Woohoo it's Friday!!
Was that sufficient excitement for you? Because, truth is, the fact that it's Friday really isn't such a big deal for me. Sure, it means I get to go out with the band tonight and that the boyfriend and I get to sleep in tomorrow morning...but other than that, it's nearly the same as any other day where I'm home and the boyfriend is at work and I have writer's block. Yeah, it's like that.
In fun news, I am now sporting rock star quality nails thanks to Miss J AND the ladies and I enjoyed a fabulous Girl's Night last night courtesy of Miss B. I'm thinking I need a nickname for the lead singer's new girlfriend. I can't do the initial thing since we already have a Miss T...so maybe she'll just be christened LSG. (for Lead-Singer's Girlfriend...genius, I know) Also, the boyfriend's daily schedule got a little tweak so now he has every other Saturday off, starting tomorrow. Yes, yes, YES we're pretty excited about having a few weekends off together.
And I suppose, since it is in fact Friday...I could do the responsible thing and get this blog back on some sort of regularity...and post a Top 9 list for you to enjoy this weekend. (While I'm hopefully enjoying the coast...keep your fingers crossed for me, y'all!)
Top 9 Favorite Movie Quotes
(Once again, these are in no specific order...they are all equally awesome!)
"Samsonite! I was way off!" -Dumb & Dumber
"You're killin' me Smalls!" -The Sandlot
"Thanks a lot, Bin Laden!" -The Hangover
"Show me the money!" -Jerry Maguire
"Houston, we have a problem." -Apollo 13
"I am serious. And don't call me Shirley." -Airplane
"Who needs a time machine?" -Knocked Up
"How many Assholes we got on this ship anyhow?" -Spaceballs
"Holy Schnikes!!" -Tommy Boy
The great part about most of these clips is that they usually have more than just the one memorable quote. The other great thing is that most of these lines can be worked into daily conversation. Just go ahead and ask the boyfriend how many times one of us has said, "Thanks a lot, Bin Laden." Also, I say, "You're killin' me Smalls!" a lot. Like, probably daily. It's not all my fault though, people just have that effect on me.
Anywho...there's your list for this weekend. I'm off to finish laundry and make sure that the boyfriend and I have clean clothes for tonight and this weekend. Also...it might be nice to actually make the bed so that I can crawl into it in the wee hours of the morning when we finally make it home. Ugh.
Toodles, y'all!
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