Once again it's Monday morning and once again I'm more than slightly relieved the weekend is behind me. I know I've whined about Mondays in the past, but I'm starting to realize that I actually like how Monday morning is like a mini New Year's Day for me. I have begun to wake up and be excited about the week ahead of me and all too willing to put the previous week firmly in the past. Maybe it stems from my feeling the need to do these weekend updates for you all. It's almost like journal writing...except that I actually want other people to read this.
Anywho, I digress...let's rewind to Friday, shall we?
You know those days when you tell yourself "I should have just stayed in bed this morning." ? Friday was something like that. I just couldn't seem to get anything to work right for me the first time around. Hence, I was still rushing around getting ready when the boyfriend came home from work. Oh, and did I mention that I stepped on a piece of glass on the way to the shower? OUCH! That should have been my clue there that the night was not going to be the best. The gig went...well, it went. The band kinda had an "off" night. I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I really didn't like it. The boyfriend and I packed up and came home in almost record time. (Although, I'm sure it helped that it was a back to back gig this weekend, so they didn't have to tear down completely.)
Saturday found me unable to settle to any one task and so nothing really got accomplished. The second gig went much better though, whatever was "off" on Friday was definitely back "on" for Saturday. Of course, it didn't hurt that both of my ladies came out Saturday night :) Miss J and Miss B can always take the funk off of any day. Also the Vodka Sunrises were flowing and there was just a general feeling of letting loose and having a great time. I drank a tad too much, danced (which I NEVER do) and screamed until my throat was raw. The boyfriend and I shared a rare slow dance which would have made my whole night even if it had been a repeat of Friday. Since it was a great night, it was the perfect cherry on top :)
Sunday was a wash. I refuse to rant like an angry you-know-what since I dealt with it yesterday and don't really want to re-hash the emotions. Let's just say that a LOT of cleaning got done. Which begs the question...is it only girls that clean when they're pissed? I've only ever known two guys who also have this compulsion. The boyfriend is not one of them, which is good. I don't know if I could handle two of me, I can barely handle one. LOL. Anyway, I got some mindless cleaning done and then decided to make a batch of breakfast burritos for a late dinner. I made a few extra for a quick breakfast this morning, which proved fortuitous since the boyfriend was running a few minutes late. Breakfast on the go, yay!
There it is. It's Monday morning and I'm up, fed, and full of all kinds of inspiration to make some big changes in my life. And I suppose that means that I should sign off and get going or nothing will be done. I hope all of my readers had a great weekend. And if you didn't, maybe you also got some cleaning done?
Absolutely 0 cleaning got done at my place, plus no painting, and no putting up of shelves. The weekend was one big drunken sunshine. Tuesday morning, and finally feel like myself, and have buttloads to do!