"...I need you like a heart needs a beat..."

I have decided that I love, love,
LOVE when the boyfriend has his 2-day weekend in the middle of the week. What started as a potentially shitty Thursday with a plumbing snafu
(Pun intended!) turned surprisingly sweet with a peaceful drive and dinner at one of my favorite places
EVER. Yesterday was more of the same with me baking and decorating cookies for the upcoming holiday and spoiling the boyfriend with one of his favorite meals.
(It helped that it's one of my favorites too...)And with all this love and smooshiness in the air, you all can probably guess what this weekend's list will be. Or maybe not. See, I could get super sickly sweet on you and name the Top 9 reasons I'm truly, madly, deeply in love with the boyfriend. But I'm trying to keep readers, not scare them away. So I'll restrain myself. But only slightly.
Instead I shall share with you my favorite peoples. The wonderful loves that I could not live my life without. Each person has such a vital place in my heart and my life that I would be cold, lonely and lost if even one of them were missing. And because my loves each hold their own place, I cannot list them in any order of importance. All of them together make up the pieces of the puzzle that is my heart.
My 9 Loves The Boyfriend aka My Lucky Charms
You guys get to read about the boyfriend more often than not. So you already know that he's a kick-butt guitar player and that he spoils me rotten. What you maybe don't know is that the boyfriend and his love gave me the strength to move on with my life and make it into something of which I can be proud. His support and encouragement helped me to realize my dream of writing and gave birth to this blog. His overflowing heart reminds me everyday how very lucky I am...and continue to be.
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." -Emily BrontëNubs 
If you've been following along, you may have already guessed that the grotesque picture is
THE Elephino. Personally, I think I'm better looking... I could go into some spiel about how I've always been able to make better friends with men than women, but really, it's irrelevant. I would be drawn to Nubs even if I didn't believe that men and women can be strictly platonic friends. I could swear that we are twins that were separated at birth except for two glaring facts: 1) He's a few years younger than I am. 2) He's the much better looking one.
(Of course, I could be biased...but I'm probably not.) Nubs gets me. Probably more than most people will ever be able to imagine. He is the brother of my heart and I would fight to the death to protect him...if he would only let me.
"Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense." -Mark OverbyLil Sis aka Mick
If I were just a little more tan, people would probably believe that Mick and I are actually sisters. Cursed with the same curly mass of craziness that some call hair and both of us a tad on the fluffy side of things, we could pull it off visually. Listen to us talk or read some of our text convos and there is no doubt. Mick and I both suffered similar personal tragedies mere months apart. At nearly a decade younger than me, her strength fueled mine and her love helped me to survive the loss of my sweet baby girl. Even if I had never met Mick in person, I would know her in any crowded room.
"We picture love as heart-shaped because we do not know the shape of the soul." -Robert BraultLovely Yellow Sunshine
It's an interesting twist of our equally confusing minds to explain our nicknames for each other. Suffice it to say the picture is an adequate explanation to us. Lovely is exactly that...lovely. She has a heart of gold that always sees the good in people, even when I'm sure there's none to be found. And once she has you confirmed in her heart, her impression of you is nearly set in stone. As I've said before, she's the only person alive who's met me and still considers me a lady. Our friendship is confined to chatting online, texting or crazed phone calls while one or both of us is toiling over a stove because, sadly, she insists on living hours away from me. But I am a stubborn lady, and I will get her to move closer,
I will. Until then, we shall share our recipes online and inspire each other to follow our dreams.
"Who, being loved, is poor?" -Oscar WildeMiss J
Oh lord, where would I be without this woman? Having her in my life is often times crazy, harried and borderline insane. I also know, without a doubt, that not having her in my life, I would be crazy, harried and definitely insane. She and Miss B are probably the only people I know who know exactly how I feel each night the boyfriend heads off to practice or another gig. Although the band is how we met and what forged our first bond, I know that I would still have Miss J if
(GOD FORBID!) the band were to disband
(so to speak). Our Sunday night Game Nights are something to look forward to all week and I'll never say no to a cup of coffee and a day of yard-saling with her.
"Loving is never a waste of time." -Astrid Alauda Tom-Tom
Ah :) My own personal GPS system. If only, right? But it's true. Tom-Tom has been the little voice guiding me for years...ever since I was a floundering college student fresh from a divorce. He was the one who kept me company watching Food Network in the wee hours of the morning when my anxiety caused horrible bouts of insomnia. And he was there when I was diagnosed with Diabetes and quit soda cold turkey to make me green tea and listen to my rambling. He taught me how to be a true friend, never judging, always supportive...simply by being that way himself. He's the guidance I may not always need, but is only a phone call or text away. He has a way of showing you the decisions that need to be made without making them for you.
"Love is not singular except in syllable." -Marvin TaylorGoober aka Bubba
There was a point in time that I used this friendly nickname for any number of people I cared about. That was until it became Bubba's nickname. When you break it down, it's really pretty accurate. A complete nut wrapped in a sweet outer coating. Goober is as crazy as I am, which is saying quite a lot when you think about it. But without having known him, I would be so much crazier. His sarcastic sense of humor matches mine in a way that I know that there will always be at least one person who gets my jokes. He's also a giant teddy bear, always there for a hug when you've had your heart broken or a hand up when you've fallen on your ass yet one more time. He's my football buddy, his team the arch nemesis of mine, which always keeps things interesting. But most of all, he's my friend. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
"Love is being stupid together." -Paul ValeryD and Ames
These girls share this spot in my heart for one major reason. There is nary a memory from my pre-teen and teen years that does not include one of them. My girls shared my early heart breaks, crushes and social awkwardness. We grew up together, shaping the women we wanted to be together, planning our lives together. And while things may have not turned out like we planned
(When does life ever?) and we might not be the models, actresses or all-star musicians we dreamed about, we will always have those memories. I had my first cigarette with Ames, shared my first true loss with D. We may not be as close today as we were when we were 15, but I would not be who I am today without having known these lovely ladies. And for that, they will always hold a place in my heart.
"Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives." -C. S. LewisMy Lil Man (Last, but most definitely not least!)
Oh he that is the light of my life! I never dreamed or planned to be a mother at 18 but I wouldn't change my son for all of King Midas's gold. His unconditional love keeps me going when I would otherwise give up. He started life as this little bundle of blue that I was so unsure of. So I held him and rocked him. And now, at 10, he's growing into such an intelligent, handsome young man that I am once again terrified of the future. His smile is infectious, his laughter is music to my ears. And his love is a sign that maybe, just maybe...I've done something right.
"Love me and the world is mine." -David ReedOh now I feel all verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic: A pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple. Discuss. Happy early Valentine's Day, loves. I hope you all have a great weekend. I'm going to enjoy a rare Saturday night off with the boyfriend by having dinner and a movie in. Snuggles and cookies for dessert... It's gonna be a good night, tater!
Toodle, my dears! And tell the people in your life how much they mean to you :)