Lordy, Lordy is it Friday again already?? It would appear that way only that I just can't wrap my head around the fact that a whole week has passed me by so quickly. So I guess since the calendar is telling me that it is indeed Friday, that would mean that it's time for
Your Weekend Top 9 List :)
But first, a little back story...
According to my mother, I read my first book when I was a mere two-year-old toddler. It was one of those little plastic bath-tub books with single words on the inflated pages, but I read it! Pretty much I haven't put books down since then. Most people dream about owning collectibles or classic cars or old vinyls. I dream about one day having a library like in
Beauty and the Beast. LOL
I want stacks and stacks of books. Shelves so crammed full of novels that it's impossible to tell how many I own. I want to own first editions and entire series and collections by my each of my favorite authors. Which, of course, is a great segue into today's topic. So without further chitter-chatter from yours truly, I present to you:
My Top 9 Favorite Authors (and the books that made me fall in love with them)**Editor's note: These are in no particular order, just the randomness in which they came to mind. ***UPDATE***
As you can see from my comment below, clearly I fail at counting. Today's list only has 8 authors instead of the promised (and customary) 9. I apologize for my error...it would appear that I was so wrapped up in writing about my favorite authors that I forgot to make sure I had the correct amount. I can't promise that this kind of mistake won't happen again because, let's all be honest with ourselves, this is ME we're talking about. But I can promise to at least try to count better in the future. Stephen King
As I mentioned, I've been reading since I was a precocious toddler. However, I had parents that actually censored what I could get my hands on and so for the better part of my childhood I was limited to Beverly Cleary,
Goosebumps and
The Babysitter's Club books. Anywho, I digress. I'm not sure exactly how old I was but I'm relatively sure I was still pre-teen-ish when my parents decided I was old enough to graduate to real novels. And one of my first grown-up books was a Christmas gift of Stephen King's
Four Past Midnight (Signet)
. This collection of four stories opened a whole new world of literature for me. I made it a personal mission to read all of Stephen King's writing before I kick the bucket. So I finished
4 Past Midnight and immediately went to the library and checked out the only King novel they had,
Christine (Signet)
. Which is quite possibly his greatest novel. Stephen King's books embody all that is good horror writing as well as pushing past the mind's barriers of what is possible. And that, folks, is what makes a great author for me...the ability to write the impossible and make me believe that it could actually happen.
Dan Brown
I'm sure that you all know or have at least heard of Dan Brown. He's the author of the infamous
The Da Vinci Code
. I would like to, at this point, go on record as stating that I liked Dan Brown and his books
BEFORE the movie came out and caused all of the hoopla. I don't remember where or how I stumbled across Dan Brown but I'm sure I was probably standing in Wal-Mart craving a new book and just grabbed what looked the most interesting.
(I know, I know, I'm real picky, aren't I?) But after reading
DaVinci Code and learning there was a prequel I raced right out and bought
Angels & Demons: A Novel (Robert Langdon)
and devoured that as well. I know that Dan Brown has other novels that aren't part of the Robert Langdon stories and I've read them as well. But they just don't seem to have the same punch that Robert Langdon does. Mind you, I'm talking about the actual character in the books, not the abomination that Tom Hanks plays on screen. {insert me rolling my eyes} Stupid people...Who casted him anyway? Anywho, if I were to choose, I prefer either
Angels & Demons or his newest novel,
The Lost Symbol
DaVinci Code or either of his other novels. But maybe that's just because I love the plots in those two books best.
Diana Gabaldon
A former co-worker of mine (Miss you Lynda!!) learned that I loved to read and loaned me the first book in Diana Gabaldon's
Outlander Series: Outlander, Voyager, Drums of Autumn,Dragonfly in Amber & Fiery Cross (1-5)
. It was like handing a coke addict a fat rock. I was hooked from page 2!! The entire series is genius but if I have to pick, the third book,
Voyager (Outlander)
, is my favorite. I won't give too much away because I really want you to all go out and read these books but I will tell you that I was able to identify with some of the personal issues in this book more than others I have read. So really, go out and pick up the first book and get ready to cozy up with one of the greatest historical romances you will ever read. I think the best part about Gabaldon's writing is that she has a way of taking historical events and almost warping them around her characters so that you finish the books believing that they are real people who actually lived and participated in said events. And like I said, a great author has the ability to make me believe.
Danielle Steel
I always feel a bit like a sell-out when I tell people that I like Danielle Steel. She's such a cliche answer for girls.
"Oh I love to read! Tee-hee! I love Danielle Steel! Romance is the best!" Ugh, gag me with a spoon full of sugar. What I like about Steele is not her simple writing for the masses. I like how she can actually make you feel the emotions of the characters. Take
for example. The first time I read this book I wanted to scream at one character, kiss another and felt like Adrian's dilemma was my own. There were many parts of the book that I was actually in tears, anxiously turning the page, hoping that there would be good news in the next paragraph. Again, she has the ability to make me
believe what I'm reading.
Laurell K. Hamilton
I know that Hamilton is mostly known for her Anita Blake series (
The Laughing Corpse (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter)
). However, I had never read her or even heard of her when I was browsing in Borders and saw that they had a special.
Buy 3 books, get 2 for free. How can you beat that?? I asked myself. My answer? Well you just can't. So I grabbed three books that I had really been wanting and then I steadily searched for two more to complete my purchase. But lo and behold, they didn't have any others in stock that I decided I couldn't live without. On the verge of missing out on this great offer, I headed back to the front of the store and was stopped by a display of Laurell K. Hamilton's new books. Hmmmm...I thought to myself as I grabbed one and read the teaser on the back cover. Within seconds I was in line, tightly clutching my original three books now joined by two of Ms. Hamilton's newest books. And I was
HOOKED! I actually failed and happened to purchase books 5 and 6 in a series and so had to trudge back to Borders and buy the remaining books. However, I consider them an investment. I have yet to read her Anita Blake books, and I'm not sure if I want to. I'm so wrapped up in the world of Princess Meredith (
A Kiss Of Shadows
) that I almost feel like I would be cheating on her if I delved into a new realm. That's how Hamilton gets you. Her writing is so realistic that you catch yourself wondering if the person sitting next to you on the bus is actually fey.
James Patterson
I can thank my ex-mother-in-law for introducing me to James Patterson. In fact, I believe she actually bought me my favorite novel of his,
The Lake House
. Again, a Christmas present. The ex's mom was hooked on Patterson's Alex Cross novels (
I, Alex Cross.
). I think she may have bought
The Lake House by accident and then decided to pass it on to me. However it came to happen, I had stumbled upon gold. I quickly went out and bought the prequel,
When the Wind Blows
. The books are quite different from the Alex Cross stories...and yet, they aren't. It is still Patterson's great writing at work, weaving a world where corruption and deceit are much closer under the surface than we'd all like to believe. If I could only figure out how he does it, I'd be rich.
John Grisham
For a former lawyer, Grisham has certainly made the jump to accomplished author quite well. Whether they are actually stories from his days in the courtroom or not, it doesn't matter. His writing is so realistic and evokes such powerful emotions that it's often hard for the reader to separate fiction from reality. By far, my favorite John Grisham title is
A Time to Kill: A Novel (Mass Market Paperback)
. And yes, I read the book and loved it way before I saw the movie. Remember folks, I had parents who censored what I was allowed to read and watch. I think I actually snuck this book from my mom and read it without her knowing.
(I know, I know...I was a horrible teenager.) My mom isn't a huge reader like I am, but she does own every single John Grisham book. She and my step-dad read them together, it's actually kind of sweet. Anywho, I love that Grisham's writing is just on this side of improbable so that you're left wondering if our justice system really works at all.
A Time to Kill is like that for me. I want to run out and correct all of the world's injustices after reading it. If only we could all inspire such a reaction...
Sandra Brown
As far as I know, she's no relation of Dan Brown, but I haven't really investigated that possibility either. If anyone is bored and wants to look into it, let me know what you find out, k? Anywho, Sandra Brown's book
was another one of those quick Wal-Mart type decisions. Sometimes I just want something new to read and none of my authors have anything new out...so I make impulse purchases. Most of the time I wind up taking the book into the local used book trader, but every once in a while I find a gem.
Envy was, and is, a gem. It has a prologue that makes me drool with jealousy for her talent. The book continues with more twists than a strand of DNA. Brown also has a crazy ability to write this amazingly dramatic story and still manage to sneak in a steamy sex scene or two so that you're left wondering if you've just read a Harlequin Romance or an actual novel.
And there it is... Actually, I could probably write about authors and writing all day as it is one of my passions. Unfortunately the daily grind will be cranky if I don't come in for my shift tonight. And the boyfriend would probably like to come home to dinner...just a thought. So off I go...but before I do- Everyone, please, please, please take the time out to check out these authors. If you like to read, I know you'll love the books mentioned today. And, as always, leave your comments and let me know what you're thinking! Until Monday morning folks!