There are 38 days left until Christmas.
Are any of you as excited as I am? I doubt that.
As you may remember from my fascinating {insert eye roll} post about Easter, in recent years I have become less than enthusiastic about holidays. This year is not really an exception. I go through the motions and make sure the lil man has gifts and all the goodies, but really, my heart isn't in it anymore. I'd be perfectly content to just spend most of November and December curled up with hot apple cider, a good book or ten and the Netflix queue. Oh, and of course, the boyfriend :) He's a stellar snuggle buddy.
However...this year is a little different. This year is the first year that the boyfriend and I will be celebrating together. (Last year we were too "new" to do a "couple" thing.) So...can any of you guess how nervous I am? I mean, I know it's silly. It's not like it's a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Except it is. Growing up, holidays were for family and only family. You didn't have friends over because everybody was spending time with their families like you were supposed to be doing. As I got older, this was expanded to include significant others with the implicit understanding that if you brought your boyfriend/girlfriend over for the holidays, it was SERIOUS.
I know this isn't an issue for the boyfriend and I. We've had the "talk" and we're comfortable with where our relationship is. Which is to say, it's serious, we're madly in love but in no way shape or form will any of you all be hearing wedding bells anytime soon. I'm still nervous. It's not rational at all but I can't help it. It's that nervous kind of excitement that comes with knowing we're making more memories together. And yes, now I'm getting all mushy on you. Deal with it.
See, since I've been all curled up in bed dying for the last week or so, I've had a lot of time to think. For those of you who haven't figured it out by now, thinking isn't really something I should do a great deal of...especially when hyped up on cold medication. Seriously. You guys should hear some of the thoughts I have. I can be scary without even trying. Thank you Mucinex.
So I guess my point in all of this rambling is two-fold. First, I would like to announce that I think I may be on the mend and therefore your regularly scheduled blogging will recommence. Second, does anyone have any fun ideas for how the boyfriend and I can inexpensively do some festive-type memory making stuff?
I should probably go now...before I start telling you about how I had to give up sugar and now I'm all sorts of miserable and stuffs. That's another blog post entirely.
Toodles all you sickeningly healthy people!
P.S. Have any of you ever wondered if your mucus is really having a party in your sinuses? I'm just curious if I'm the only one. Okay, moving on. Bye.
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