Is it really Monday already?
I know I promised you all a weekend re-cap for yesterday, but I forgot that I had dinner plans yesterday. So, yeah, I'm a little late. My bad.
Let's see...
Friday night was good. I discovered that I fail at the groupie thing. Since I've pretty much become a staple at the shows, the guys in the band have kind of come to rely on the fact that I'll be there to take pictures to later post on their Facebook page. I was there Friday night, camera in hand, ready to go. Silly me, the battery in the camera is...DEAD. And it's one of those plug-in, rechargeable types. So I couldn't exactly run over to the store and pick up replacements. FAIL.
However, it was a great show, the place was packed and I had a blast! (as always)
Fast forward to Saturday night. I've remembered the camera, the battery is charged and I'm ready to go. A little nervous though, since the boyfriend's aunt is coming to the show so I'll be doing the introductions thing. I spent half of Saturday debating what to wear so that I was presentable to meet family members but also not out of place at a bar. Yeah, the sweater set stayed in the closet.
Never fear though, there haven't been any complaints so apparently the intro went well. I did forget to eat before I started drinking, however, so I was just a tad more tipsy than I should have been. Over-all, another great night.
Now yesterday morning was interesting. I woke up feeling like maybe the drinks and dancing were a bad idea. Truth be told, it's really ALWAYS a bad idea when I dance. I've got two left feet and no rhythm. I don't know about you, but that pretty much spells trouble for me. Anywho, it was Sunday, and Mother's Day to boot which means that I didn't have to do anything, right? Can everyone say "Lazy Day"?
WRONG! As I previously mentioned, I had made dinner plans with my fellow groupie. The band's other guitarist (and co-worker of the boyfriend) has a fantastical (it's a word, I don't care what you say) girlfriend and we've kinda bonded through all of the yelling over the band to hear each other. It's something precious.
Anywho...the part about dinner that I maybe forgot to mention was that I was cooking. So up I get yesterday and start the meat simmering for carnitas and make sure everything else is all together, including the homemade salsa. Oh wait...I didn't tell you about the salsa? REWIND!
Saturday morning I went to the store to get a few final things for Sunday's dinner. I decide that I'll make homemade salsa for them (even though I can't eat it) and bring all the fixin's home to do just that. So...anyone seen Hitch lately? Yeah, got some tomato and jalapeno juice in my eye...and was well on my way to looking just like him. Thank the stars for anti-histamines!
All in all, dinner went great :) The carnitas were a hit and we had a blast playing cards and joking around. They truly are a great couple and the boyfriend and I had a lot of fun with them. You can be sure this will be a regular occurrence for us. Which reminds me...I should probably look into some kind of energy giving miracle-type-thing so that I can be less lethargic. I just might be getting too old for this.
So there's the weekend's re-cap. I hope all the moms out there had a great Mother's Day. A special nod to my cousin who just became a mommy for the fist time a little over a week ago. Also a nod to the boyfriend's best friend's wife who was due on Saturday with her first little bundle of joy...and is still waiting.
And to my own little handsome man, thank you for making Mama the person she is today. Everything I do, I do it for you Jojo! Mama loves you!
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