Good morning world! There's sunshine pouring in the open window in front of me, there's a light breeze bringing me the sweet scent of wild roses and I'm listening to Lady Antebellum's new CD thanks to the newest edition to our group of groupies. Which reminds me...now I need to actually have names for my girls! So...I guess the lovely lady formally known as "fellow groupie" will now be: Miss J and our newest member will be: Miss B. Woohoo! Also, it is T minus 6 days until the boyfriend and I leave for our mini vacation. Yeah, life is feeling pretty darn good right now!
And no, I haven't forgotten, it is indeed time for your weekend update.
Friday night was good. The band was at the same place as the outdoor gig from last week but I actually planned accordingly this time so I didn't freeze. The venue was hosting a BBQ which meant I didn't have to try to figure out what to make for dinner. YAY! Also, BBQ's are quite possibly one of my favorite things about summer so I was in a great mood. Oooh! And there was a beautiful full moon that just made your heart sing! The guys put on a great show, as always and I rolled myself into bed pleasantly tired, still singing along to their songs.
Saturday morning I worked on Friday night's pictures and basically putzed around the house until it was time to get ready. I had some difficulties with my hair...damn Cosmo and their "tips" that don't work. But any lingering annoyance was instantly washed away when we got to the gig and Miss B gave me the above mentioned CD :) If I could have gotten away with listening to it right then and there, I would've. But shhh...don't tell the band that! Another great show from them made even greater by the fact that a few friends I haven't seen in a while came out with me. Oh...and the vodka sunrises didn't come amiss either ;) A little word to the wise though, be cautious of things that sound too yummy to be true. Grape vodka and Sprite (the bar's drink special for the night) tastes remarkably like cough syrup. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Sunday was a lazy morning with the boyfriend and then off to the daily grind for another stupid shift. Just between you and I...I'm about ready to strangle more than a couple of my bosses. But then I came home and relaxed with the boyfriend and started planning out what all we need to do for our little trip. It's pretty exciting folks. This will be the first actual trip that the boyfriend and I've taken together. Also, after a very busy few months, we're both more than ready for a break.
And speaking of that list of things that need to be done before Sunday morning...I should probably get my booty in gear. It would seem that the laundry has piled up around me yet again. If only I had a magic wand...where is that damn Harry Potter when you need him? Hmm?
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