Easter is quickly approaching.
I know, I know...not exactly breaking news. But seriously, this year seems to just be flying by. Was it really three months ago that I sat down and decided to finally become serious about my writing? It seems like just yesterday that I turned over a new leaf. I will say, I'm pretty proud of myself. This is probably the first time in my whole life that I've actually stuck with a New Year's resolution for longer than a few weeks.
Anywho, back to Easter. Being raised in a somewhat religious home, Easter has as much significance for me as Christmas and Thanksgiving. It's a big deal, attendance at family functions is mandatory, and you're dressed in your best. As I've gotten older, I've been less and less thrilled about big family productions during the holidays. Truth be told, I'm really not into holidays much at all anymore. But since I do have a son who, to my knowledge, still believes in Santa and the Easter Bunny, I can't exactly ignore the holidays altogether. Since my son will be with his father for Easter, however, I'm taking it easy this year and just having brunch with a couple very special people.
Since I'm sure there are others out there who are like me, who don't really feel like acknowledging the holiday, I've made a little list of things to try out :)
10 Non-Traditional Things to Do on Easter
1. Go out Saturday night and get hammered. Spend Easter nursing your hangover.
2. Get a jump start on some spring cleaning. (Hey, I didn't say they would all be fun things.)
3. Curl up with a giant bowl of popcorn and have a movie marathon.
4. If the weathers nice, get outside, go for a walk.
5. If it's all drizzly and yucky outside, curl up with some hot tea or cider and a good book.
6. Have a few fellow non-traditionalists over for a game night.
7. Take a day trip and explore somewhere you've been wanting to see. Play like a total tourist.
8. Do some gardening, plant some herbs or pretty flowers to cheer you up.
9. Rearrange a room in your house, change things up for a fresh outlook.
10. Go see a new movie in theaters.
And if you're feeling ambitious, you can mark a few different things off the list!
To all of my readers, family and friends: I hope you all have a great weekend, whether you're celebrating or not. Be safe and don't do anything I wouldn't do :p
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