It is Monday morning, yet again. Anyone wanna start a petition to remove Monday's from the calendar? I promise I'll sign.
My weekend had its ups and downs but overall was pretty great. Friday night was spent with the band. A former band mate of the boyfriend's and his wife (The former band mate's, NOT the boyfriend's...I'm not THAT backwoods, folks.) came out to boogie and so I got to visit with them. I always like to meet people that have known the boyfriend for longer than I have. It's another one of those little windows to his past.
Saturday was awesome. The Oregon Ducks beat their rivals the Oregon State Beavers in the annual Civil War game and are now on their way to the National BCS Championship game next month. Tickets are going for some where around $700. Needless to say, we won't be going.
Saturday night was back out with the band and Miss J. I absolutely love spending time with my girls, they can always, ALWAYS bring a smile to my face.
Sunday was supposed to be me at home being all sorts of domestic and whatnot whilst the boyfriend hung out with his best buddy. Instead, Miss J kidnapped me (Thank God!!) and I helped her out at her annual Holiday Gift Bazaar at her salon. This was a good and bad idea. As most of you know, I am broke as a joke after spoiling lil man for Christmas and his birthday. So yesterday was spent with me drooling and dreaming up fantastic Wish Lists. The good part was that I got to meet some really cool ladies AND I got to spend some fun-while-not-trying-to-scream-to-be-heard-over-the-band time with Miss J. Indeed, it was a good day.
I do have a fabulous idea though...
Just because I can't do anymore Christmas shopping without pawning off body parts doesn't mean that my friends, readers and/or fellow bloggers can't cross some people off of their shopping lists via the wonderful interwebs.
So here you have it folks, a list on Monday! My favorite ladies from yesterday's bazaar, a lovely sample of what I was drooling over and all of the contact info so you guys can shop away!
Naomi @ Nannah Designs

Michelle @ Arbonne International

Susan @ Willow House

Leah @ Miche Bags

Marcy @ Tomboy Tools

**Marcy can be reached directly at: dansgirl75@clear.net
Kathryn @ Pampered Chef

Sara @ Scentsy

I'll leave you all to your shopping now. I hope you guys had a safe and great weekend. And if you happen to be in my neck of the woods, give me a jingle. I know where to send you for a great hair-stylist ;)
I love that little decorative tree from Susan at Willow House. Very fun and fab!