Random topic for discussion:
Why does there have to a Monday every week? And why must it follow Sunday?
This isn't just another "Case of the Mondays" folks. I'm sad that Sunday can be so awesome and relaxing...and then the boyfriend has to get up and go back to work the next morning. It really ruins the flow. Also, who designed the schedule where he works every other day? In what world does that make sense?
Really, the only things about Monday that are good are...
My weekend recaps.
And my newest addiction. Mike & Molly.

See, you judge me now, but you wait. I challenge you all to curl up on your couch tonight and watch. They're soooooooo cute!
Okay, I'm done...for now. Bet you're all wondering about my weekend, aren't you? Especially since there was no list on Friday.
Alas, I had to spend Friday back at the daily grind. It would appear that my manager can't read the piece of paper that shows my availability for work. And I need the money too bad to argue with her about it. Yup, I'm lame like that.
The band only had one gig this weekend, which meant that I got to have a date night with the boyfriend. Which pretty much made the whole weekend that much better. Don't get me wrong, I love to go out and watch him play and support him. But man, oh man, I LOVE when we get to have a night off together. We went to a fantastically yummy dinner and then out to a late movie. We saw RED and it was awesome!!
Sunday was football and snuggling. I know I could (and should) have done some work, but really...it's hard for me to give up any time with the boyfriend. We have so little of alone time with our crazy schedules that I treasure the time we do have.
One final high point to my weekend. The Oregon Ducks are now #1 in the country. That may not be that exciting to all of you...but it should be. Just saying.
And on that note, I should probably get my booty in gear and get some work done. Hugs and loves go out to Miss B who had a rough weekend. My thoughts and heart are with her.
Until next time, Toodles!
Haven't seen Mike & Molly yet, I'll have to check it out :-)