It's Monday morning again. The sun is shining, the boyfriend officially starts his week of vacation today and we're having a bbq with a few of our fabulously divine friends tonight. I should be thrilled, right? So why am I sitting at the computer all blah and stuffs?
Well, because tomorrow is the big day, y'all. I'll be another year older and I've gotta tell you, as of late, I'm not so fond of birthdays. Well, I like other peoples' birthdays, (Who doesn't like free cake?) but not such a fan of my own. This icky feeling about getting older started a few years back. It was my 25th birthday and I was feeling pretty good. I had just seen Linkin Park in concert, I was single and loving life. Then my mother said something that put a big fat halt on all of the warm and fuzzies.
"You're theoretically a third of the way done with your life and what do you have to show for it?"
As you might have noticed, my mother and I are like oil and water.
So now, every year, I reflect and wonder what the hell I've done with my life? I'll be 28 tomorrow, the big 3-0 is right around the corner, my little man will be 10 this winter and all this adds up to me feeling very ancient. I had every intention of doing a little weekend recap for you this morning but the more I think, the more I dwell on life and what I've done with mine. And so I guess that brings me to this list the boyfriend and I started. In an effort to prove that the last 28 years have not been completely futile, (Am I maudlin today, or what?!) I've started a list of things I've learned about life and myself. I'll post the first half of the list today and the second half after the boyfriend and I get back from celebrating our birthdays. (His is on Thursday.)
28 Things I've Learned About Life...and Myself
1. Always write your ideas down. You will NOT remember in the morning.
2. Jealousy is human nature. It is also a wasted emotion.
3. Cleaning is a GREAT way to burn off some anger and rage.
4. It takes too much energy to be what you think people expect you to be. Just be you.
5. Chocolate is NEVER a bad thing.
6. Sometimes you have to throw responsibility out the window and take a chance.
7. Not all girls are catty- about 98% of them are. Find the ones who aren't and start a club.
8. Marriage is a LOT easier to get into than get out of.
9. It's better to have four jobs you love than one job you hate.
10. Music makes everything better. Everything.
11. Karma will ALWAYS come back.
12. Patience is a virtue...just not one that I possess.
13. Best friends give the absolute best love.
14. Never give up on your dreams.
To be continued after the celebrations...
Adios folks!
Happy Birthday! And don't fret being 28 and 30 being just around the corner... 30 was the greatest year of my life! It was like everything finally came together. Great, great year. Just make sure to celebrate BIG!