First off, I'd like to give a great big "THANK YOU" to everyone for the great birthday wishes. Despite my melancholy of the other day, the actual birthday was fantastic. The boyfriend took me to see Weird Al. Granted, it wasn't something on my list of things to do...but when the opportunity presents itself, why say no?
I'm sooooooo glad I didn't say no.

Al puts on such an energetic show that it's hard not to get caught up in it. And it doesn't hurt that we were second row either ;)
I'm sure you're all just dying to see the rest of my birthday list, right? I suppose I shouldn't make you wait any longer...you could, after all, just scroll down past all of my rambling to read the list. So here you go:
28 Things I've Learned About Life...and Myself (Part II)
15. Laughter really is the best medicine...unless, of course, you've just had abdominal surgery. Then it just hurts.
16. If they can't take you at your worst, they don't deserve you at your best.
17. Take a lot of pictures.
18. I'm never going to be "normal" and I'm perfectly okay with that.
19. You are never too old to color.
20. An earring fetish is so much better (and more affordable) than a shoe fetish.
21. Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. If it were, we'd all be 800 lbs. and diabetic.
22. Whiskey is NOT a good thing.
23. The words we speak in anger today may be the difference between life and death for some one else tomorrow. Choose your words wisely.
24. Laundry is NEVER-ending.
25. There will always be an appropriate movie quote for every situation or conversation. If you don't have one, you need to watch more movies.
26. A good book is a great, inexpensive vacation.
27. Spelling and grammar matter more than you might think.
28. It IS possible to make a New Year's Resolution and keep it.
There it is folks...the most valuable knowledge of my 28 years of life. I've got to say, it's a pretty impressive list from my point of view. Maybe I've contributed something after all, hmm?
On that note, I'm off to rotate laundry and wait for the boyfriend to get home from his appointment. It's his birthday today and I'd like to spend some "us" time before he has practice and I have to trudge along to the daily grind. A side note...who actually likes to get their teeth cleaned and likes it so much that they actually schedule a cleaning at 9am on their birthday? Am I the only one befuddled by this craziness?
My sister LOVES getting her teeth cleaned. I'm sure if she was given the opportunity to do so on her birthday , she would ! LOL