I've often joked with the boyfriend that I should change my name to some equivalent of Dr. Ruth. Invariably I am the one my friends turn to with relationship issues. And most of the time, I really don't mind. If I can help, I will.
Sadly, sometimes I can't help. It might come as a shock to you, but I don't actually have all the answers. Of course, if you ever repeat that, I will deny it. I do have a rep to protect.
Anywho, with Valentine's Day right around the corner it seems nearly every one's mind is zeroing in on relationships...or lack there of, for some.
Take The Today Show for instance. They had a segment this morning about online dating sites. They were showcasing 'niche' sites and the variety available. The problem with this was that not once did they touch on the cons of Internet dating. Yes, isn't it wonderful that there are now sites that cater to single parents? But doesn't that also make it easier for pedophiles and other dangerous persons to seek out what they prey upon? Also, with each new dating site you join, there's more of your personal information that is being shared. Where do you think spammers and telemarketers get their contact lists?
But, alas, we don't think of these things. Instead we marvel at the convenience of having a dating site tailor made for our needs/wants.
On a slightly different take...does one ever stop to wonder why these guys/girls are resorting to online dating? Sure, sure, you're a busy working girl/guy with a hectic schedule and you're really just not into the bar scene anymore so {insert popular online dating site of your choice} seems like a brilliant compromise for your crazy life. But when the Brad Pitt/Kim Kardashian look-alike that is everything you've ever wanted in a man/woman comes along, do you stop to ask yourself why? I mean, if he/she is as good looking as their photo would have you believe, shouldn't they have more numbers than Barney Stinson? So WHY?
My point is simply this:
We only show people what we WANT them to see. You don't introduce yourself to your new boss by telling them you bite your nails or that you went through a freakish goth phase in the late 90's. No, you play up your assets and pray that those pesky little quirks stay hidden in the back of the closet. So yes, he may look like Colin Farrell and seem to be a viable candidate for sainthood...but maybe, just maybe you should keep in mind the quirks you keep hidden...and wonder what's in his closet.
Of course, you could just go all in and then email me when it all goes south and you can't figure out why. I'll let you know when I've got a fee schedule worked out ;)
Happy Tuesday, y'all. Toodles!
LMAO You kill me sometimes!!! I'm trying not to blow coffee out my nose right now! I love that you can keep me smiling , but also make me think at times. Keep going Dr.Kitt-ha!!!