In the words of nearly every immature idiot on the Internet this morning, Happy "Hump" Day. And since I'm starting things on such a lovely, positive note, I'm sure you all can guess what kind of mood I'm in today.
I'm grumpy, stressed, pissed off, irritated, frustrated and scared. Did I mention annoyed? Or tired? Let's just suffice it to say that today is not a happy day.
And because I'm in such a stellar mood, I've got just the topic for you. Now, I could sit and ramble on about the elections. Certainly there are plenty of areas for me to find fault with there. Instead, I'm going to go the other end of the spectrum. The entertainment industry has been mass producing stupidity for awhile now and I feel like it's gone unanswered by yours truly. Well now that's all going to change, folks.
Tips for 'Tards - Celebrity Edition
Mariah Carey is Pregnant
In what world is it a good idea for this chick to be pro-creating? Nick Cannon should have had his head examined for marrying her. But for the sake of all that's holy, what possessed him to not run right out and get fixed immediately upon saying "I do"? Nick, when a woman who is a decade older than you bats her fake eyelashes at you, here's a tip...RUN! Quickly and in the opposite direction.
Skating with the Stars
OH MY LORD! You can't be serious? We're sooooo desperate for "reality" t.v. that we need this show? I'm tired of all of this crap. I don't want to dance with the stars and I most certainly don't want to skate with them. Network Exec's here's a tip- How's about hiring some people with actual creative abilities and have them come up with ideas for new shows with even an ounce of integrity.
Taylor Swift
I get it. She's young, cute and slightly innocent in a Britney-before-Justin kinda way. What I don't get is why we all feel the need to discuss her every move like she's the future princess. To the so-called journalists, here's a tip- How about reporting on something other than with whom Taylor may or may not be having ice cream?
Well now, don't we all feel better? I know I do. Okay, that's a lie. I'm still pretty irritable. Today might be one of those days where a lot of cleaning gets done. Which means I should probably get going.
A quick note though, before I pull on the yellow plastic gloves. You may have noticed a few changes around here. (If not, you're blind as a bat and should probably have your eyes checked...) I would love to hear what you all think about the new layout, just leave a comment or shoot me an email. Also, a note of thanks to Sara for letting me cop a few ideas from her page. She pretty much rocks my socks :)
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