Oh Monday...if only your stealthiness were appreciated. Instead, you pop up and remind me that I cannot lay about in bed, there's work to be done. Damn you! I don't want to do it!
As you may imagine, my weekend was ridiculously long. It was also an emotional roller coaster, and I particularly hate those. I feel so drained afterwards. I'm almost tempted to forgo the weekend update. Would any of you mind? Although, I suppose the whole point in having a tradition is to keep it going. And I wouldn't want to disappoint any of you...so here goes!
Friday was decent...just another night at the daily grind. Except that it was graduation weekend and we were slammed with customers. And why don't I ever get nice, normal people for customers? I always get the rude, idiotic ones. Sometimes it's enough to make me consider going postal.
Saturday was bittersweet. More time at the daily grind but I did get to see my son :) The band played Saturday night but the venue wasn't very good and they had a poor audience. It saddens me when that happens, it really kills the mood for the band, ya know? Also, I ripped my new skirt. And it says a lot for my mental state that I nearly burst into tears right there...in front of strangers. I don't even like crying in front of the boyfriend so yeah...it's an issue.
Sunday I made beef stew and fresh rolls for the boyfriend. Even though it has been gorgeous the last few days and in the 80's, I've seriously just been craving comfort food and so I made the wintry meal anyway. And then I was off for another dose of stupidity at the daily grind. Seriously, I need to figure out a way to make this writing thing work out and pay me regularly. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue to expose myself to the rest of humanity. However, if I didn't have regular exposure, would I have anything to write for you all? It's a catch-22 thing. Ugh.
And that all brings us to Monday morning. I'm here, I'm alive and mostly well. I haven't yet killed anyone so I suppose that's good news. I have loads to do today, though. Loads of laundry, loads of research, and loads of pictures to crop and post.
I'm truly sorry that today's post lacked any sort of humor. It's just one of those days, I guess. I promise to come back with something funny to tell you though, so don't run away from me quite yet. Until then...
After a gorgeous weather weekend, it is grey and rainy here today. I would love nothing more than to curl up under a blanket on the couch with a big bowl of that beef stew :-)