Ugh..when did I start looking forward to Monday's?
As you can probably imagine (since I failed to blog on Friday...) my weekend was nuts. And not all of it was enjoyable. I'll apologize to all of my male readers in advance...don't say I didn't warn you.
Friday should have dawned with me up and at 'em, ready to write and make everyone laugh with my witty remarks. Instead, Friday morning found me huddled over in bed, cursing the fates for making me female. I don't get riddled with cramps much anymore since I changed BC methods...but when I do, it's not pretty. Remember how I don't make a good patient? Yeah, that applies to this scenario as well. And since I don't have a laptop yet, I couldn't very well blog about my angered discomfort from bed. And so you all missed out...I'm sorry.
However, I did drag myself out of bed to go to Friday night's gig. I know, I know, I'm such a martyr. Seriously, one of my goals for my life is to one day make the Calendar of Saints. It could happen...you never know. I wonder what my saint name would be? Hmmm.... And I digress. The gig was great, as always and Miss J was there, sharing in my female anguish so we had a few drinks and whined together. You'd be amazed at how much better it feels to not be alone in your misery.
Saturday morning was spent working for a few hours and then home to shower and get ready for the next gig. Saturday night's gig was another outdoor one, so it was jeans and a t-shirt, nothing special. I was still hurting but was able to walk without being all limpy and stuff. Miss J didn't join us since her man was playing with his other band that night, but Miss B was there :) It was an interesting night, to be sure. Another one of those emotional roller coasters that I'm not fond of, but hopefully something great will come of it...I'll keep you in the dark about it until I know more. I don't want to get my hopes up until I know for sure :)
Sunday morning I woke with a stuffy head and pain in my left ear :( Sometimes I'm sure I'm cursed. So yesterday was spent...you guessed it, back in bed, this time attempting to fight off an ear infection without going to the hospital. (I don't have insurance, I really don't want to go unless I absolutely have to...) Since I wasn't running a fever, I figured I was probably okay with just doing the home remedy type routine. Lots of ibuprofen and rest. I'm feeling about the same today so I don't know if it helped or not. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
And here we are, back to our blessed Monday morning. And now that I've entertained you all with my tales of pain and woe, I'm off to crawl my whiney ass back to bed. And if any of my faithful readers have some suggestions for home remedies, please feel free to share in the comments. They will not come amiss, I promise you. Anything that doesn't involve me going to a doctor who will charge massive amounts of funds just to write me a prescription for antibiotics. I'm too broke for that kind of nonsense.
Alrighty, back to bed for me, I'm rambling and there's a ringing in my ears that I don't think is associated with the construction going on next door. Until next time...
Your Friday was my Sunday. It's such a b*tch. Luckily for me only the first day is truly hell, and after, only mild pain. But that first day IS HELL!!
ReplyDeleteAs for the ear infection, the only cure I know of is the one you don't want... antibiotics...