I still want to run away.
But I've resigned myself to the fact that it's just not feasible at this time and place. So I'm trying very hard to behave, stop whining and get some work done. I figure if I work really hard and make the holidays wonderful and great for everyone involved maybe, just maybe the boyfriend and I can sneak away after New Years.
A girl can hope, can't she?
However, in the spirit of disappearing to some fantastic place, here's your list for the weekend.
Top 9 Cities I Want to Visit
(In no order of any sort because I'm just feeling that ambiguous today. Bite me.)
Rome, Italy

I really want to go to Vatican City as well. But, as I was informed this morning, Vatican City is its own country so technically it is not a city. Rome is just as lovely though, and stuffed to the gills with wonderful history, art and culture. Give me a plate of authentic pasta, wine and a breathtaking fountain to stare at and I will be a blissful girl.
Dublin, Ireland

My whiteness hails from this wonderful country. I'd like to go and see how my drinking skills match up to the locals :) I'm fairly certain they could drink me under the table in no time flat. But it would be fun!
Paris, France

One of the things on my Bucket List is to climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Add in the Louvre and all of that yummy pastry...Yes, please!
New York City, U.S.A.

I want to see the Statue of Liberty (also on the list...), to walk through Times Square, to stand in the middle of all of that chaos and relish the fact that I'm mostly sane. I want to pay my respects at Ground Zero and stroll through Central Park.
Munich, Germany

One word says it all. Oktoberfest.
Edinburgh, Scotland

One of my favorite authors has a series of books that are primarily set in Scotland. Ever since I started reading her writing I've wanted to visit Scotland and see the sites she describes in such vivid detail. The castle in Edinburgh is just calling my name. Can you hear it?
Sydney, Australia

Ah, the Opera House. Such a worldwide symbol of great music. Is there really any question why I would want to visit there? Also...I want to see a kangaroo.
Geneva, Switzerland

Chocolate. Watches (For the boyfriend, he has a watch fetish. I could care less about watches, bring on the earrings.). Pretty freakin' gorgeous mountains. Plus, they have a set of international laws named after their city. Kinda ups the level of coolness.
Athens, Greece

I am a great lover of Greek mythology. Clearly, since I was Medusa for Halloween this year. I would cherish visiting the site of such amazing amounts of history. I want to see the sights that Homer saw.
Ah, to get away to any one of these paradises would be the peanut butter to my jelly right now. And now I'm off to get to work on all of those little things that need to get done. I hope you all have a great weekend. Party safe, y'all!
On a serious note, I have an extended family member who is in trouble. She was in a car accident recently and she's just taken a turn for the worse. I'm asking for any good thoughts, karma or prayers you can send her way. Thank you all in advance.
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