So you're about to learn a little secret about me...ready for it??
I chat in a chat room. (A chat room...as opposed to multiple rooms. I've got standards, people.)
I know, I know...shocking, right? In the words of a good friend, "That shit's for kids."
No dear, that's Trix. Trix are for kids.
Yeah, well...it's also a fun way to chat with friends while I'm working. Also, it's a great place to drudge up material. Take today for example: I'm catching up with Mr. M. (Remember him, from way back when?) Anywho, I'm playing catch up with him whilst attempting to sort through notes for today's blog and there's multiple threads running all over the place in the background. (Such is the way of chat rooms, in case you weren't aware.) When out of the blue an idiot private messages me. Now, for the record, I have it posted right under my name that I don't like private messages from people I don't know. I'm stuck up like that.
Does he care? Nope, stupid kid does it anyway. So in open chat I tell him to go away. (Well, it really was more along the lines of "F*ck off and kick rocks," but you get the idea.) And then, then...well the room pretty much goes to pot. This idiot couldn't spell or type to save his sad, pathetic little life. By the way, I say "kid" but I think he was 22 so it's not like I was being all child molester-ish this morning. Like I said, I have standards, y'all. Anywho. He starts calling me names like "loneler" and other things that I couldn't really decipher. And pretty much everyone else in the room starts in on him. He gets all flustered and starts threatening to beat people up. Yup, he's mature like that. See why I call him a kid?
Anwho...I digress. Where I was going with this little tale is here: Wouldn't it just suck if you couldn't read or write? Think about how left out you would be. You couldn't read all of my musings, for one thing. Also, you'd have to resort to pointing at picture menus when at a restaurant. Not to mention all of the wonderful literature you'd miss out on. You couldn't watch foreign films because you couldn't read the subtitles. Pretty much your life would just suck big donkey balls. And yes, before you ask, that IS the technical term.
So my tip for today's 'tard? Pick up a dictionary. The public library is free. Start to LEARN. Why would you want to remain an idiot? Ignorance is not always bliss, my friends. Also, if you're going to chat with me, try to at least have a passing acquaintance with the English language. I have minimal patience for stupidity. Which you would know if you could read my blogs. So there you go, it all comes full circle. Isn't life grand?
Toodles until next time folks!
Haha!!! That's fabulous! I love the random people that are given to use for our amusement <3