I feel like I've been run over by a Mack truck.
This last weekend can be summed up like this: 4 shows...3 days...100 degree days.
Any questions?
Oh, right. You probably want a little more than that, hmm?
Okay so we'll rewind back to Friday night. The band played the outdoor bar from last month. It was hot, it had been heating up all week so I kind of expected it. Fortunately the owners had set up some party tents so there was some shade. The night went decently even though I was sans my girls. Miss B was working and Miss J was on kiddo duty. And yes, I did have my celebratory drink :)
Saturday was back to back. In the early afternoon the band was playing at a wedding. I have never felt so terrible for a bride in my life. Her wedding (albeit, beautiful) was outside on one of the hottest days the area has had so far this year. Her reception (and the band) was inside, but the air conditioning wasn't working very well and it was easily over 100 degrees in that room. Everyone was wilting. Cutest thing ever was all of the little kids dancing to the music. It was adorable!
And then a quick breakdown of equipment and over to the second venue of the day. The guys got set up and then we all took a brief break to change and clean up. The boyfriend and I raced to HELL to grab him a new pair of sunglasses (he broke his at practice last week) and to pick up some Subway for a fast dinner. What was supposed to be a 15 minute stop turned into 40 minutes of bull. I won't bore you all with the details but I will tell you that without the boyfriend there I might have been sat on or gone to jail for smacking a dumb ass. My conviction that if you plan to live in this country, you need to learn our language was reconfirmed in Subway by someone ordering 5 sandwiches who knew one in five words of English. 20% does NOT equal efficiency. Then I almost brawled some little punk in the parking lot. And once I translated for the boyfriend the gutter Spanish the punk was spewing at me, I was slightly alarmed that the boyfriend might be joining me in jail. However, his chivalry was well appreciated, even if it was in the form of him flipping the bird as we drove off. It's good to know he doesn't stand for people disrespecting his girl.
Saturday night's show was good. A little shorter than planned because of scheduling snafus on the bar's part, but I don't really think the band was complaining. They were all tired.
Sunday dawned on the boyfriend's dad's birthday but, alas, we were off to yet another gig and unable to do much to celebrate. Never fear, I am making up for it by cooking a special dinner for him tonight :) You would think after Saturday that I would be better prepared for the heat. And I thought I was...but not so much. The band was playing at Salem's Summer in the City. They had a huge tent set up to cover the bands and a good portion of the spectators but it had closed sides so there was minimal air movement. And instead of just sitting in the front row taking pictures, I had promised to shoot video instead. Just that little bit of walking around and I was sweating worse than Urkel on his first date. And you can tell me all you want that girls don't sweat, they perspire. Whatever. This girl sweats. You don't have to like it, I sure don't, but it is a fact. A bonus to the day was that a girlfriend of mine drove up to visit and watch the band :) After the show, we chatted for a few but the heat was really more than any of us wanted to deal with so we said our goodbyes and the boyfriend and I headed home to cool down.
All in all it was a long, exhausting weekend...and I'm just the photographer. The poor guys were dripping all weekend long. And since they all have day jobs, I know they're probably dragging butt today. Not to gloat too much, but oooooooh the glories of working from home!
Before I sign off today, I have one more little tidbit to share with you all. Just because I don't have time to blog throughout the weekend doesn't mean that I don't take a few spare minutes to keep up with email from the fans. And so it was that I had a pleasant little surprise waiting for me yesterday afternoon when I opened my email. Someone had actually tracked me down from a comment I had left on a friend's blog, emailed me and asked if I would take a look at his blog.
Since the poor man went through the effort of finding me, I couldn't really deny him, now could I? And wow! Y'all, I laughed so hard I nearly pissed myself! He's a funny and witty character with a unique outlook on the world. I applaud him and give his blog a resounding two thumbs way, way up! (And really, I'm not just saying that in the hopes that he's reading this, I promise!) I urge you all to take a few minutes and check him out. You'll thank me!
And on that note, I'm out folks. This girl is worn out and I still have a TON of work to do today! Toodles and stuff!
** For those of you confused, HELL is the codename for Wal-Mart. You should no longer be confused. You are welcome.
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