It's the first Monday morning of the new decade.
For the record, I am so not impressed.
However, I've promised myself that I will not start this new year of blogging with whining...so, moving on.
Friday night's bash was...well, it had its ups and downs. One of my good friends came to visit and got to see the band play for the first time. We had a drink and chatted and laughed while we people watched. She left early to head to another party and I proceeded to capture the last night of 2010 on digital film (or lack there of, as the case may be).
Miss J came by for a few minutes right as the ball was getting ready to drop. We both got our midnight kisses from the boyfriends and then exchanged well wishes for the new year. She headed home to continue the kid-friendly party there and I settled in for the last set.
Insert a question for you all:
Is it considered good luck when one starts the new year off with a hit to the head?
Not ten minutes after the guys headed back on-stage, I get a nice whack to the head. Now the only thing that might be construed good about this scenario is that I was hit by one of those plastic containers that sit on the tables and hold lotto slips. So maybe I'm supposed to get knocked over by a large sum of money? I dunno...but maybe the boyfriend and I should go buy a few lotto tickets tonight.
We finished the evening and headed over to Miss J's for the after party. I played DD so the boyfriend could have a few drinks. I also played the new Pictionary with the little man that you draw on...I wasn't great. But I wasn't terrible either :)
A synopsis of our New Year's Day? The boyfriend got to experience his first ever hangover (Miss J makes her drinks strong and sweet...they'd kill a candy cane, folks.), we both slept way in and had a nice lazy day which lovingly stretched into Sunday as well.
Anywho...as many of you may know, this Thursday marks a very special day. It is the official one year anniversary of Random Meows. What you may not know is that the birth of RM was the result of one of 2010's resolutions. For as long as I can remember, I've had either a book or a pen in my hand. If I wasn't reading something, I was trying to write something worth reading. Last year, while discussing in what direction I wanted my life to move, I told the boyfriend that I was going to start writing again...and seriously this time. A few short days later I had my answer. I would start a blog. And good, bad or otherwise, I would work at it all year long and see where it took me.
Well folks, this is where it has taken me:
I am now a freelance writer with three different companies that host my work. I have this blog and one other that will be returning from hiatus this year. I have a Facebook fan page and I have people in multiple cities and at least two different countries who read Random Meows.
Not too shabby for a girl who spends the better part of her days in her jammies.
And so I say to you:
A resolution can be made and kept if your heart is in it. I am already working on my resolutions for 2011 and will be sharing them with you shortly.
A great big thank you to all who read my ramblings each week. I know for a fact I wouldn't have been able to make it a whole year without your support, ideas and feedback. And to everyone out there who's struggling and wanting to make some changes, remember this:
Our desires are held back only by our fears. Change is the necessary spice to life. The path to each of our dreams begins with a single step. How many steps will you make this year?
Until next time, Toodles my dears!
Happy New Years! And I would take the lotto container whacking you as a good omen... buy some tickets! :-)