Happy Halloween!!
I know I'm a day late, and I'm most definitely a dollar short. But when you hear the week and weekend I've had, you'll totally understand.
Let's rewind to last week, shall we?
Wednesday the boyfriend stayed home sick and instead of staying home and nursing him back to health, I was at Miss J's helping her bake more goodies for the party.
Thursday was more of the same. Poor man sounded like he was gonna cough up a lung. Fortunately, he did not. As we know, I am NOT good in the face of an emergency.
Friday was crazy-psycho busy day for pretty much everyone. I dropped the boyfriend off at work (He was only marginally improved, but insisted upon going...), raced home to shower and start the transformation process. Then I was off to have a quick lunch with the boyfriend before heading back to Miss J's house to finish everything.
We got it all done with just enough time for her to do some beautifully crazy things with my hair and makeup. I picked the boyfriend up from work looking like some half-breed and then we raced home to change into our costumes. The boyfriend was Ron White and I was....(wait for it)...Medusa!
The party was wonderful, loud and at times slightly nuts. There were wonderful costumes and I got to meet and reconnect with some awesome people.
Saturday was spent trying to wash all of the product out of my hair from the night before so I kinda slacked on Saturday night's costume. The band was playing at Miss B's parents' bar again and they were throwing a Coyote Ugly themed costume party. The boyfriend dressed up as Elvis and made my heart melt. I did jeans, a western-style shirt and a cowgirl hat. (Told ya I slacked!) Unfortunately, I added heels to that mix. Normally that wouldn't have been an issue except Miss J and her friend Cleo were bound and determined that I was going to dance with them. Add a few vodka sunrises and I really didn't need their motivation anymore, I was out on the floor like a dancing machine. Fortunately, I was the one with the camera, so I don't think there's any evidence. I'm pretty sure I looked a bit like young Forrest Gump...you know, before Elvis made it cool?
Yesterday (which was the actual day to dress up...) was spent in jammies, recovering, watching football and cuddling with the boyfriend. All in all, it was a pretty damn good day. The boyfriend even brought me breakfast in bed :)
So, now that you're all caught up to speed, would you like a present? Of course you would, EVERYONE likes presents. Here's a little list of the best costumes I saw this weekend. Enjoy folks!

Little Red Riding Hood and her Big Bad Wolf
Raggedy Ann and a Pregnant Angel

Yellow Cab

Mr. and Mrs. Vampire (He had some wicked contacts in!)
Pumpkin Man
Just Been Bitten
And there it is gang. I hope you liked the montage. I'm off to get some work and cleaning done. I hope everyone had a safe and fantastic Halloween. And Happy November to you! The rush towards Christmas has officially begun. Are any of you as thrilled as I am? {insert eye roll}
Toodles dears!
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