What an awesometastic day. And before you ask, yes, that is a word.
I love when the boyfriend and I can spend a nice, quiet day off together. We didn't really accomplish much but it was good for us both to just relax and have a stress-free day.
Since I slacked off all day, I suppose I should get to telling you all about my lame weekend, right? Well guess what? It wasn't lame, so there.
Friday night was spent at home, attempting to dismantle a bathroom. Note to all: Metal bolt sets for toilet seats are a BAD idea. After the demolition was complete and the boyfriend and I had patted each other and ourselves on the back, we relaxed and went to bed relatively early. How's that for a Friday night off? We're so lame we stay in and actually go to bed before midnight. What a concept.
Saturday was spent putzing around, doing laundry and generally just existing. Saturday night, however, was spent with Miss B, a bottle of wine and a sewing machine. I am sooooooo blessed to have her as a friend. We chatted and the good lady sewed my Halloween costume together. Now it will look like some effort actually went into my outfit. (You'll have to come back and read this weekend's post to find out what, exactly, my costume is...I'm devious like that.)
Sunday was a fun day :) The boyfriend and I slept in a bit, got dressed in our warm stuffs (it's been cold and stormy here for the last few days) and went to a pumpkin patch! YAY! We spent the day trekking in the mud and hay through a corn maze, picked out pumpkins to carve and then trudged home to wash all of the mud off. It was a drizzly wet day and I'm still not sure how we managed to get mud all the way up to our hips...but it was some of the most fun I've ever had. We made pulled pork sammies and curled up to watch some t.v.
Monday I was offline due to some interwebs issues. It wound up working out well since I was needed to help Miss J bake some cookies and do some last minute planning for this weekend's party. Just a few days left and I will be partying like a rockstar with some of my most favorite people.
Last night was Mike & Molly with the boyfriend and snuggles. And here we are today. I'm in a pleasant state of mind that says, "I'm here, but don't expect much from me." And really, on that note, I should just slip on out of here.
Toodles, y'all!
I love weekends like this with not many plans. It's great to cuddle up on the couch together and potter about :-)