I've got just one thing to say to you all:
If you don't have the kind of friends that you can have random semi-serious conversations with, you need new friends.
During one of said random semi-serious conversations and some half-assed research for a future Top 9 list, my someone special and I stumbled across this:
Please tell me that is pretty much the funniest parody EVER! Okay, maybe not the funniest, but it's pretty great and we both cracked up watching it. Which, of course, spawned another random semi-serious conversation. I realize I may be making myself out to be older than I claim. I've always been told I'm an old soul, so *shrug* I'm okay with it, really.
Anywho...rewind to late last night. I have successfully wrangled the boyfriend into helping me with my so-called research for future lists. By research I, of course, mean writing out lists and asking for his opinions. Yeah, I know, real analysis going on right there. {insert me rolling my eyes}
Right. So I've wrangled him into helping me with the lists and we're discussing our favorite comedians. And he brings up Stan Freberg. I know, I know, you're all thinking exactly what I was thinking..."Who?"
Turns out, I've lived a very sheltered life when it comes to comedy. (Other things too, but that's a whole other blog.) Stan Freberg was a pioneer in the frontier that is comedy. After doing some real research, I've found that A) I've missed out on A LOT! and B) Mr. Freberg was, and is, a genius. So I invite you all to look him up and take a listen. And while you're listening and laughing, ask yourselves this:
Without Stan Freburg to forge the way for satire and parody, would we have Weird Al or Saturday Night Live? Richard Pryor or Robin Williams? Just a thought...
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