An interesting thing happened during my pissed off cleaning fit on Sunday. I was sorting through a box that has become my catch-all. Instead of a "junk drawer" I have shoe boxes that fill up with all sorts of things that I think I need to keep...but later realize I don't need at all. Anywho, I was sorting through said box and stumbled across a few treasures among the receipts and random scraps of paper.
Amidst the pile of recyclables was a book that was given to me last fall. I know what you're thinking..how could I have possibly shoved a book into a box? Well, it's not really that kind of book. It's called Listography: Your Life in Lists.
The funny thing about this book is that it's all lists. Just a book of lists. Anybody else seeing some similarities? Every Friday I log on and eagerly post yet another list for my readers...and yet I had this glorious book hiding away with loads of lists that I've already worked on. And no, now is not the point where you jump in and tell me what an idiot I am.
The real reason I'm telling you all of this isn't so you'll laugh at my forgetfulness. While reading through this book of lists I found something very interesting. There is a list titled "List Your Life 'To Do' List" and I had made a few entries. (The lists are pre-labeled with blank pages in the back to make your own lists.) One of the entries on this list is: "Start a blog/website". And here is the shocker...I stopped writing in this book around Halloween last year. It wasn't that I wasn't interested anymore, just that I had other things that were taking up more of my time. So how cool is it that I completed something off of my "To Do" list without remembering it was on there to begin with?
Okay, I realize some of you might not think it's that big of a deal. The thing is, I've been making "To Do" lists for as long as I can remember and I've only yet marked off a handful of items. Life and other stuff just gets in the way. To have this accomplishment, however small it might be in another's eyes, is huge for me. And not only that I've started the blog...but that I've stuck with it for 7 months and running. It's so easy to give up on something when you don't see immediate results or when you find out it's a little tougher than you first expected. This time I didn't. And that's a HUGE DEAL for me.
And so I now suggest this book for all of my fellow writers, or really, for any one. It's kind of cathartic to analyze your life from this unique standpoint. And who knows? You might just find out a few things about yourself that you didn't know...or complete a few goals :)
You'll find the book here:
And don't worry, there's no need to thank me ;)
Interesting read
ReplyDeleteLists have been a fundamental part of my life since I was eleven and I got my first filofax. I love the satisfaction of knowing everything that needs to get done, having it all written out in front of you, and crossing off a task when it is completed... heaven!!
ReplyDeleteI'm a nerd. Don't care. Love my lists.
congrats on sticking with it girl! you rock!