I am a firm believer that a full moon brings out the nutjobs. And yes, before you ask, I do have evidence to support this theory. The quick synopsis of my weekend? I was licked (NOT by the boyfriend), I was hit on by a chick (albeit a cute one, still, I just don't swing that way) and the band got flashed...by a guy...in a dress.
You need a drink now, don't you?
And you're dying to know more, aren't you?
Let's start with Friday night, shall we? I was still a bit cranky from all of my personal drama on Thursday so I decided that drinking was probably not a good idea since it would have only amplified my bitchiness. (Like I need any help in that department...) The night didn't start out so hot, either. There was a friend of a friend of the boyfriend there that reminded me way too strongly of an unfavorable person from my past. Long story short, he made my skin crawl. So I'm cranky and on edge now. Then, during one of the band's breaks, the bass player is introducing me to one of his friends when a strange man comes and shakes my hand, turns it over and kisses the back of it. Which is fine, really...it's happened before, no big deal. Then he proceeds to lick up my arm...at which point I rip my hand away, shocked. Fortunately, before I can either scream or slap the jerk, the bass player steps in for me. Even more fortunately, Miss B showed up shortly there after and kept me company watching the drunk, skanky girls throwing themselves all over our boyfriends. It's a really good thing Miss B came by, in the kind of mood I was in, I was seriously contemplating having a "discussion" with one of the drunk messes that thought it was completely appropriate to hop onto the stage and hurl herself into my boyfriend's arms. Yes, it was one of those nights.
With such a stellar start to the weekend, you would have thought I would have been prepared for Saturday night. Looks like I'm an optimist. Who knew? The gig for Saturday night was in somewhat of a dive which should have given me enough heads up for the night to come. It was, however, a special night. The bar had teamed up with Miller High Life to support our troops. Kudos to the sales rep who worked so hard all night to promote the program :) Cue the cute chick who has decided to practically sit in my lap while I'm trying to take pictures. She was bound and determined that I was going to dance with her, to the point that she went on stage and commandeered a mic to ask me to get up and dance. I was not impressed and only slightly embarrassed. Meanwhile the band is getting a peep show from one very skimpily dressed man. In a dress. At least, I think it was meant to be a dress...but it really looked more like a slightly longer than usual tank top...of the female variety. He was wearing more makeup than I use in a year and had a voice like gravel crunching under tires. I only know this because he took the opportunity to come up, slap me on the back (you would have thought I was choking, he hit me so hard!) and say, "If it won't make your boyfriend too jealous, I'll dance with you." OH. MY. GOD. SERIOUSLY?! Also, I have a question. If you are a man dressed as a female, wouldn't that imply that you're interested in men? And if that's the case, why would you want to dance with me, a female? I'm more than just a little bit confused.
Anywho, at this point I decided to hell with behaving myself and promptly ordered a drink. (Unfortunately, not the martini I was previously contemplating, the bar didn't have Grey Goose.) Miss B joined me and after hearing the brief synopsis decided that she, too, needed a drink. The rest of the night went decently, concluding with the bass player buying a "gravity pitcher" of Miller High Life in support of the cause. It was interesting, to say the least. We ended the night with a group of us having breakfast...at 2am. Which I haven't done since I was in college. It's been a long time since this kat was up past three in the morning.
After such an eventful weekend, was it any surprise that yesterday was declared a lazy day? The boyfriend and I lounged around the house most of the day and it was bliss! And to top it all off, then he takes me out to Olive Garden last night for dinner :) So sweet! It just doesn't get any better than that.
Which brings us back to today and reality. There's work to be done, laundry (I swear, it's NEVER ENDING!) in rotation and date night for the boyfriend and I. Last Comic Standing is on at 9 ;) I hope you all had a great weekend!
**For those of you dying to know, the quote from Friday's post is from The Land Before Time. It's classic :)
ummm... was this in KF? lol I want to know so I can avoid the licker when needing liquor. lol ;) Sorry!! Bad, bad joke.