Lord have mercy on my tired self...but I'm back! And yes, I know, I know I promised to be back yesterday. But funny little thing, I forgot how exhausting vacations can be...and how much there is to do when you get back. So...are you all ready for a fantastical weekend update?
Let's see...I signed off on Friday and spent the rest of the day running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Running to the grocery store for snacks for the trip, a few errands that couldn't be postponed until this week and then a wonderful (and unexpected) evening with my family. My mom and step-dad called to say they would be passing through town. So off to dinner with them and my lil man :)
Saturday morning was more of the same, rushing around trying not to forget anything. I had lunch with the family again before they headed back home and then I came home to finish packing. Have I mentioned how much I despise packing? I'm always positive I'm going to forget something and so I make a dozen lists and check and re-check them...and I still forget something. Anywho, the plan was to get to bed early so we could be well-rested for our drive the following morning. We didn't get to bed until almost 2am. What is that thing about the best laid plans?
It's Sunday morning and now we're on the road after a little delay and stopping for coffee and gas. We've got the CD's on shuffle and we're bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all excited for our first little vacation together. We make it all the way to the hotel with ease...and then, as we turn into the parking lot, the boyfriend looks at me and says:
"That's the last time I use Priceline.com."
Yeah...on the outside, it was a total dive complete with sketchy looking "long-termer's" BBQing on a micro Weber in the parking lot. But we check in and get to our room which is clean, has a decent bed and a hot shower which is all I really need. We unload the car and rest a bit before cleaning up and heading over to the venue for the party. I won't bog you down with all of the details...but it was AWESOME! There was a BBQ, the boyfriend and his best friend performed a few songs, they had mid-way games and capped it all off with the best personal fireworks show I have EVER seen.
Monday was more of the same, basically feeling like I had reverted back to childhood. I kinda liked it :) We joined the best friend and his family at one of those "Family Fun Centers" and ran around like a bunch of 7 year-olds. The boyfriend and I played skee-ball and yes, I did jump up and down when I beat him. And then he came back to beat me 2 out of 3 games. I got to hold the baby (she's only 6 weeks old, I felt sooooooo spoiled!) so that the lil mama (the best friend's wife), the best friend and the boyfriend could do the bumper cars.
Tuesday was check out day and our circular route back home. We stopped off to have lunch with one of my girl friends and then off to Smith Rock State Park for a look at Monkey Face Rock. And then we took the scenic route home, through McKenzie Pass in the Cascades. BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! Oh my gosh! It was like the mountains were close enough to touch. I even slightly conquered one of my fears by climbing to the top of the observatory. 5325 feet, give or take a few inches, and all that's supporting me is a pile of lava rock...yeah, I was TERRIFIED! But it was exhilarating at the same time. After a stop to have dinner with another girl friend we trudged home and reluctantly unloaded the car.
The thing about vacations is that you always need another vacation afterwards. I've been home two complete days and I still have piles of laundry to do, I'm only partially unpacked and I'm behind on my writing. UGH! As wonderfully fantastical as our weekend away was, I am glad to be home again. Yesterday was spent at the grocery store (we had snacks left over from the trip, but no actual food in the house...), running errands that I had put off from last week and trying not to die from heat stroke.
And now that the dryer has just buzzed at me, it is time to go rotate the laundry so that I can have clean clothes for this weekend...pretty sure it's still illegal to go out naked. Damn.
Skee-ball! Love skee-ball!!