I may be slightly in over my head.
I am so very excited about my new project! I failed, however, to aptly plan for how much work it would be, exactly how much time would be involved. Oh, I've got a clue now!
Don't get me wrong, I am NOT regretting my decision, and I am still just as excited as I was when I first started this venture. I'm just a little tired of staring at recipes all day and making lists.
Enough of my whining though, what's new in the world?
It would appear that it's probably a good thing I've been holed up with recipes and retro music play lists. A quick glance at the online news suggests the world is promptly going to hell. And the stupid people are driving the bus...or falling in front of it.
A militia has been uprooted in Michigan. Wait, lets read that one more time...a militia, plotting to kill law enforcement officials...in MICHIGAN?!?! Does anyone else see how this seems not very well thought out?
Erykah Badu has a new music video...where she strips and stands nude in the spot of JFK's assassination. I don't even know where to start on this one. The word that is burning itself on the tip of my tongue is "sacrilegious". Neither the video or the song seem to have have anything to do with JFK, either for or against him. So what's the point? Even a firm supporter of the arts and freedom of speech has to ask themselves "What message is she trying to get across?" "What is the point?"
I guess not all the news is bad news. "Willy Wonka may have been on the right track - chocolate may be a sweet way to control blood pressure and thus protect the heart, according to a report from German researchers." So bring on the Easter goodies, this girly is saving her heart!
That's my story and you'd better believe I'm sticking to it :) Happy Tuesday everyone!
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