I figure it's about time for me to hop back up onto my little soap box. If you don't like it, you should probably quit reading right about....NOW.
I'd like to start by saying that I am the first person to stand up for our freedoms, including the freedom from religious persecution. All I ask is that every American who enjoys these liberties take a moment to recognize that there are people who die every day for us to be able to live in freedom.
That being said, there is a VERY fine line between exercising your freedom and being a radical or extremist.
For those of you who haven't heard, Muslim group Cordoba Initiative has received approval to build a mosque and cultural center a mere two blocks from Ground Zero in a building that used to house a Burlington Coat Factory store before the building was damaged by the fuselage of one of the hijacked planes that destroyed the Twin Towers.
I know I'm not the only person outraged by this, there has been a storm of uproar in the blogging community and over social networking sites. Survivors, relatives and friends of the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks are crying out all over the United States against what, to them, amounts to a slap in the face of their loss and the sacrifices made that tragic day.
I can go so far as to say that I understand the Muslim community's right to build a mosque and/or a cultural center. Their intentional targeting of said site is the equivalent of pouring salt in a very large and still bleeding wound. Daisy Khan's sugar coated explanations to the press are just a prime example of how complacent Americans have become that the Muslim community expects us to stand back and accept these answers at face value.
Excuse my french kids, but I just can't be nice about this. I want to throw up my arms and scream at the injustice. I want to cry out and ask how my government can allow such an atrocity. And then logic rights itself and I realize that we, as a country, have allowed this all to come to play. What did we think was going to happen? We've been swallowing the bullshit propaganda of Islam since before 9-11. Why should we expect them to actually be truthful with us? They don't even have to try anymore, a smile and half-assed Good Samaritan response is all that's needed to make America nod and look the other direction. Here, let me just roll out that red carpet for you.
There are people who will say that opposing this mosque is discriminating against Muslims and how dare I? I say damn right. Like hell I'm not going to discriminate against a religion that perpetuates jihad, the very thing these "extremists" used as their battle cry as they hijacked our planes that we taught them to fly and used them as the largest suicide bombs in recorded history. The same ideal that Osama Bin Laden and his flunkies stand behind each time they behead an innocent man and send us the video of their heinous deeds.
I think it's time to stop being Mr. Nice Guy. Stop being the country that sets aside logic and safety to meet our greedy needs. Stop rolling over each time someone takes a shot at us and stop holding up our suspiciously white flag of acceptance and politically correct anti-discrimination. Americans of all race and religion need to stand up and show that we will not be kicked while we're down, we will not be held hostage by our accepting nature. And to those who claim discrimination...if you don't like it, go back to the country you fled from. Go back and live under the rule of the terrorists who are attacking the country that offered you shelter and a new start. We live in the land of the free and I refuse to be held hostage by hypocrites who demand acceptance for a religion that condemns the American way of life.
In parting, I ask you this:
The World Trade Centers were fist attacked in 1993. We arrested, tried and convicted the individual offenders but turned a blind eye to the culture that perpetuated their actions. In 2001 other attackers were successful where the first attempt failed. Both towers were destroyed and nearly 3000 lives lost. If we allow this mosque to be built, especially on a site that holds such importance for both Muslims and Americans, what do we think will happen on September 11, 2011 when they commence building? Are we really going to be naive enough to claim there won't be even one "rogue" extremist with something strapped to his back?
And if we, as a country, really are that ignorant of the ulterior motives in affect here then I should probably consider relocating. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me...what happens the third time?
Im am just imagining the opening of the Mosqua at September 11, 2001. At 8:46 an imam reciting sura 9 vers 5 from the koran: "Slay the idolaters wherever you find them", and at 09:03 the sura, where it is said "cast fear in the hearts of Allah's enemies".