Has it really been 25 years since an unknown chubby boy truffle-shuffle'd his way into cult stardom?
This coming weekend Astoria, Oregon will be celebrating the day they became more than just a black dot on a map. Monday, June 7th is the 25th anniversary of the theatrical release of The Goonies which, for those of you who don't know, was filmed in Astoria.
And while I'm sitting in my little bubble of nostalgia I see probably the most disturbing thing I've seen all day...a trailer for the new The Karate Kid.
YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS?!?!?! Well there goes my happy little nostalgia bubble. Thanks a lot, Columbia Pictures.
Why do the movie production companies feel it's necessary to butcher classic movies? They are classic for a reason. Take Dirty Dancing for example. It had every thing a good movie needs. A beginning, a middle and an end. The story line ran smoothly. Girl meets boy, girl drools over boy, boy finally notices girl, they fall in love, antagonists intervene, true love prevails. YAY! And then, nearly 20 years later they make Dirty Dancing-Havana Nights. First of all, shouldn't a sequel (or prequel) come along a little sooner than 20 years later? Secondly, shouldn't a sequel (or prequel) have the same characters and have a plot that follows the characters after (or before, in the case of a prequel) the first movie ended? Nooooooooo, not according to the people who make the movies. They've already butchered Dirty Dancing with a "prequel/sequel" as well as The Sandlot. There's already been rumors of a Goonies 2 and now they're killing The Karate Kid. What's next? Top Gun? Ghost? Or, god forbid, Ghostbusters?
I can kinda see the messed up logic of the production executives, though. This thing made us a boatload of money before, nothing else is working, let's see if it'll work a second time. From a marketing standpoint, it makes perfect sense. But coming from me, a movie goer and die-hard fan of the classics, I will boycott any above mentioned abominations. And if they do actually put Goonies 2 on the table, I will picket outside of Steven Spielberg's house and offices.
And so now, I shall sign off...before I risk further legal persecution and potential restraining orders. But before I go...
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