Holy crap...I truly never thought I would say this...but Thank Goodness it's Monday!!
I have, as you may have guessed, had a psycho crazy weekend. And no, I did not forget about my blog or my wonderful readers. I did, however, forget to schedule time to breath and sleep, let alone time to sit down and write. Silly me.
So since I'm like way behind on everything, how about I just start back at the beginning? That should put us somewhere in the middle of last week, I think.
Hmmm...well after three stay-in date nights in a row (YAY!) Thursday was spent with a trip to one of my favorite places ever...the library!! I know, I know...I'm a nerd. We've been over this. Reading is SEXY. Get over it. Oh and the nice librarian-type lady was sooooo nice and made my whole day when she informed me that I could have up to 50 books checked out at a time. Woohoo! Sadly, they didn't have all of the ones that I wanted and I was sort of running out of hands/arms to carry everything so I left with only 11. Don't worry, I'll go back sometime this week, I'm sure.
Now Friday morning should have been spent writing my Top 9 List for your weekend. Instead I was helping with a yard sale. Just in case you needed more proof that I over-schedule myself, there you have it folks. So all day Friday I was helping sort and move stuff outside for Saturday's yard sale. Then I dashed home to shower and change for Friday night's gig. Which was futile, I should have just climbed into bed and stayed there. I started to feel icky towards the end of the first set on top of being tired from my long day. The snobby bitch that kept blocking my pictures didn't help matters. Needless to say, I was in a less than stellar mood by the start of the second set. Oh, and did I mention that it was an outside gig? So I froze my booty off.
Saturday morning came WAY too early and I was out posting signs for the yard sale before most people had their coffee. The yard sale went over decently and I made a bit of play money so it wasn't a loss. But I was bone deep tired when I rushed home at 5pm to shower and change for Saturday night's gig. Did I mention that at some point I slipped in my flip flops and sprained my ankle? Yeah, real smooth, I know. Anywho...I decided to remedy my tired, sore body with Vodka Sunrises all night long. That may or may not have been a good idea. I was able to be up and down and take plenty of pictures. However....
Sunday morning came and I was barely able to walk. Which was a big problem since I was supposed to be at the daily grind in just a few short hours. So I hobbled my way to the shower and then to Wal-Mart for some sort of brace so that I could hopefully make it through my shift. I did, mostly, and came home, slid into bed and promptly fell asleep. Yeah, I was a terrible daughter and didn't even call my daddy to wish him a Happy Father's Day. I suck.
And here we are. It's Monday and I'm actually happy. The ankle is better, slightly less swollen but still sore as hell. I've uploaded all of the band's pictures from both nights and I'm working on that Top 9 list for you all. And yes, I will be calling my dad tonight.
On that note, I should probably bolt so I can make that phone call and post the list before my show comes on. Eek! Only a few short hours left! Looks like we're ordering in dinner tonight!
You know you've had a crazy weekend when you're praying for Monday to come so you can get some rest!
ReplyDeleteLOL I'm glad that's what you take from it...I was scared I was starting to resemble my "You know you're getting old when..." list. "You know you're getting old when you go out Friday night and are still recovering Monday morning." Lord help me!