OMG I am such a slacker. If I were anyone else, I would be pointing my finger at me and saying, "You are so fired!"
Instead I'm just going to stand here and blubber excuses like a 5-year-old caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
First, the boyfriend has been on vacation from work. Other than the Weird Al concert for our birthdays, we haven't gone out of town. It's just been a week of paid lounging. I realize that just because the boyfriend doesn't have to work, doesn't mean that I shouldn't stick to my guns and get some writing done. But really? It's so damn tempting to lounge around with him.
Second, because the boyfriend has been off, we've had a very sociable week. It seems like everyday we had something to do. And really, when I have to get dolled up to go somewhere with the boyfriend, I just don't have time to try and make sense of my scatterbrained thoughts for you all.
Third, our schedules so often overlap that it's rare for the boyfriend and I to have serious downtime together. How could I turn away from a week of just being "us"?
There ya have it...it's really all the boyfriend's fault that I've been neglecting my writing. Yell at him.
Hmmm...I suppose since it's Monday, you're all expecting a weekend update? Well, since I've been so negligent, how about a recap of the "vacation"? YAY!
So back to last Monday. It was the boyfriend's first official day of vacation (He was off the day before, but only because the store is closed on Sundays. In my book, that doesn't count.) I spent Monday morning working on my Birthday List for you and he spent it running a few errands. Then we went grocery shopping. Let me go on the record as stating I hate Wal-mart. Then it was our birthday BBQ with some awesome friends.
Tuesday was, alas, the day of my birth and so we headed north to do a little sight-seeing and then it was Weird Al followed by a killer steak in the middle of the night and a VERY plush hotel room :) Have I mentioned that the boyfriend spoils me rotten?
Wednesday was a birthday breakfast with some friends before we headed home. A nap, (Does anyone else get sleepy from riding in the car?) and then I made the boyfriend's birthday dinner. Chipolte carnitas tacos followed up with leftover birthday cake from Monday night.
Thursday dawned with the boyfriend heading off to his teeth cleaning. (Seriously, who likes to get their teeth cleaned so much they get it done at 9am on their birthday?! While on vacation?!) I finished up the Birthday List for you all and then headed to the daily grind followed by a BBQ at the drummer's house.
Friday was a lazy day for the most part, then off to the boyfriend's best friend's house for a clam bake :) Monday was his wife's birthday (She's exactly one day older than me, how fun is that?!) and Friday was the celebration. It was a riot! Also, I got the third degree from a 10 year old. It was a new experience. I'm still not sure how I feel about that.
Saturday the boyfriend had to go into work to cover a shift for a friend and I spent the day with Miss J. She was having a rough weekend so I went to cheer her up. I don't know if I helped or not, but we did get a lot accomplished. Also, while out yard-saling with her, I got some sun. I was pretty pink for a day or so but now I'm nice and tan :)
Sunday was...Duhn-duh-duh-duh...FOOTBALL! I don't care if it's still pre-season, it's football time and pretty much everyone who says differently can go play in traffic. Yesterday was the Hall of Fame game. I won't bore you all with recapping the game, let me just say that it was some sloppy-ass football from BOTH teams, even for pre-season. The boyfriend and I ended the weekend with a board game and some music. It was fantastical.
And now we're back to today. The boyfriend is still on vacation, in fact, he's still asleep. I'm back to faithfully writing out my life for all of my devoted fans and the world (as far as I know) is still turning. I think today's agenda involves getting some cleaning done. I hope not. I'd rather curl up with a good book or maybe take a picnic somewhere. I'll see if I can work my femininely wiles on the boyfriend ;)
I hope everyone had a good weekend. The band is back to their regular schedule this coming weekend so I know I'll have all kinds of wonderful stories for you. Also, Friday will bring another Top 9 list so if you have any requests, please don't hesitate to comment or email! Until next time folks, Toodles!
My husband has been on vacation for the past week and a half, it's completely throwing me off my routine too. And just like yours, he's sleeping now. It's the only reason I'm even on the internet :-)