It's Saturday night and yet I am at home. Yesterday was Friday and yet there was no Top 9 list for my faithful fans. The boyfriend is doing his thing and I am not there to watch and snap pictures.
It's because I'm dying.
Oh, ok. I guess you can't actually die from a sinus infection. Well, I don't know for sure...maybe you can. I probably won't. But if you had asked me at 5:00 this morning, I would have argued with you. Well, no, I actually wouldn't have because I had no voice to do so. But I would have glared at you and argued with you in my mind. And for the record, I am GREAT at mental debate. Go ahead, try me sometime.
What I thought was just a nasty bout of allergies started developing into a sore throat Wednesday evening. Silly me thought I could just will myself to not get sick. I had such a busy weekend ahead of me, I didn't have time to be sick. Apparently my body is pretty good at debate, too. Who knew?
Each day has been progressively worse than the last and still last night I convinced myself I was on the mend and went to the gig, although I did not take pictures. I said I was taking the night off and just enjoying the show. What I should have done was be a good girl (like the boyfriend urged me to be) and stay in bed. I awoke in the wee hours of the morning with my throat so swollen and raw that I could barely swallow, I couldn't breathe through my nose and I couldn't breathe at all when laying down.
Needless to say, I gave in. I was at Urgent Care as soon as the doors opened and was seen within an hour. Even in my state of misery, I was impressed. The nice doctor asked a bunch of questions that I did my best to answer in my strangled, froggy voice. He then preceded to poke and prod my face, neck and chest. Then he stood back with that doctor pose and told me that I had a sinus infection, and a pretty nasty one at that.
Well, gee, thanks Doc. How nice of you to have noticed. Can you fix it now?
He prescribed me an antibiotic, told me I couldn't be doing the daily grind until at least Tuesday and that I'm still contagious until I've been on the antibiotics for at least 24 full hours. Joy.
I trudged to Hell and had my prescriptions filled, had a quick lunch with the boyfriend with my new medicine for dessert (Why can't they make amoxicillin taste like chocolate cake?) and then I curled up for a nap.
Good news is that even after only a few doses I am feeling a noticeable difference in my ability to breathe. Thank goodness for small wonders. And as much as it saddens me that I can't be there to clap and hoot like a nutjob for the boyfriend, I know that I wouldn't last five minutes. The trip to the kitchen to make something for dinner took all of the energy gained from my nap.
So why, you might ask, am I online writing to you when I should be resting? Well, mostly because one can only lay around for so long before they get restless. Or again, maybe that's just me. Also, I'm trying to stay up just a little longer so I can see the boyfriend before I pass out and snore like a troll. It's a good thing he loves me...
And on that note, I'm going to get ready for another dose of torture for my taste buds. If you all don't hear from me for a few days, don't fret. I'm really mostly sure that I'm not actually dying. But I can't make any promises that I'll be able to keep a coherent thought long enough to blog anytime soon. Until next time, toodles!
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