Ugh...I hate it. The feeling that you need to write, you want to write, you're sitting in front of the computer ready to write. Instead you stare at the blank screen waiting for inspiration to strike you.
And since it hasn't gone away with time, this "block", I've decided there are only two options. I can keep sitting here in all my blankness, screaming along to Led Zepplin, praying for a spark. Or...OR...I can tell you all a story. Yeah, we're going with option #2.
Once upon a time...
When I decided to throw caution to the wind and make some huge changes in my life last year, I met some amazing people. And, as is usually the case, some not so amazing people. I often wonder if one of the other reasons Nubs and I became such great friends so quickly was because we were both making some HUGE changes in our lives at the same time.
So last fall, while Nubs and I were both in the process of moving, we were brief roommates. That's to say, his girlfriend at the time (Let's call her CPB-as in "crazy-psycho-bitch"...you'll understand why later.) was rooming with B (NOT Miss B) and I was also crashing there for a few weeks. Add Nubs and we had a regular party.
Sometime around Halloween a road trip become necessary. Nubs needed to travel about three hours in one direction to take care of some business and I needed to travel about six hours in a different (not opposite, just not exactly the same...) direction to also conclude some business. Now while his trip was pretty mandatory, mine wasn't exactly life or death.
This would probably be a good time to tell you that CPB (as well as the boyfriend) had been working during the day so Nubs and I had had quite a bit of time to talk and become friends. I would like to make it perfectly clear that that's ALL it was. Apparently CPB was starting to become insanely jealous of this fact, though, and had concluded that Nubs and I must be having some sort of sordid affair. Pretty sick to think about when you remember that I consider this man like a brother, right?
The night before this road trip is supposed to take place, CPB does a complete 180 and says that Nubs is borrowing her car for the trip and I should go with him, i.e. killing two birds with one stone. Imagine our surprise since she had just the day before told Nubs that she was convinced he had some sort of secret relationship with me. (Clearly she didn't know me that well...or she would've known that I can't keep a secret at all.)
And so, it would happen that on a bright and early Wednesday morning Nubs and I bid adieu to our significant others and drove out to the coast. When we left town (in the northern part of Oregon) it was partly sunny and mostly clear. We were dressed in comfies and flip-flops and excited.
I don't care who you are, the possibility of a road trip is exciting.
And now that I'm looking at this all laid out, this story is quite long. In an effort to take a breather and make sure all of my details are accurate, I shall take a break here. Also, leaving you hanging is sure to bring you all back for the next chapter, is it not? Genius!!
I hope you all are having a great week and kicking December off with a bang. Can you really believe that in just a brief 30 days, 2010 will be nearly behind us? Are you sad or happy about this?
Until Part Deux, Toodles!!
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