Oh for sad! I haven't blogged in over two weeks!!! I feel sooooooo bad :(
I could sit here and give you all a long list of excuses, but that wouldn't be very nice when instead I can give an update of all that's transpired in the last two weeks. They've been busy ones, I assure you.
So Valentine's day was simply sweet. The boyfriend and I actually exchanged gifts early. And by "exchanged gifts" I mean I bought him his gift and then I couldn't wait to give it to him so he got it the same day. And then he surprised me by taking me shoe shopping and getting me some STELLAR cute heels.
** Can I just point out that I have THE WORLD'S BEST BOYFRIEND? He buys me earrings, shoes and brings me flowers. Eat your hearts out, ladies.
The days after Valentine's Day weren't so sweet. The boyfriend came down with a cold...and I promptly caught it from him. Yay for sharing germs... A little shameless plugging here, but Nyquil really is amazing. Also, it REALLY is the "best sleep I ever got with a cold medicine". That stuff knocked the boyfriend and I out like Tyson. (The boxer, not the chicken...) Good news is that the sickness only lasted for about a week so we're mostly all better (minus the occasional cough or sniffle). Monday, while at the daily grind, Miss B sent me a text that changed my whole day around. Seems her office needed a temp to help out with some office type stuffs and she was wondering if I was interested. Uh...let me think about this...I can quit my P.O.S. job, make $10 an hour to sit on my butt and make some valuable contacts for my continuing job search. Yeah, where do I sign?
So the remainder of this last week was spent at my new job, earning some monies and loving life. The only downside is that this is a day job, so my writing will be put on hold slightly as there are only so many hours in the day...and this girl still needs some sleep, folks.
And now that we're all caught up, here's what's on my plate this week:
The boyfriend and band play tonight after having the last few weekends off...which means I get to go out and have a drink or five to celebrate my awesome week. Tomorrow is Sunday, which is Game Night with Miss J and company. Which means there will be more celebrating :) Wine, anyone?
Monday is back to my new job and more than likely, the receipt of my first week's pay. Are you reading my mind? SHOPPING!!! No, really, I must behave myself. Instead, I'm trying to convince the boyfriend to let me kidnap him and whisk us away next weekend for some much needed R and R...and more importantly...alone time :)
** Hint** This is where, if you have any heart at all, you all chime in and say, "Come on, boyfriend, let her kidnap you!!"
And with all of that goodness, it's really hard to be in anything but a fantastic mood. Which is why there's no ranting or complaining or whining today. I know, you're all heartbroken, aren't you?
On that sappy sweet note, I'm out to work on some side projects before I have to start the beautifying process for tonight. I hope you all have a great weekend :)
Toodles, my loves!
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