I really want to just crawl back into bed today. I had weird, disjointed dreams and just didn't sleep as soundly as I would have liked. I had a rough evening yesterday, which I'm sure had something to do with the dreams, and quite frankly I'm not in the best of moods this morning. Unfortunately, time doesn't revolve around little ol' me so I suppose I can't spend the day in bed since there's a to-do list sitting here with my name on it. Damn.
Anywho, now that I've whined and bitched, how about moving on to the real reason why I'm here today? It's Friday and it's time for yet another installment in our Top 9 Lists. An interesting little tid-bit about yours truly. I lost part of my hearing when I was about 9 years old. And it is indeed true what they say, the loss (or partial loss, in this case) of one sense can heighten the others. Or maybe I just have a super nose (when my allergies aren't in full swing, that is) but I prefer the first explanation. So, since I decided I needed a little pick-me-up after yesterday, today's list is about my favorite smells.
As always, the lists I create are my own opinions and they are meant only as entertainment. I have no intentions of trying to convince everyone to see my point of view. Not that I don't think that would be AWESOME! but I just don't have that kind of time. I do, however, reach out to my fans/readers to ask for tips as well as hounding my friends into helping with my lists when I'm drawing a mental blank. And so, for the bass player who gave his very valuable insight to today's list, thank you!! Without further ado:
My Top 9 Favorite Smells (these are not in order of importance, mostly because my mind changes depending on my mood)

There is something about a man who takes time to take care of himself. I don't care if it's body spray, cologne, aftershave, deodorant, scented body wash or just plain old bar soap and shampoo...they all smell great. Mind, you don't need all of them on at the same time...but they all work for me. My guy friends have all gotten used to me hugging them and breathing deep because I love the way a guy smells. Even if he's been working outside all day and is sweaty, that pure male smell mixed with whatever scent he uses is intoxicating. That's right, I get drunk off of Axe and Old Spice ;)

Sheets (or towels) fresh out of the dryer smell like...home. I don't know how to really explain it better than that. It's clean, soft and still slightly warm and it just breathes comfort. And I know it's not just the smells of my laundry detergent or fabric softener because I'm one of those cheapskates that buys whatever is on sale, so the actual fragrance varies and it all still has the same effect on me. If anyone else can find a better way to describe it, I'm all ears.
Ici perfume by Coty

Hmmm...talk about some memories. I was first introduced to this yummy stuff when I was in high school. My step-sister came back from California where she had spent the summer with her dad and brought this little gem back with her. Since I was maybe 14 at the time, I don't think I had ever worn any actual perfume except for that knock off stuff you could get for 99 cents at Payless. Since my step-sister was nice, she would let me wear a little bit of her Ici if I had a special occasion, like a choir performance (SHUT UP! I KNOW I was a nerd...get over it!) or a date. I have been in love with Ici ever since. It's a little hard to find now, I think Rite-Aid might be the only drugstore I can find it in anymore. And since I've decided that I'm not much of a girly-girl, I don't wear it much these days. But it is still one of my very favorite things to smell.
A Freshly Mown Lawn

As mentioned above, I have ridiculous allergies. Pretty much I'm sneezing all year round. One of my triggers is grass, just one sniff and I will be sneezing for days, eyes watering...the whole she-bang. As bad as all that is, I absolutely adore the smell of a fresh cut lawn. It's a clean, summery smell that makes me smile. It reminds me of playing outside as a kid, pouncing around on the front lawn. If only we could all be 8 again....SIGH.

It doesn't matter what you're baking. Cookies, blueberry muffins, a cake, cinnamon rolls, or -my absolute favorite- homemade bread. YUM! The fabulous scents fill the house and will bring a smile to every one's face. Really, if you can frown when someone is baking you probably should seek professional help because there's nothing I can do for you. I like to bake when I know the boyfriend needs a smile and it works everytime. The other day it was white chocolate and macadamia cookies. They were divine, by the way. And this weekend it will be caramel cinnamon rolls, since we both need a smile. I don't know about you all, but that's some pretty cheap therapy right there.
Love Spell by Victoria's Secret

I once had a guy tell me that Love Spell reminded him of Fruit Roll-ups. I don't know if it's a good thing to smell like after-school snacks but I haven't had any complaints yet. Personally, I prefer the body butter to the lotion or body spray but I love the scent no matter what. It's sweet without being overpowering, a little fruity without making you smell like bubble gum. Of course, if you don't like smelling like snack food, maybe it's not for you...

Hot, buttered, salty popcorn. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin. When I was younger, J's mom managed the local movie theater. This, of course, meant that the grandkids got some freebies. If we helped clean out the theaters after a show, we could see a free movie, popcorn and soda's were on the house. (Gotta love cheap child labor!) So from a very young age I developed a love for popcorn. The smell of it cooking is nearly as intoxicating as baking. Actually, it's probably right on par since I'm one of those weird people who like to pair salty items with sweet ones. What's better than smelling popcorn popping and cookies in the oven? Oh lord, I think I just gained 5 pounds thinking about it!

This might be revealing a bit more of that tom-boy side of me. Something about wood burning peacefully (that's right, NOT talking about arson or burning crosses here) relaxes me almost as much as a bubble bath. It's that smoky smell mixed with a little of nature. And trying to describe it accurately is clearly escaping me. So maybe you'll just go out and experience it for yourselves? It is, after all, the perfect season for it.

The best part of waking up is Folger's in your cup. Okay, I don't know about that. I'm actually not a big coffee drinker. Mostly because I don't like the taste of coffee. I know, I know, I must be a freak. Get over it. I like the smell of coffee brewing just fine and the kick it gives is great but it has to have mass quantities of sugar and creamer present for me to actually drink it. Since that's too much for me to manage in the morning, I don't really get to smell coffee brewing. If only I could find a coffee scented candle or something...or maybe I can win the lottery and have a Dutch Brother's built next to my kitchen. That would be nice...
Ah. And here we are. Another Friday evening is ahead with me doing the transformation from "erstwhile writer decked in sweats" to "rock star's girlfriend sporting a band T and jeans". I need a quick change telephone booth. Does anyone know where Superman got his? Maybe I should check E-bay...
As you may have guessed, it's another busy weekend. I've got quite a bit on my plate but I'm hoping to have some of it cleared off by Monday and maybe to have some good news to share with you by then as well. Keep your fingers crossed for me fans, this could be the break I've been hoping for!
I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, full of fun times, great friends and good drinks. Maybe try out a Grey Goose Martini, a little on the dirty side? I got the idea from Sara and I'm thinking it sounds fabulous after the week I've had! Until Monday, Ciao!
**F.Y.I. In case you were wondering, today's title is a line from a movie I adored as a kid. Kudos to anyone who can comment and tell me the title:)
Really great list, with the exception of the two perfumes (i've never smelt them) I would have picked all of these too :-)
ReplyDeleteAlso... thanks for the shout out! Did you get your martini?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm going to guess Pretty In Pink...