Alas...it is Monday again. And as much as I dislike Mondays, I do enjoy my updates for my devoted public :p
This past weekend was another long one. And this coming weekend isn't going to be any better, I'm afraid. However there were some good parts and, as I predicted, some hilarity from the fellow groupie and I. So let's rewind to Friday, shall we?
The night started off a little crazy. The band was playing out of town, so the boyfriend and I had a little drive. That also meant we were slightly rushed since the boyfriend doesn't get off work until 6pm. So hurry up and get the car loaded with all of his gear, stop for a quick bite to eat and we're on the road. And quite a trip it was too... I'm left wondering if the rest of the world took the same driving test I had to take. If so...how did they all pass and receive their licenses?? Damn idiots weaving in and out of traffic, just barely missing other cars, passing in no-passing zones and frankly just driving like idiots. I'm not saying I'm the best driver in the world, but I at least follow the basic rules of general safety. I felt like we were the "extra" car in a scene from The Fast and the Furious. And it wasn't as cool as that might make it sound...
But we made it to the gig safely and got things all set up. The bar had a very nummy drink on special :) and so I was in a happy little bubble most of the night. Also, the bass guitarist decided to buy a round of jello shots so yeah, I was very happy. Somewhere between sets 2 and 3 the fellow groupie asks if I want to go find a store.
"Why for?" I ask.
"To find him some gum." ("him" is, of course, referring to her boyfriend)
"Sure, why not?"
So we make our respective kisses goodbye and hop into her boyfriend's car. Yes, I've had a few at this point, and yes, I am a little giggle-y. Oh yeah...this is gonna be good. Also, now would probably be a good time to tell you that we're in a small town in the middle of freakin' no where. And neither of us have a clue where we are, where we're going or how to get there or how to get back to the bar. Away we go!
Needless to say we got lost and had to stop for directions. Note to the nice lady working who gave us directions to Safeway: Glitter should not be used as eyeshadow. And if, IF, you feel it necessary to use glitter as eyeshadow, it should most definitely NOT also be worn under your eyes so that you look like the negative of a masquerade mask. Just a tip.
So we make our way to Safeway, spend a ridiculous sum of cash on Nicorette and attempt to head back to the bar but...surprise, surprise...we're still lost and now we're not really sure how to find our way to the bar. So once again, we stop for directions. We pull up to another convenience store and ask a woman walking out for a cigarette break for directions. At first, she seems relatively normal, nothing remarkably distinct.
Us: "Do you know how to get to the Front Street Bar and Grill?"
Her: "Hmmm..."
Groupie: "It's by the lake?"
Her: "Oh yeah!" {insert Jamaican accent here} "Here mama, I tell you!"
With somewhat sketchy directions we set out again. As we pull away, the fellow groupie asks, "Was she Jamaican?"
Me: "I don't know..."
Groupie: "She was a little light... maybe she was Mexican?"
Me: "She was too light for either...maybe she was a Ja-Mexican?"
And yes, I dissolved into hysterical giggles. That's right folks. I have coined a new word. And it's hilarious! Seriously, I wish I would've had the foresight to take a picture with this lady. She was white! And didn't appear to have an accent at first. But very suddenly developed one as soon as she settled in to give us the directions. How odd...
Anywho, we eventually found our way back to the bar just in time for the band's last break. We missed an entire set while we were out driving around lost. I would say I was sad about it...except is was so damn funny! Granted, I realize that it may be one of those "you had to be there" kinda things. Guess you'll just have to take my word for it.
The rest of my weekend was spent at the daily grind with brief intervals of sleep. Upside? The boyfriend decided to sign up for Netflix and so we spent Saturday night cuddled up streaming old TV shows through his Wii. Isn't technology wonderful? And why is it that the shows of our youth seem to lose some of the sparkle 15-odd years later? Rocky and Bullwinkle just don't hold my interest like they used to...how sad.
And there you go folks...another fascinating weekend in the life of me. I'm off now to finish trying to upload the band's photos onto Facebook. Have a great night!
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