were faking it. Most times, we were. But on days where we really
WERE sick, as in
Mom-had-taken-us-to-the-doctor-and-had-it-confirmed-and-now-she-was-feeling-guilty-for-not-having-believed-us-in-the-first-place-sick, we were allowed to curl up on the couch with our "blankie" and pillow to be nursed with medicine and soothed with the wonderful device known as the T.V.
The best part about this was that I would have the T.V. all to myself. It was very rare that my sisters and I were all sick on the same day and Mom would be off doing whatever it is mom's do during the day. And so I would get to lay there and watch all of my favorite shows with minimal interruption.
(When you have two younger sisters, this is VERY rare indeed...) As I got older, I was more likely to stay in bed and curl up with a book or magazine. But when I grew up and had my little man, I tried to remember all the good things about my youth. And so when he had the flu he got to curl up with his over-sized Sponge-Bob character pillows and watch Bob the Builder. When he had a double ear infection he was wrapped in Mama's arms watching Finding Nemo over and over.
(Repitition is good when you're little.)And so, in honor of what I
(and I hope, most of you) really want to do when we're sick, here's your list for the weekend. The favorite shows of my youth, the friends I turned to for comfort when I had another pesky ear infection or had caught yet another cold. A reminder though, these shows are from a large span of my childhood so don't think that my parents were letting my 6-year-old self watch all of these.
Top 9 T.V. Shows From My YouthFraggle Rock
"Dance your cares away, worry's for another day! Let the music play, down at Fraggle Rock!" Really, how can you not like a show with a theme song like that?
Bosom Buddies
The original slapstick comedy for me. It was like Laverne and Shirley and The 3 Stooges had a love child and it was Tom Hanks in a dress.
Perfect Strangers
One word. Balki. That is all.
Kids Incorporated
I wanted to be one of these kids. I used to watch, enraptured. When I wasn't "sick" I would try to dance and sing along with the characters, just knowing that someday I'd get my big break and get to be on stage right next to them. Alas, it never happened. I wonder if my mom still has my stone-washed jean jacket? I was going to wear that to my audition. It was my "cool" jacket.
Star Search
Come on! Who didn't want to be up on that stage singing their little hearts out? I can honestly say I didn't have a ruffle-dress already picked out for my performance. I guess I just thought if my parents ever figured it out and submitted a tape of me
(or whatever they had to do to get me on the show...) that they would promptly go out and buy me an appropriate amount of taffeta to impress Mr. McMahon and the judges.
Saturday Night Live
I can't remember how old I was when I was finally deemed old enough to watch SNL but I'm sure it was sometime after my parents' divorce when J became more slack about pesky things like bedtimes and appropriate television shows. I can't knock him though, because I didn't really mind. I fell in love with all of the characters and laughed until I thought I would pee myself.
As an adult I find numerous things wrong with this cartoon. But as a child, I loved it! I'm pretty sure the reason I won't actually own a cat
(A little incongruous, I know...) is due to the fact that deep down I think all cats are exactly like Azrael. It probably doesn't help that my mother once owned a cat that would have given Azrael and Gargamel both a run for their money.
Rocky and Bullwinkle
"Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta this hat!" I actually preferred the Mr. Peabody and Dudley Do-right bits but who's keeping tabs? Natasha was my first depiction of the "bad girl" and I blame her for me dying my hair pitch black my senior year.
Punky Brewster
I wanted to have her fabulous sense of style. Instead I wore whatever my mother picked out for me. I am lame.
Alas, there it is folks. There were many who didn't make this list and it makes me a little sad when I think about it. If only the list could be a little longer to encompass shows like
The Jetsons or
ALF. But then it wouldn't be my nine lives and it wouldn't make much sense. Not that much of what I do makes sense but still, I have to have my standards, guys. I hope you all enjoyed my trip down memory lane. I'm going to go make something comforting for dinner and get ready to curl up with the boyfriend.
(The band is off this weekend.) Maybe Netflix has some old episodes of
Looney Toons we can watch ;)
Until next time, Toodles my dears!