Please tell me that you all know that today's title is from Office Space? It's only one of the greatest comedies...EVER!
There's something about a Monday morning that just makes me wanna pull the covers over my head and snuggle back into bed for a few more hours. Even if it's my day off and I don't have to get up, I still dislike Monday mornings.
Like this morning...I didn't have to get up, I could have stayed in bed. And I probably should have just stayed in bed, since I wound up feeling yucky for the better part of the morning. That'll teach me to have copious amounts of sugar right before I fall asleep. SMH
Peter Gibbons (from Office Space): "Our high school guidance counselor used to ask us what you'd do if you had a million dollars and you didn't have to work. And invariably what you'd say was supposed to be your career. So, if you wanted to fix old cars then you're supposed to be an auto mechanic."
I often wonder what I would do if I had a million dollars. I have various ideas but unfortunately most of them revolve around having multiple millions of dollars. But here's a list:
~I would travel around Europe.
~I would set aside money for my son's college fund.
~I would build my dream house on a stretch of land and own horses.
~I would buy amazing cars, I strive to have a collection to rival Jay Leno's.
~I would totally get some liposuction! ( I don't care how wrong it might be.)
~I would collect classic books, first editions and rare copies.
~I would go on a cruise.
~I would go on a concert binge and see all of my favorite bands live.
I know it's not a very long list but it's all that's coming to mind now. I'm still in "Monday" mode. I realize that most people are actually just now getting done with their work days, but I still want to go back to bed. Maybe tonight will just be a curl up with a blanky and watch a movie kinda night :)
What would you do with a million dollars?
And if you haven't seen Office Space...go rent it NOW!!

Tom Smykowski (from Office Space): "Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"
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