Is it 2011 yet? No? Well, damn.
Obviously Christmas came and went for us. The boyfriend was kind to my impatience and we exchanged our gifts Christmas Eve night. He swears he loves everything I got for him...and I'm mostly inclined to believe him :) He spoiled me (as he usually does) and so I was floating on cloud nine for most of the weekend.
Unfortunately Monday morning came and off to work for the both of us. And for some silly reason, it feels like I haven't stopped running since then. Finally tonight I'm able to sit down with my second love (the computer and its interwebs) and attempt to get some other work done. All though, writing has never really felt like "work" to me. I guess that's just how it is when you're doing something you're truly passionate about.
So now that you're all up to speed on the chaos that is my life, let's see what else I can tell you...
The band plays Friday night for a huge New Year's Eve bash. I shall be there, front and center....hopefully with a great friend or two. I will also probably be partaking of the drink specials. I've only recently come to realize that this year is one of the first New Year's that I've had "adult" plans and so I plan to do it up right...however that may be. (I may need a few pointers...)
Saturday marks the beginning of a new year, a new decade and, for some, a new era. I don't know if any of my readers make resolutions but I do. I haven't always, in fact, there was a period in my life that I was sure resolutions were the dreams of fools. I don't really remember when or why I changed my mind but change I did and I'm proud to say that this last year I was successful in keeping not one, but TWO resolutions. But more about that later...
Since the boyfriend and I both have Saturday and Sunday completely and totally OFF from everything...we have plans to do nothing. And it will rock. I have plenty of little projects around the house that I would like to spend some time on. I think I might even make a stew and bake some fresh bread or something equally cozy. And yes, all of that DOES constitute as doing nothing.
And with all of that goodness awaiting me I suppose I should call it a night. Seeing as how I have to work for the next two days before I get any of that goodness. Damn daily grind and needing the monies for bills and stuffs. {GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE, GRUMBLE}
Until next time, Toodles my dears!!
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